View Full Version : what place is number one on your list to fish this year?

02-17-2010, 09:53 PM
Outside of your own area, is anyone planning a trip somewhere outside of where you usually fish?
I want to take the ferry to fish Block Island for the fall.
Anyone else have an area or state they always wanted to fish but didn't get around to fishing yet?

02-17-2010, 10:16 PM
I would like to go to Montauk but, that will not be happening any time soon. I am going to try to learn Raritan Bay. I have my boat in Brick and have a lot of areas down there pretty good. When the boat is not in the water I would like to have a little more of a shorter ride to get to my area to fish so, Raritan Bay will be my focal point for now.

02-18-2010, 08:59 AM
I want to take a trip to Maine and fish some of the rocky coast in the southern part.

02-18-2010, 09:03 AM
Washington D.C. I hear theres some record size bassholes w/in the EEZ limit 3 miles right.:d

02-18-2010, 09:07 AM
I would like to fish Montauk. From what I heard it is very rocky and brutal, I don't know if I'm quite up to it yet. I don't want to get there and look like an idiot becuase I don't know all the right gear to bring or how to fish it.

02-18-2010, 12:14 PM
You can always fish the sand beaches behind town sometimes that gets some nice blitzes just not as often as under the light and surrounding areas.Map courtesy of Paulies Tackle

02-18-2010, 08:06 PM
I'd like to do some marlin fishing in the Keys.

02-19-2010, 10:25 AM
I want to go to Maine again and Kayak. Rich and I had a great time a few years back.

02-19-2010, 01:39 PM
Hint Hint Rich.:d

06-20-2011, 02:16 PM
Block Island. Now that the almost world record bass was caught, what do you bet that traffic around that place will increase 100%?

07-01-2011, 03:30 PM
Yeah if I had the extra scratch I would choose Block Island. Or take a surf fishing trip to the unexplored beaches of Mexico.

07-24-2011, 09:35 AM
I've had the itch for years to go to Alaska halibut fishing I may get the chance next year if everything heals well my wifes friend knows several people in Alaska and it wouldn't be a problem to go and stay with them and they have all the right contacts can you I'm outta here.

07-24-2011, 12:52 PM
I don't know the area you are looking to fish but some guys just got some monster halibut up there, tanaku lodge check it out. Good luck if you go, once you recuperate from all your injuries. That would be the trip of a lifetime if you are able to make it up there.

07-24-2011, 04:54 PM
Thats what I'm talking about its been a dream of mine for awhile something always seems to get in the way before I die I'm going

07-25-2011, 11:12 AM
If Block is your location to go for a super Cow, there is basically a short time frame that you want to be there. If you look at the period when Peter Vican Caught both of his 70's you will know when to go. The fall run period is even hit or miss for the last 10 to 12 years. Right place at the right time sort of thing. Lived in Alaska for just under 2 years back in the 80's and I can tell you, its a place every avid Fisherman needs to have on the Bucket List.
Montauk (in my opinion) with the exception of the end of the lighthouse is way over rated as far as the danger aspect is concerned, but then again, virtually, the entire Coast of Rhodie makes the lighthouse look tame.
Another location mentioned is Maine, if you like small fish or water whipping with a fly rod, by all means head there. My advise is head mid coast or further north. Mouth of the Saco, Biddeford Pool, and the area around the mouth of the Kenebec, and Penobscot Rivers are the locations I have been to and would go.
I have been fortunate enough to fish the surf from Key West to Maine, Salmon, and Halibut in Alaska, I like Montauk when I am surrounded by freinds in a social gathering situation, but would not leave Rhode Island to go there specifically to fish. Montauk ruined itself when it proclaimed to be the "Surfcasting Capital of the World"
I am fishing tonight at a location that gets no hype, all the biggest ( so called) names in Surf Casting know it, have taken picures of very large fish here, but will never disclose it. Access is hairy, see my thread on fishing Bicycles, unless you can finnagle permission from a resident. If I were to tell you where it is, and post pictures of fish I have caught there, including my PB, it would be on the top of your bucket list. Tonight, like every time I fish this place, has the potential to be epic.
Anyone here that wants to travel north, has the option of contacting me, and fishing water you have only heard about.

07-25-2011, 11:46 AM
The Rhode Island area sounds fascinating, must be lobsters and crabs all over the place. How could a fish resist those? Good luck tonight, let us know how you do.

07-25-2011, 12:36 PM
The Rhode Island area sounds fascinating, must be lobsters and crabs all over the place. How could a fish resist those? Good luck tonight, let us know how you do.

Hopefully I will be able to provide some pictures of fish tonight. Spot on with the Lobsters and Crabs. In my opinion, they are the main forage of large Bass. I once gutted a 38 lb Bass caught from the area I am going to tonight, It had 3 Lobsters in its stomach, 1 was over 2 lbs. The areas bottom is covered with bubble weed and eel grass beds, and has large amounts of Eels as well. I was walking out to a favorite rock one night with my head lamp shining down to see where I was stepping. I saw so many Eels it was crazy. One of them was over 3 feet long and as gat as a baseball bat. Green Crab, and Red Crab are present in huge numbers here as well. It is also an aea whereMenhaden can be found on a fairly regular basis, and Mullet schools flood the shore line in the fall as well. Spearing and Sand Eels exist in huge schools from spring through November. It isnt always reat fishing there, and have had some Skunks, but, when the conditions are right, as they will be tonight, Odds are high that a potential Large Bass wil be hooked.
What are you waiting for? Gas up the truck, pack your gear and head up....................
By the way My avatar picture was taken there.

06-17-2013, 12:51 PM
If Block is your location to go for a super Cow, there is basically a short time frame that you want to be there. If you look at the period when Peter Vican Caught both of his 70's you will know when to go. The fall run period is even hit or miss for the last 10 to 12 years. Right place at the right time sort of thing. Lived in Alaska for just under 2 years back in the 80's and I can tell you, its a place every avid Fisherman needs to have on the Bucket List.
Montauk (in my opinion) with the exception of the end of the lighthouse is way over rated as far as the danger aspect is concerned, but then again, virtually, the entire Coast of Rhodie makes the lighthouse look tame.
Another location mentioned is Maine, if you like small fish or water whipping with a fly rod, by all means head there. My advise is head mid coast or further north. Mouth of the Saco, Biddeford Pool, and the area around the mouth of the Kenebec, and Penobscot Rivers are the locations I have been to and would go.
I have been fortunate enough to fish the surf from Key West to Maine, Salmon, and Halibut in Alaska, I like Montauk when I am surrounded by freinds in a social gathering situation, but would not leave Rhode Island to go there specifically to fish. Montauk ruined itself when it proclaimed to be the "Surfcasting Capital of the World"
I am fishing tonight at a location that gets no hype, all the biggest ( so called) names in Surf Casting know it, have taken picures of very large fish here, but will never disclose it. Access is hairy, see my thread on fishing Bicycles, unless you can finnagle permission from a resident. If I were to tell you where it is, and post pictures of fish I have caught there, including my PB, it would be on the top of your bucket list. Tonight, like every time I fish this place, has the potential to be epic.
Anyone here that wants to travel north, has the option of contacting me, and fishing water you have only heard about.

Great post and spot on just ed. I agree about montauk it is not the same as it used to be.