View Full Version : Fishing Blood Worms

02-12-2010, 11:15 AM
My brother bought me Gulp blood worms for christmas and I wanted to use them this spring. I've never used worms while fishing except in freshwater back in the day. My question is when using these do i just toss them out and leave 'em like a clam, or do you reel them in slowly similar to an eel? Also, is spring the best time to use them?

02-12-2010, 01:10 PM
MDW, I know what it's like to get a gift from someone and you want to tell them it was great and it worked, but with those gulp bloodworms you will save yourself agravation if you give them away. They might work for other times of year, but have never worked for me for spring fishing in cold water. :don't know why:

A similar artificial bait you might want to check out is the fishbites worms. They put out a scent trail that is unbelievable. That's what you want in cold water when the fish are sluggish.

I usually fish from a boat and tip the bucktail hook with them. I feel it definitely gives me an edge. Fish bites are just as good if not better than the real thing.

As for gulp, I like the new penny shrimp for fluke.They are fantastic. Again that's because we're talking about jigging them, you need movement for those gulp products to work.

Here is a pic of the fish bites, you can fish them by just tossing them out from shore and letting them set there, but I would jerk them every now and then. That's just how I would do it. I know others do it differently. Use 3/4" to 1 1/2" pieces at a time.

The Bloodworm scents will catch a wide variety of saltwater species. Available in solid red only.
Species caught with Fishbites Bag O' Worms® include: Spot, Croaker, Red Drum, Black Drum, Trout, Striper, Sheepshead.

02-12-2010, 01:44 PM
I use bloodworms and sandworms a lot in the spring. I don't know a lot about the artificials because I'm not too sophisticated in that area. I will tell you that as bababooey says that in cold water the real worms seem to produce for us even when guys using clams are not catching any.

02-12-2010, 01:48 PM
mydixiewrecked I would go with the fishbites also. They have a scent trail that fish find hard to resist.

03-09-2011, 07:04 PM
I'm not liking the gulp bloodworms. Use real ones or don't bother. Maybe when the water is warmer it would be different. But cold water, you want the scent of real blood, and that's exactly what the fish are feeding on right now.

04-08-2016, 06:12 PM
Real bloods are much better. At least in the spring. My .02