View Full Version : Happy New Year!!!

01-01-2010, 11:53 AM
2009 was not a great year for lots of people. It was one of the toughest financially that I've ever faced. I know a lot of people in the same boat. If somehow that hasn't affected you, I would say you're either very lucky or very delusional.

With our country in a severe recession and around a 10% unemployment rate, I don't remember things being this bad since the 1980's. Back then interest rates were 21%. I didn't think we would ever pull out of that. We did, one day at a time.

In the fishing world, we have lost some very valuable people this year, Bob Pond, Lefty Carr, John Larsen, some well-known, and others not as well-known.

We have all had sadness and disappointment in our personal lives. Sometimes it might not seem like it's not worth it to go on living. When you consider the alternative, I say we gotta try, even if just for one more day. That day will soon become a week, or a month, and soon things may appear to get better. :lookhappy:

The economy is already starting to move at a pace a little faster than negative. That's a start. I think some people are starting to focus on the simpler times and entertainment choices of years past... ones that don't cost too much money.

And we will survive. We as Americans are one of the most resilient countries out there. We survived WWI, and WWII, thanks to the brave men who fought for us. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

We survived the Great Depression. That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger. We survived 9/11, which our terrorist enemies thought would cripple us. Yet we survived. :clapping::clapping::clapping:

We are composed of all races, nationalities, and religions in this country. When we can get beyond the polarized views that we hold sometimes, we as a country can survive anything.

I wish all of you some good luck, peace, and at least a little prosperity in 2010. :plastered:

Most importantly of all, I wish you good health, and a chance to have good times with those around you who you value most. No one has a perfect family or life, but my wish for 2010 is that we can try to be more understanding of each other, and tolerant of a viewpoint that isn't exactly in line with our own.

Peace and happiness to you all for 2010. Thanks for making this a place where I'm happy to come and throw down my half-page rants, 1000 word speeches. It's a place where I'm happy to share the knowledge I have with old and new anglers!!! :fishing:

Thank you all for your colorful wit, predictable crabbiness ;) and mature interaction. Brings a tear to my eye. Have a great day!!! :HappyWave:

01-01-2010, 12:05 PM
That was great Dark.

I Wish all of you a Happy and Health New Years.

01-01-2010, 12:15 PM
To all a Happy and Healthy 2010.

I'm also happy to share the knowledge I've aquired through the years :don't know why::laugh:

:learn:Let's all practice some C&R and give our bass a good 2010 too:fishing:

Catch em up and tight lines to all, sorry no tear in my eye;)

01-01-2010, 02:35 PM
Happy New Year Everyone!

That was one screwy year.

01-01-2010, 02:48 PM
I also would like to wish everyone and their families a Happy New Year.
The years really fly by fast. Also would like to thank all the posters for their comical, sensible and informative posts, they are always looked forward to by me.

Happy Trails

01-01-2010, 03:28 PM
:learn:Let's all practice some C&R and give our bass a good 2010 too:fishing:

Good point. Happy New Year to all and best of luck for this year!

01-01-2010, 03:37 PM
Good site and fun people. Thanks for the words and the effort, Dark and all the rest. Happy new year.:HappyWave:

01-01-2010, 07:49 PM
Happy New Year to you all. Hopefully we can meet up and I can become part of this group.

01-01-2010, 09:10 PM
happy new years guys lets start it off right :HappyWave:

01-01-2010, 09:37 PM
Happy new year guys.:plastered:

01-01-2010, 09:46 PM
:bonk::viking::fishing: happy new year guys. How many days is it till March 1?

01-01-2010, 09:53 PM
Happiness to all.:)

01-01-2010, 10:11 PM
Regards to everyone, and goodwill to all you folks.

01-01-2010, 10:15 PM
Peace and happiness to you all for 2010. Thanks for making this a place where I'm happy to come and throw down my half-page rants, 1000 word speeches. It's a place where I'm happy to share the knowledge I have with old and new anglers!!! :fishing:

Thank you all for your colorful wit, predictable crabbiness ;) and mature interaction. Brings a tear to my eye. Have a great day!!! :HappyWave:

If you weren't happy would they be 2000 word rants? Please anything but that.:scared: Hippy new year.:hippie::bong2:

01-01-2010, 10:18 PM
Happy new year people!

01-01-2010, 10:45 PM
Happy New Year.

01-02-2010, 07:22 AM
Happy New Year to all I'll listen to your rants DS I've thrown some out there that you have listened to even though I may be starting out 2010 somewhat negative I need to keep thinking positive get through my issues and get out fishing again.