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11-19-2009, 09:47 AM
Does a duck count?

I was too bored and it was too nice not to go fishing in the canal yesterday. I had nothing to do becuase I'm recently laid off, and fishing pretty much dominates my thoughts until subconciously I start driving off cape. So I find myself in a parking lot right off the canal and gear up. Even though my chances ar slim on november 18th im excited just like i always am those couple minutes before wetting a line. I walk down the steps and enjoy the brisk walk a couple hundred yards to a suitable location. but I have neighbors. about 1,000 white and black ducks, chowin on little chubs.

Well Im fishing for about an hour, no other signs of life. but the ducks are startin to get used to me and swim a little closer. Well ducks are smart so when one of them takes off to fly 20 ft down the canal ALL of the ducks near em take off too. I just made a perfect cast with a 2 oz butterbeanjig, and theres a considerable amount of 40lb braid in the air. A flock of ducks take off. I take 3 ducks down. 2 of them just get close lined and go down like a twa flight. the other one gets nice and tangled in my line for a second and then torpedo's in the whipping rip that is the canal for at least a minute.

The thing fianlly surfaces and is motionless. Im like, "jesus christ I killed a duck." as I'm reeling it in however, the duck gets its second wind and starts trying to paddle away as im dragging it through the current. I finally get a hold of the thing and struggle for 5 mintues trying to free the braid while getting soaked from splashes and nipped at by the beak. But it was a successful rescue, the little F'er. so no stripers, but i did catch something:thumbsup:

11-19-2009, 02:30 PM
Does a duck count?

Well Im fishing for about an hour, no other signs of life. but the ducks are startin to get used to me and swim a little closer. Well ducks are smart so when one of them takes off to fly 20 ft down the canal ALL of the ducks near em take off too. I just made a perfect cast with a 2 oz butterbeanjig, and theres a considerable amount of 40lb braid in the air. A flock of ducks take off. I take 3 ducks down. 2 of them just get close lined and go down like a twa flight. the other one gets nice and tangled in my line for a second and then torpedo's in the whipping rip that is the canal for at least a minute.

The thing fianlly surfaces and is motionless. Im like, "jesus christ I killed a duck." as I'm reeling it in however, the duck gets its second wind and starts trying to paddle away as im dragging it through the current. I finally get a hold of the thing and struggle for 5 mintues trying to free the braid while getting soaked from splashes and nipped at by the beak. But it was a successful rescue, the little F'er. so no stripers, but i did catch something:thumbsup:

:clapping:That's a hilarious story! What is a butterbean jig?

11-19-2009, 05:14 PM
great story:clapping:

11-19-2009, 06:10 PM
great story:clapping:

X2, ROFL as I pictured the way you described it! It could only have been funnier if you got attacked by a flock of mating geese, Thanks for posting it.:thumbsup:

11-20-2009, 07:34 AM
:clapping:That's a hilarious story! What is a butterbean jig?

thanks :) A butterbean jig is just a regular leadheaded bucktail but the lead is shaped like a butter bean lol, its got a large profile but skinny width so it cuts into strong current well. gets down in the rip nice at the canal :thumbsup:

11-20-2009, 09:30 AM
That is a funny story. I think Dark should move this to angler of the month.


11-20-2009, 09:44 AM
Great Story, but why would it qualify for AOM if he did not catch a fish?

11-20-2009, 02:31 PM
Hey, PETA would be proud. You didn't kill a fish and you saved a duck, maybe there is a PETA chick who would bump uglies with you for that humanitarian effort.:D PS sorry to hear about the layoff that sux.

11-20-2009, 03:33 PM
Great Story, but why would it qualify for AOM if he did not catch a fish?

Blitzhunter, while I appreciate and respect your opinion, I might post this in the AOM thread. Here's why:
Too many internet sites have people ranting and raving about what "should" and "should not" be done, etc etc. I want things to be a little mellower here. I'm sick of the arguments I've seen at other places. I want us to be able to laugh at ourselves here. To me, that's part of fishin. :D:fishing:

If you don't want to laugh at yourself, feel free to laugh at me. I do enough goofy or idiotic things every day to fill a book.

So if you have a funny story, post it up. The Angler of the Month story here is not based on skill, it's based on entertainment value. It started as a way for us to laugh a little, and recognize an inspiring story, or one that makes us laugh.

In this way, I hope new anglers won't feel intimidated when they read a story from a sharpie ;) like Jake or Shark, and feel they can't compete, so why bother posting up? :don't know why:

It's gonna be a long cold winter, we're going to need some stuff to entertain ourselves here beyond some of the internet pizzing contests I've seen elsewhere.

So if ya got a story, Blitzhunter, post it up!

Ya just might win something!! :D :thumbsup:

11-20-2009, 04:06 PM
Hey, PETA would be proud. You didn't kill a fish and you saved a duck, maybe there is a PETA chick who would bump uglies with you for that humanitarian effort.:D PS sorry to hear about the layoff that sux.

Ha! ya well, most chicks I've seen involved with PETA need to be saved themselves. I doubt I'll find a decent looking, duck loving, tree hugger anytime soon. (But if anyone knows one, dont be shy and let me know, that story is after party GOLD) :laugh:

And don't feel bad for me getting laid off. I work in the golf industry so my job around here is seasonal; im getting rehired in the spring. I was heading south for the winter, but that didnt pan out. so now i collect, work under the table, do errands for the family and sit around wishing it was summer. :HappyWave:

11-22-2009, 09:57 PM
Funny story, Johnny.:thumbsup:

07-12-2010, 09:47 AM
Ha! ya well, most chicks I've seen involved with PETA need to be saved themselves.

True, true.:)