View Full Version : Immigrants or non-citizens and the NJ saltwater license

03-08-2010, 05:49 PM
njdiver and dark posted some comments in another thread and I didn't want to hijack it.

The only thing I might suggest be added to that:

11. We're going to have to find a way to include non-citizens and aliens as subject to law enforcement and penalties for fisheries violations. I realize to implement this would be difficult.

(But let's fast forward to situations that could develop when DFG officers start to check for licenses in the field and start giving tickets to guys who don't have them.) If the guys receiving penalties see that those without papers are getting away with non-compliance or poaching simply because it's too difficult to enforce, you invite a whole host of problems and resentments amongst these groups.

This is something that really irritates me and I wondered what you folks out there thought of it.

I don't mind the NJ SW license if they do what they say they will.
I don't mind being stopped or checked by the DFG or Coasties as long as they are doing a random selection and not targeting any particular group. I feel the same way when going through airport security checks, it's what we put up to live in a safe society.
I don't mind being asked about my catches as long as they are asking everyone who fishes.

What I do mind is it appears there will be 2 different standards. Citizens have to comply, illegal immigrants and non-citizens to not. This is patently unfair and I have a major beef with it.

They said one of the reasons for the registry is to count the fish. Buying into that argument, how can they estimate all the fish being caught if they are not counting immigrants catches? Why is it fair that I am subject to the laws, and they are not.

Dark brought up a very good point. What should be done about this? How will you feel if out fishing obeying the law and their are immigrants keeping shorts and the officers say to you "sorry I cannot do anything about those guys, we were told to leave them alone" :burn:

03-08-2010, 05:57 PM
I am certain they won't be told to leave them alone but you have a valid point. The bottom line is there is not much that can be done. Confiscate their tackle, give them a ticket or summons. A minor poaching offense is not going to put anyone behind bars for failure to comply. It's sad but it's true.

I spoke to a DEC officer here in NY about this once. He was ticketing some immigrants whom he said had probably not given correct names or addresses. They most likely wouldn't pay but you can bet they won't be fishing around here anymore.

That is the most I think you will get out of this argument. I hope not though.

03-09-2010, 07:22 AM
njdiver and dark posted some comments in another thread and I didn't want to hiack it.

Dark brought up a very good point. What should be done about this? How will you feel if out fishing obeying the law and their are immigrants keeping shorts and the officers say to you "sorry I cannot do anything about those guys, we were told to leave them alone" :burn:

This is true seen it happen ,they feed there family keeps them from stealing is the reply. I replied to official they are stealing from us he had no comment.:burn: They are also not hassled for driving offenses because most can't afford to pay and don't have valid addresses so don't expect them to have to register for a free or pay license.
In other countries they would be thrown in jail and deported.

04-13-2010, 02:53 PM
Well, a lot of them for sure have fake licenses from other states and fake addresses. It's like when they go to the hsopital and get care, then they don't pay there either. Once that person leaves the hospital, they don't exist!!! They get licenses in South Carolina and plates for their cars. If they get ticketed, they just take a trip back to Sc and get another license under another name. IT's effed up. It would truly kill me to see one of them get away with poaching. Especially if i saw it happend and a ranger not really do anything about it. There was one time last year, an immegrant got caught with a few short bass. The ranger confiscated his tackle, the fish, and his van. All the guy did was make it back to the local tackle shop and bought new gear and went back out. what the eff is that?

04-13-2010, 03:22 PM
its sad but it happens all the time :don't know why:we play by the rules and we still get the shaft so it is what it is and it sucks:burn:

04-13-2010, 04:47 PM
One day someone will wake up and realize that this problem is not going to go away. It will need to be seriously addressed. I think the only time this will happen is when something effects them personally. It kind of like a stop light. One is needed and has been petitioned for years. Every year it gets turned down UNTIL the mayor's family member gets killed there. Next thing you know within a week the light is up.

04-14-2010, 05:40 AM
This is true seen it happen ,they feed there family keeps them from stealing is the reply. I replied to official they are stealing from us he had no comment.:burn: They are also not hassled for driving offenses because most can't afford to pay and don't have valid addresses so don't expect them to have to register for a free or pay license.
In other countries they would be thrown in jail and deported.

The more we have groups that are exempt from laws like this, the more we are likely to have non-compliance. I think a great way to fight this is for citizen fishermen to demand the same treatment that is given to immigrants. You might need a lawsuit to force this issue, though. Has anyone asked the RFA what their stance is on this? They are for fishermens rights, they should be all over this one.

04-14-2010, 05:47 AM
The more we have groups that are exempt from laws like this, the more we are likely to have non-compliance. I think a great way to fight this is for citizen fishermen to demand the same treatment that is given to immigrants.

I pledge allegiance to the American flag...with equality and justice for ALL!

04-18-2010, 04:47 PM
I pledge allegiance to the American flag...with equality and justice for ALL!

yeah did u see the video where they have the mexican flag and the guy goes up and rips it down, that was sick!

wat makes them so special that they have no laws for them and we can get tickets?:2flip:

04-19-2010, 01:58 PM
wat makes them so special that they have no laws for them and we can get tickets?:2flip:

If I'm on the beach and they check me and not the immigrants, I will cut their line when the CO's leave. If they ask me why I will say sorry no speaka da english, your lina was tangledo con mine. who's with me?

04-19-2010, 02:13 PM
If they ask me why I will say sorry no speaka da english, your lina was tangledo con mine. who's with me?

I'm in!
No speaka da English!

06-08-2017, 11:43 AM
Seems to me if you want people to respect the law you should enforce it equally.

06-08-2017, 03:35 PM

06-08-2017, 11:37 PM
I'm in!
No speaka da English!


06-08-2017, 11:47 PM
Don't know if this was mentioned but I heard the fish cops will not write them up because too many have fake ids.

06-13-2017, 08:49 AM
Has bothered me since Obama was elected. I am hoping the new Trump administration will approach it differently. If you are breaking the laws of our country or fish and game you should be cited and ticketed. Immigration status should not matter. When we have unequal enforcement folks begin to lose confidence in the system.

11-14-2017, 08:43 AM
How many of the dudes who got busted up north had their green cards?

"Do DFW Conservation Police Officers work at night, or on the weekend, or in the city?
The answer to all of these is yes!

Last night Conservation Officers Jordan Holmes, Trevor Anderson, and Lt. Joseph Kuechler worked the Newark Bay Complex and Hudson River checking striped bass anglers for compliance. Sixteen fishermen were contacted, resulting in the issuance of four summonses for possession of undersized striped bass and one summons for possession of striped bass over the daily limit.

Did you spot the Statue of Liberty in the background?"

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