View Full Version : Stealthy Presentations

03-20-2010, 12:25 PM
When you are rigging your set-up do you ever stop to think about presenting the most natural looking one to the fish? I was reading something that talked about how mono is transparent thus can fool the fish more.

03-21-2010, 05:53 AM
With bait I only fish mono and if my rig is failing to hook up I will change up to a different rig and see if the hookup is better.Braid is more visible than mono for sure as far as fluoro goes in clear water a better choice otherwise I don't notice a difference.

07-21-2010, 04:26 PM
What surfstix said. I believe fish can see braid in the clear water in the daytime. I also believe for the most part it does not affect your catch ratio. Nonetheless, a mono leader is a good idea for most saltwater species. Friends of mine who captain charters swear by flouro leaders for day bass fishing. Does it increase their catch ratio? They believe it does.