View Full Version : Assembly approves bill for saltwater license

03-12-2010, 10:59 AM
From the Atlantic City Press:

By JULIET FLETCHER Staff Writer | Posted: Monday, March 8, 2010 | 2

A bill that would create a registry for all saltwater fishermen was approved today by members of the Assembly committee on agriculture and natural resources.

The Assembly bill, which matches an identical one introduced last month in the Senate, allows the state to set up its own database of saltwater anglers without charging any license fee to fishermen.
The law would mean the state does not have to take part in a federal registry, a move that would save fishermen paying a fee next year to Washington, D.C.

Sponsors of the bill, including Assemblymen Nelson Albano and Matt Milam, D-Cape May, Cumberland, Atlantic, and Assemblyman John Amodeo, R-Atlantic, all argued the plan to create a simple database now would be better than waiting to let the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) start charging each state's recreational anglers a fee of up to $25 to put their details, such as name, contact details and fishing habits, on file.

The details are required by administration surveyors who compile the Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics Survey, which keeps track of fish stocks.

The statewide bill met opposition Monday from Tom McCloy, administrator for the state's Bureau of Marine Fisheries, who said that if the state set up its own registry without charging at least a nominal fee to fund its operation, the cost would ultimately come from the Department of Environmental Protection's budget.
Amodeo described the question of who will pay for the registry's operation as a "tough call." The committee voted unanimously to move the bill to the full Assembly. The senate version, meanwhile, has not yet been discussed by committee.

03-12-2010, 12:13 PM
Sponsors of the bill, including Assemblymen Nelson Albano and Matt Milam, D-Cape May, Cumberland, Atlantic, and Assemblyman John Amodeo, R-Atlantic, all argued the plan to create a simple database now would be better than waiting to let the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) start charging each state's recreational anglers a fee of up to $25 to put their details, such as name, contact details and fishing habits, on file.

How magnanimous of them, What they meant to say was they want to keep the money in Jersey instead of giving it to the feds. Let's be real about why they did this.

03-13-2010, 06:03 AM
Once again there is confusion. This is about the saltwater registry mandated in the MSA latest reauthorization. It IS NOT about a saltwater license. That is a different issue. The MSA requires states to put a registry in place for the purpose of: counting saltwater anglers in each state and putting together a "fisherman's phone book" for better data collection in order to get more accurate recreational landings. The MSA allows states with saltwater licenses that meet all of the registry requirements to be exempt from a registry. However, when a state fails to implement either a registry OR a license then and only then does the fed gov't step in. It does not state anywhere in MSA that states are required to charge for the registry. I attended the state senate committee hearing in Dec when the registry bill was suppossed to be taken out of committee. Before the chairman of the committtee killed the bill ($2.00 registry fee) NJ Fish and Wildlife was asked what the exact cost to administer the registry was. His reply was $1.01. When asked if the $2.00 was enough to run the registry, the reply was: not enough money. Please don't get confused and think the registry (for info purposes) and a saltwater license (cash cow purposes) are one in the same.