View Full Version : Report: 3-13-10 Jersey Shore Saltwater Fishing Show

03-11-2010, 09:40 PM
2010 Jersey Shore Saltwater Fishing Show
Type of Event: Seminars & Vendors
Event Date(s): 03/13/2010
Event Time(s): 9am to 6pm
Admission: $100
Location: The Spring Lake Manor
Address: 415 State Highway 71
Spring Lake, NJ, NJ 07762
Contact: Capt. JIM FREDA
Email: jimfreda@optonline.net (jimfreda@optonline.net)
Post Email?: Yes
Phone: (732) 528-1861
Website: http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/ (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/)

03-11-2010, 09:46 PM
This weekend Capts Jim Freda, Gene Quigley, Shel E Caris and the rest of the Shore Catch Guide service bring you one of the most intensive seminars on the Jersey Coast.

All of the tickets have already been sold, but I'm putting this out there in case anyone is going or wants to comment on any of the seminars or vendors.

They'll have a decent mix of things, from some of the most well-known names in the surf and salt water field in our area. Also some of the most popular plugmakers and vendors.

Some of the promo on their front page:

Jersey Shore Saltwater Fishing Show


Welcome to the official site of the 2010 Jersey Shore Fishing Show brought to you by Shore Catch Guide Service and StriperSurf.com. Our new format offers anglers a unique and different approach to fishing shows, focused on teaching the sport of saltwater fishing in and around the waters of the New Jersey Shore.

Based off our very successful “Ultimate Shore Catch Saltwater Fishing Workshop” the Jersey Shore Fishing Show will not only have the Shore Catch Team presenting but also will now bring together under one roof some of the most respected professionals in the industry to teach you everything you want to know.


http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/21.jpgThe Jersey Shore Fishing Show is a “hands on” instructional format that will address the World Class inshore and offshore fishing that we have here in our State. At the show, you will have the opportunity to choose from over 21 different fishing seminars and workshops to attend. You will also be able to visit and talk with some of the industry’s top Pro’s, tackle manufactures, shops, plug makers, fishing publications, and anglers.

Because we know that some seminars will be popular or conflict with others that you may want to attend, we have selected our most popular topics and will have them run both during the morning and the afternoon sessions. Each hour throughout the day, you will have the choice to sit in on a wide selection of seminars, workshops, or “hands on” learning demo’s. Between these seminar’s, we have left plenty of “free time” for you to mingle with the Shore Catch Guides and celebrity Pro staff, the event vendors and show attendee’s.

The show’s seminars and workshop’s will focus mainly around Striped Bass fishing. Whether you fish from the surf, back bay, or boat; with fly tackle, light tackle or conventional tackle; lures or bait, there is not a rock we will leave unturned regarding how we fish for striped bass here on the Jersey Shore. And because there are also other fisheries that are exploding in our area, we will provide a Bluewater Room that will focus on fishing for pelagic fish such as Bluefin Tuna, False Albacore, Dolphin (Mahi Mahi), Bonito, and Skipjack Tuna.

OUR GOAL: To ensure that you leave our show a better angler, with new and improved ways of catching fish this coming season.

03-11-2010, 09:49 PM
Featured Speakers:

Featured Speakers


Click Name or Picture for Bio

"Crazy" ALBERTO KNIE (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_ak.html)
Long Island, NY
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/albertknie_head2.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_ak.html)

BILL DONOVAN (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_njm.html)
NJ Angler Magazine
Co-Host NJ Angler Video Magazine
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/bill_headshot.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_njm.html)

DARREN DORIS (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_njm.html#DORRIS)
Sallt Water Editor
NJ Angler Magazine
Co-Host NJ Angler Video Magazine
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_Dorris_85x105.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_njm.html#DORRIS)

Capt. FRANK CRESCITELLI (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_fc.html)
Fin Chaser Charters
Guides Choice Tackle
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_fc.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_fc.html)

DAVE COLLEY (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_dc.html)
Regional Manager
St Croix Rod Co.
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_Colley_85x107.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_dc.html)

Capt. JIM FREDA (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs.html#FREDA)
Shore Catch Guide
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_freda.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs.html)

Capt. GENE QUIGLEY (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs.html#QUIGLEY)
Shore Catch Guide
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_quigley.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs.html#QUIGLEY)

SHELL E. CARIS (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs.html#CARIS)
Shore Catch Guide
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_caris.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs.html#CARIS)

Capt. DAVID GOLDMAN (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs2.html#GOLDMAN)
Shore Catch Guide
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_goldman.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs2.html#GOLDMAN)

Capt. Rich SWISSTACK (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs2.html#SWISSTACK)
Shore Catch Guide
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_swiss.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs2.html#SWISSTACK)

Capt. DAVID TORRICK (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs2.html#TORRICK)
Shore Catch Guide
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_torrick.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_scgs2.html#TORRICK)

BOB “Popfleyes” POPOVICS (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_popovics.html)
Fly Fisherman

http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/popovics_head.png (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_popovics.html)

DAVE ARBEITMAN (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_da.html)
Reel Seat
Brielle, NJ
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_Arbeitman_85x.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_da.html)

Capt. Mike HOGAN (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_mh.html)
HOGY Lures
Falmouth, MA
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_hogan_85x105.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_mh.html)

Capt. LOU GRAZIOSO (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_lg.html)
Stripermania Sportfishing Charters
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_grazioso.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_lg.html)

Capt. JOHN LUCHKA (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_jl.html)
Long Run Fishing Charters
http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/images/biopic_luchka_85x108.jpg (http://jerseyshorefishingshow.com/bio_jl.html)

Plug Builder
Asbury Park Fishing Club

03-11-2010, 09:51 PM
In addition to the seminars, thousands of $$ in prizes will be given away.
If ya missed it or didn't have the $$ this year, there's always next year.

I'm putting this out there in case anyone is going or wants to comment on any of the seminars or vendors. :thumbsup:

03-12-2010, 01:24 AM
when i first heard of hte show i was like wow it sounds good i gave it a quick i mite want to go than i saw the price nope not for me i will let the guys with money go to that one i cant and wont spend that:huh:

03-12-2010, 09:48 AM
Since I know many of these guys I noticed the names next to pictures are wrong click on the picture for the right information. All names except for Alberto should be down one.

03-12-2010, 10:15 AM
You forgot to mention the last minute addition of another world class fisherman, Fin....

The Famous, :rolleyes: notorious internet troublemaker, :laugh: anonymous plug builder, creator of the Effumall logo and T-shirt guy, and sekret sharpie ;) Killie will also be making a rare daylight appearance manning the Salty Bugger plugs booth. :wow:,:d :HappyWave:

03-13-2010, 06:22 PM
I wondered if anyone who went to that show today might have some feedback on it....


Dusky Daze?


Buehler??? ;)

Feel free to post up. :HappyWave:

03-14-2010, 09:56 PM
I thought it was a great show. I learned a TON of new info and that was my main objective going into the seminars. I consider myself very knowledgeable and capable when it comes to fishing but when you can increase that 60% you think you know to 70% it just makes for a better experience on the water and for me that's what its all about.

I liked the fact that they had limited tickets which I thought was great because I didn't think it was over crowded.

They had GREAT giveaways from all 23 + vendors and Shore catch charter trips were also part of the giveaways. I think 9 in total. I won a couple of plugs from John of B&N's. The new north bar bottle darter and a guidechoice No. 2 Pencil.

Since I fish mostly surf I attended the following seminars.

Tackle secrets with Shell E

RB on Foot with Rich Swiss and Dave

Trophy Hunting with Alberto Knie

Reading the Surf and Jetties with Shell E

All were very good I thought.

At the beginning of Crazy Al’s presentation he was having trouble with his pictures so I was able to get a PowerPoint deck together for him quick to get him started. Earned me a couple of packs of fishing clips from his new company Tactical Anglers. It was the first time I had been to one of his seminars. Very nice guy.

I thought it was interesting how all three guys I saw (Shell, Rich and Al) had different views on tackle/techniques, how to hook bait etc. Nothing major but just different preferences they have. Its definitely gonna change how I approach this year.

The food was good at lunch. Location was good. Overall very informative and I meet some new guys which I’m looking forward to getting out with. The money was well worth it.

I also liked the amount of time they allowed between each session to allow for you to check out the vendors and talk to people. And all the presenters took the time to answer questions after they spoke or if you saw them later on they were approachable and took the time.

I would say it was much better then the other shows I’ve been to. It was very well organized for us the attendees so that we got the most out of it vice versa where I feel most shows are for the vendors and to get the most they can at the door.

Hats off to Shore Catch and all the presenters that made it happen.

Tight Lines and wish me luck hunting down a cow on the beach:d