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View Full Version : Sad end to a fine charter boat

12-10-2009, 11:52 AM
I remember going out on that with my dad. Sorry to see it go.

Nautical nostalgia takes a licking at boat ramp in PJ

Town demolishes Cash scow

By Dave Willinger (http://www.northshoreoflongisland.com/1editorialtablebody.lasso?-token.searchtype=authorroutine&-token.lpsearchstring=Dave%20Willinger)

December 04, 2009 | 02:18 PM
After a half century of bringing area anglers to the many species of game fish in the waters near Port Jefferson Harbor, a familiar fishing vessel and floating landmark, the Port Jeff Ace, was demolished Tuesday by the Town of Brookhaven.

The town had taken possession of Captains Joe and Bruce Cash's old vessel in late October from the North Shore Fishing Company. No longer deemed seaworthy, the 65-foot boat was brought to the shallows at the end of the town ramp, where the iron jaws of a loading crane ripped it apart and tossed pieces of the watercraft into containers to be carted to the town landfill.

The fishing boat had been emptied of fluids prior to its destruction and absorbent boons and pads were placed in the water around it during demolition as a precaution. United States Coast Guard personnel, led by Petty Officer John Joeckel, were on hand to observe the demolition and make sure there was no pollution of the harbor.

Town Bay Constable Joe Basirico said the Port Jeff Ace was too big to transport over the road and was not seaworthy enough to sail to Greenport, for example, where a travel lift might pluck it from the sea. The integrity of the hull was "completely compromised," said Basirico, who has patrolled the town's waterways for five years. He downplayed the rarity of the rampside razing — the bay constable said he had seen it all before.

http://www.northshoreoflongisland.com/placedimages/922DFCkIr264EFDE.med.jpg (http://www.northshoreoflongisland.com/Articles-i-2009-12-03-82337.112114-sub18235.112114_Nautical_nostalgia_takes_a_licking _at_boat_ramp_in_PJ.html#123)
A town crane ripped apart the landmark fishing vessel Port Jeff Ace Tuesday. No longer seaworthy or commercially viable, Captains Joe and Bruce Cash’s longtime open boat was hauled in pieces to the dump. Photo by D. Willinger. (http://www.northshoreoflongisland.com/1EvisualTableBody.lasso?photographer=Photo%20by%20 D.%20Willinger) (click for larger version)The Port Jeff Ace had not sailed for about three years, according to locals, but remained moored in the harbor. Town spokesman Kevin Molloy said Bruce Cash paid Brookhaven over $8,000 in delinquent docking fees prior to the boat's removal. While the well-known watercraft no doubt will live on in the memories of countless amateur anglers, by late Tuesday, the Port Jeff Ace was officially 42.9 tons of trash in the town landfill.

http://www.northshoreoflongisland.com/Articles-i-2009-12-03-82337.112114-sub18235.112114_Nautical_nostalgia_takes_a_licking _at_boat_ramp_in_PJ.html#123