View Full Version : Good deeds get rewards

10-21-2009, 10:10 AM
I believe in Karma do you?

Angler's good deed pays dividends

By Lee Tolliver (http://hamptonroads.com/2007/10/lee-tolliver)
The Virginian-Pilot
© October 18, 2009

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, one good deed deserves another, good karma - you get the idea.
Andy Miller sure does. He thinks his recent good deed might have had more than a little something to do with him catching the biggest flounder of his life.

Miller and his dad - Chuck Miller - were spending a little quality time on the water two weeks ago when the opportunity to do a good deed presented itself.
"There was never any question," Miller said.
While catching eating-sized spot and smaller ones for bait in Lynnhaven Inlet's Long Creek, the two were amused by a pair of dogs barking and running around in an apparent warning to stay away from their dock.
Their owner was powerwashing his boat and couldn't hear all the commotion.

During their rant, one of the dogs bumped the other, and in it went.

Luckily, the tide was ebbing, and Long Creek's notoriously strong current was running slower than usual.
"I had never seen them on that dock before," said Miller, a former standout football player at First Colonial and Virginia Tech who now serves as an assistant coach at his high school alma mater. "I pointed them out to my dad because it was kind of funny.
"They were going crazy."

When the dog went into the water, it was pushed under the dock, where it found some way to hang on.
Miller and his dad motored to the dock to get the attention of the owner.

"But we didn't want to get too close, and we put the motor in neutral," he said. "We didn't want to get that prop too close to the dog if it slipped away from the dock. We couldn't see it."
When the dogs' owner finally realized what was going on, he jumped in the water with a landing net to find his dog.
"I don't know if he got the dog in the net or found it and grabbed it... all I know is that he managed to get the dog in his arms and back on the dock," Miller said. "He went from powerwashing his boat to panic in a matter of seconds.

"I've got a big Newfoundland, so I understand what he was going through."
Miller said the owner was extremely thankful and wished father and son good luck with the rest of their fishing.
With not much time to spare, the Millers headed to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel to use the spot they had caught to tempt a few striper or flounder.

"My dad looked at me and said, 'That's our good deed for the day. Now let's go get a big one.' It was almost like he knew what was going to happen," Miller said.

The duo drifted their 4-inch long spot around the first island of the span and weren't catching much. Until Miller's fishing rod doubled over.

"It was the biggest flounder I've ever caught," he said of his 7-pound, 12-ounce doormat. "We fished for about another 45 minutes and got nothing.
"I guess if you're going to only catch a few, this one was the one to catch. And I guess it shows that there really is something to that good karma stuff."


10-21-2009, 04:58 PM
Yes I do believe in Karma or goodwill, what have you. In the Bible it says do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think some of the younger generation must not have seen that passage as they were growing up. This is a good story and among some of the things I like to read about. Thanks for putting it out there.

10-21-2009, 11:49 PM
well karma must hate me i help people and i still get slaped around like a dirty little step child i got buzzerds luck :argue: