View Full Version : Eatery accused of serving whale meat closes

03-22-2010, 06:39 PM
Sent in by Rip-plugger, thanks!


Eatery accused of serving whale meat closes
3:08 PM EST March 20, 2010
Informants told federal investigators The Hump restaurant illegally served endangered whale meat.
© AFP - Getty Images
A Los Angeles-area sushi restaurant that made international headlines after it was charged with serving endangered whale meat will close forever as a "self-imposed punishment," according to a statement on its website.
The parent company of the The Hump, a popular Santa Monica restaurant, and sushi chef Kiyoshiro Yamamoto were charged on March 11 with violating the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which makes it illegal to sell whale meat.
Federal prosecutors have said that the case stemmed from informants who were served whale meat at The Hump in October 2009 and evolved into a sting operation by U.S. wildlife and customs officials.
The federal charge carries a maximum penalty of one year in federal prison and a maximum fine of $100,000 for an individual or $200,000 for an organization.
A statement on the Web site said the eatery, which was picketed by protesters after the charges made news around the world, would be shuttered as of Saturday.
"The Hump hopes that by closing its doors, it will help bring awareness to the detrimental effects that illegal whaling has on the preservation of our ocean ecosystems and species," the statement said.
"Closing the restaurant is a self-imposed punishment on top of the fine that will be meted out by the court," the statement said. The restaurant apologized for its "illegal actions."
'The Cove'
According to the statement, the restaurant's owners would make a substantial contribution to organizations dedicated to the preservation of whales and other endangered species.

03-23-2010, 06:56 PM
The federal charge carries a maximum penalty of one year in federal prison and a maximum fine of $100,000 for an individual or $200,000 for an organization.
"Closing the restaurant is a self-imposed punishment on top of the fine that will be meted out by the court," the statement said. The restaurant apologized for its "illegal actions."
'The Cove'
According to the statement, the restaurant's owners would make a substantial contribution to organizations dedicated to the preservation of whales and other endangered species.

Call me crazy, but they closed the restaurant not because of their ethical concern, but because they figured it was cheaper than paying all the fines. Now that they're out of business I bet the fines are closer to $1000 than $200,000.

03-24-2010, 11:54 AM
Even though they closed I would think they still have to pay their fines.
WHat does whale meat taste like anyhow?