View Full Version : K2: Fake pot that acts real stymies law enforcement
02-18-2010, 07:05 PM
Just wanted to put this out there for all who are parents. It's a lot different out there now with all the synthetics they have. This would be a good opening to talk to your kids about drugs.
Sent in by Rip-plugger, thanks! :HappyWave:
From (
02-18-2010, 07:06 PM
Fake pot that acts real stymies law enforcement
The Associated Press
4:50 PM EST February 17, 2010 wacky weed-2129479544.jpg&t=image/jpeg
K2 contains herbs and spices sprayed with a synthetic compound chemically similar to THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. State lawmakers in Missouri and Kansas have introduced bills which would create penalties for K2 possession similar to those for marijuana.
© AP
There may be nothing like the real thing, but some industrious marijuana users have seized on an obscure but easily accessible substance that mimics the drug's effects on the brain -creating a popular trade in legal dope that has stymied law enforcement authorities.
The users are buying a product known as K2 - or "Spice," Genie" and "Zohai" - that is commonly sold in headshops as incense. Produced in China and Korea, the mixture of herbs and spices is sprayed with a synthetic compound chemically similar to THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Users roll it up in joints or inhale it from pipes, just like the real thing.
Though banned in most of Europe, K2's key ingredients are not regulated in the United States - a gap that has prompted lawmakers in Missouri and Kansas to consider new legislation.
"This isn't Jerry Garcia's marijuana," said state Rep. Jeff Roorda, a Democrat from the eastern Missouri town of Barnhart. "They've used chemicals to avoid creating something that's already illegal."
Authorities in Johnson County, Kan., discovered ex-convicts on probation smoking K2, and said it is spreading to high school students.
"This has become extremely popular," said Linda Weber, owner of The Vise smoke shop in the St. Louis suburb of St. Peters, who said she only sells to adults.
She said she sells about 60 packages a week, with suppliers calling her weekly to pitch new brands. She said she's keeping an eye on what state lawmakers decide, though, because "I definitely don't want to be selling it if it comes out that it's harmful."
02-19-2010, 12:08 AM
Thanks for the info Dark. Already caught my 16 year old twice. He still can't figure out how Dad knows everything. hahahahah
02-19-2010, 06:39 PM
I hope you grounded him for a year. You don't want him to grow up, well, like me.:scared:
02-19-2010, 07:52 PM
I hope you grounded him for a year. You don't want him to grow up, well, like me.:scared:
He's right Rip....
Frank as young lad...:HappyWave:
Once I learn PhotoChop, you know your head is gonna be put on this one. :laugh: (
02-19-2010, 11:35 PM
Being he is my step son and that his Mom is one of those Moms that says " not my son" It has turned into quite a problem for me personally. I told you Rich I have a lot of problems and that it would take an eternity to get them all off of my chest. I have always loved fishing and now I think that has turned into my escape. All in all I love to fish.
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