View Full Version : River Herring in Peril- A Call to action

03-09-2010, 10:08 PM
Sent in by Finchaser, thanks!

Capt. Paul Eidman

Archives (http://www.shore11.org/captpauleidman)
River Herring in Peril- A Call to action

I am in the process of developing a grass roots, volunteer effort and create a "Herring Lift" program along the mid Atlantic region, starting right here in NJ to help preserve what is left of the depleted river herring population. If you or an organization you work with is interested in helping out, please reach out to me ASAP.
The term “River herring” is actually used to describe two anadromous species, The Alewife and Blueback.
River herring are a vital part of the marine food web providing valuable nutrition to a large variety of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles.
As humans and concerned citizens, we must realize that rebuilding a sustainable aquatic food web is the key to a healthy eco system and its collapse would be detrimental to us and wildlife. As fisherman, populations of valuable game fish like striped bass, summer flounder, bluefish, weakfish, tuna etc would certainly benefit and increase when herring populations are restored.
Individual Fish health will improve and make them more resistant against disease. Rebuilding and stabilizing the aquatic food web is vital to all types of fishing. The Recreational fishing business for striped bass alone would thrive with future healthy river herring runs.
Each year in early spring, these fish migrate in from the ocean and head up rivers and streams to spawn in fresh or brackish water. Alewife herring arrive first, and then Blueback herring a few weeks later. The 2010 season is quickly approaching and it is important that we get moving now.
It is important to realize that river herring populations have been depleted to a point where a complete collapse appears imminent at this time. Note that there is a moratorium/fishery closure pending at this time, scheduled for 2012 in NJ, PA and DE.


03-19-2010, 04:58 PM
NJDFG explains herring.

Sent in by Finchaser, thanks!