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View Full Version : Does a rally for Fishing & Hunting Work?

10-07-2009, 06:04 PM

The simple answer is yes, but it needs to be well attended.

Here's proof:

The large turnout for the NJOA "Mullica Hill" rally and "Battle of Monmouth" rally, both in 2007, brought attention to two bills designed to ban freshwater fishing and hunting in NJ. The bills were also meant to alter the Fish and Game Council in order to weaken its conservation policy by injecting an animal rights agenda.

The rallies were well attended and are largely responsible for the defeat of the sponsors of the bills; Asm Panter Sen Karcher. Additionally, the bills did not proceed because our legislators realized that the rallies represented a grassroots movement of 650,000 anglers, hunters and conservationists expressing their dissatisfaction with the legislation. It was a classic example of our political system representing the will of the people.

The success of the rallies helped to stem a ban on hunting on the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers, turned back an attack on bow hunting in Wall Township, paved the way for the creation of New Jersey's first angling and hunting caucus by State Senator Stephen Sweeney and a federal fishing and hunting caucus created by Congressman John Adler. Ultimately, the rallies were the genesis that led to Governor Corzine signing Sunday Bow Hunting into law.

But we are now at crossroads. There are systemic issues that must be changed immediately if we are to ensure the quality of New Jersey's outdoor experience.

We need to eliminate a bear policy that is designed to appease animal rights activists and puts NJ residents in harms way. We have to reverse the raiding of funds to departments that provide for our ability to fish and hunt; a pillaging that is crippling productivity. We must overturn the neglect of the fish and game councils that determine our fishing and hunting opportunities. We have to allow our foresters the chance to practice forestry and prevent the potential of wildfires and restore species of birds and animals that are extirpating before our eyes. We must stop the nominations of people with "anti-fishing" sentiments to represent recreational and commercial fishing interests. All of this is happening NOW.

The above occurrences should be an outrage to all anglers, hunters and conservationists. It is OUR obligation to stop it before it is too late. That moment is now - we are at crossroads.

The R.O.O.R. Rally (Rescue Our Outdoors Rally) has been organized to send a message to Trenton that we will not tolerate the dismantling of our fishing, hunting and conservation policies and freedoms. It is a rally designed to exceed all others. It is YOUR chance to voice YOUR concerns and stop the erosion of YOUR outdoor interests.
Remember, the Mullica Hill and Battle of Monmouth rallies are proven successes. Join us in raising our voices again in the Rescue Our Outdoor Rally. Those that oppose us want us to remain silent...

R.O.O.R. and be heard!
Saturday, October 24, 2009 * 2:00PM
New Egypt Speedway * Free Admission!
720 Pinehurst Rd, Rt. 539 New Egypt, NJ 08533

Visit our link to learn more about the rally:

Visit our link to review the dismantling of our outdoor interests:

Thank you,

We'll see you on the 24th!

Anthony P. Mauro, Sr.
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: "We've got your back!"
JOIN NJOA: http://www.njoutdooralliance.org/support/njoa.html