View Full Version : Identifying your tackle

10-10-2009, 10:16 PM
A last year I went fishing down in SH, I got sidetracked away from a pole I had set up for bait. When I returned my rod was stolen. It was too far back from the water to be taken in the wash.

On the way out I saw a guy with a rod like mine. I questioned him about it but the guy insisted that it was one that he brought along. I had no proof that it belonged to me so I lost out. Now I have my own private mark on all my gear. Do you mark your gear or do you take your chances?

10-11-2009, 06:38 AM
ughhh, i fish with my gear, so its always right with me the whole time.

i suppose thats one of the many downsides to chunkin and leaving a rod to do nothing though. You sure it wasnt taken by a fish into the wash? thats happened to people i know. was your sand spike gone too? or was it in perfect position when you came back? Im not doubting the possibility someone stole it. that sucks bud sorry

10-12-2009, 12:53 PM
I mark all my rods with a symbol and reels with an engraver. At the marina we have been lucky but others have not. Better safe than sorry, a good setup can easily be sold for a quick $75 to $100 to someone who doesn't care where it came from.

01-17-2010, 01:27 PM
I also keep all my gear with me. I guess you never know what can happen so marking the rods isn't a bad idea.

01-17-2010, 02:57 PM
I always take my stuff with me too. Sometimes I may leave an expensive set-up on top of the jeep. But the locking system on that is extremely difficult to defeat. Would need to take off my complete roof rack to get at the rod/reel. Its crazy some one stole your stuff. Can't stand things like that. I guess marking them helps some. All my rods have a mark at 30" and 40". So it would be easy for me to I'd them.