11-22-2009, 01:32 PM
Who would you be?
I call dibs on Goofy... either SuperGoofy or GooganGoofy suits me fine. :cool: I know this should probably be in the Pub but thought more people might see it here. It's gonna be a long cold winter, step up to the plate and let's hear how you see yourself through cartoon eyes. :laugh:
What do you get when you make a superhero out of one of the most clumsiest comic characters there is: You get a SuperGoofy!
You will have a dog that possesses extraordinary powers, but also not being extremely inteligent and super clumsy. Faster than a speeding bullet, but clumsy enough to still catch that same bullet.
In daily life, Super Goofy is pretending he is a widower, taking care of his only son, but under those old not-trendy closes, the well known red pajama with the SG is worn. Whenever there is danger threatening the earth population, Goofy jumps into an alley, a phonebooth or a closet, and changes into: SuperGoofy
In normal life, Goofy has a girlfriend called Glory-Bee, who is the lois lane of the Comic Superheroes.
Glory-Bee is a slender, pretty, blond young dognose lady who, while quite good-natured and likable, tends to be somewhat of an "dumb blond " (a stereotype of the "Airhead"). While it might be difficult to imagine she had a very strong crush on Goofy, he hardly seemed to notice.
Occasionally, however, he did try to impress her, even to the point of trying to reveal his Super Goof identity to her, to no avail.
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://tshit.com/supergoofy/Super-Goofy.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tshit.com/supergoofy/&usg=__oeQKcET_JSOOStcu_QOuV8tONgc=&h=450&w=395&sz=95&hl=en&start=15&tbnid=lL96h5bChLz9RM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgoofy%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den %26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG
I call dibs on Goofy... either SuperGoofy or GooganGoofy suits me fine. :cool: I know this should probably be in the Pub but thought more people might see it here. It's gonna be a long cold winter, step up to the plate and let's hear how you see yourself through cartoon eyes. :laugh:
What do you get when you make a superhero out of one of the most clumsiest comic characters there is: You get a SuperGoofy!
You will have a dog that possesses extraordinary powers, but also not being extremely inteligent and super clumsy. Faster than a speeding bullet, but clumsy enough to still catch that same bullet.
In daily life, Super Goofy is pretending he is a widower, taking care of his only son, but under those old not-trendy closes, the well known red pajama with the SG is worn. Whenever there is danger threatening the earth population, Goofy jumps into an alley, a phonebooth or a closet, and changes into: SuperGoofy
In normal life, Goofy has a girlfriend called Glory-Bee, who is the lois lane of the Comic Superheroes.
Glory-Bee is a slender, pretty, blond young dognose lady who, while quite good-natured and likable, tends to be somewhat of an "dumb blond " (a stereotype of the "Airhead"). While it might be difficult to imagine she had a very strong crush on Goofy, he hardly seemed to notice.
Occasionally, however, he did try to impress her, even to the point of trying to reveal his Super Goof identity to her, to no avail.
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://tshit.com/supergoofy/Super-Goofy.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tshit.com/supergoofy/&usg=__oeQKcET_JSOOStcu_QOuV8tONgc=&h=450&w=395&sz=95&hl=en&start=15&tbnid=lL96h5bChLz9RM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgoofy%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den %26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG