04-27-2008, 11:29 PM
Folks, this is a relatively new organization. I have seen some of their material, and believe them to have the fishermens' best interest at hand, but I just don't know enough about them to make an endorsement at this time.
However, I feel anyone who wants to learn about them should go to their site, look at the material, and make their own decisions.
Perhaps if there are any questions our members have, one of their representatives might choose to address them here. That way, they will become more familiar to us, and people can make their own choices.
Here's a link to their site:
04-27-2008, 11:31 PM
From their website -- About Us:
About Us
The Fishermen's Conservation Association (FCA) is a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote the "Conservation Triad": Access, Habitat, and Fisheries Management. Financial support of FCA will directly benefit the marine waters of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. The Association's immediate priorities include fighting the proposed dumping of toxic waste in Jamaica Bay, illegal poaching, beach access and striped bass game fish Status.
More specifically we are proposing the development and implementation of the following programs:
- Our "Hooked for a Lifetime" fishing program for children, teaches inner city kids that fishing can be a great way to have fun, and be "involved." This provides a real alternative to getting involved with the wrong crowd and the wrong activities.
Not only do we teach children where and when to fish, they leave the program with the materials, knowledge, and equipment necessary to continue to enjoy what they were taught and exposed to at the program. Each child receives a rod, reel, tackle and "How To" guide. By getting kids "Hooked on Fishing" we are establishing a generation future stewards of the resource.
- Work to get game fish status for striped bass in NY State. This will make enforcement dramatically easier and virtually eliminate the opportunity for poaching to be financially attractive.
Partnering with Stripers Forever and funding a Southwick economic study for recreationally caught Striped Bass were the first steps.
- Host annual fishing and boating seminars. These are designed to educate anglers and boaters of all ages and expose them to the wonderful resource we have and make them aware that it is worthy and in need of protection. We have worked with the USCG and the Sandy Hook Pilots Association. This should garner future participation, promote safety and thus further the conservation cause.
- Hold beach clean-ups, in an effort to improve the environment and the public image of recreational anglers. Proving that they are givers, not only takers from the resource.
- Work with local officials to improve angler access, awareness of fishing in general, and expose them to just how many saltwater anglers we have in each community. Set up potential meetings with property owners to address their concerns in reference to increased use of the beaches and parking in their neighborhoods.
- Annual FCA Manhattan Cup, a catch and release fishing tournament. This tournament attracts anglers from all over the Country, promoting catch and release; the cornerstone of fishing conservation.
Additionally anglers will realize that big cities can support some of the best fishing in the country, and are in need of protection against pollution and other perils on urban sprawl. The "Cup" is a great "awareness" tool, and a way to connect to the resource. People only care to protect what they are connected to.
- Work with other conservation and environmental groups to enhance and protect our vital marine resources. By joining coalitions with other like-minded groups we can strengthen our presence and use the power of many to make a difference. By putting the resource first and not worrying about who gets the credit for the work is an amazing way to promote change.
We don't need to agree on every single issue, but by joining together when we do, we can change the world! Joining the "Clean Ocean Zone" initiative with the Clean Ocean Action is a good example of this.
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