View Full Version : Obama and Lubchenco Screw Rec's

04-07-2010, 11:43 AM

Anglers in states without a qualifying saltwater license will probably be paying the federal government $25 or more simply to register next year, while the Obama administration gives away potential billions in public resources to select commercial fishermen, and spends millions of dollars to do so.
Though accounts of government inefficiency are common, this one tops them all.

As noted in a previous Conservation Watch, NOAA Fisheries is not only giving away very valuable marine resources in Dr. Jane Lubchenko’s catch shares program, but spending millions of your tax dollars to help selected exploiters digest their gifts that can then be sold for immediate profits even if they never drag another net.

If this were being done with public oil, mineral, or animal resources, there would be a national outcry. Yet, it appears public fishery resources are to be handed out to those who have done the most damage withoutany competitive bidding or lease payments.

As I detailed in that column, the infamous Teapot Dome scandal during the Harding administration occurred when a favored oil company received lucrative leases without competitive bidding. Federal officials were implicated in that favoritism, yet, that oil company was at least paying for the leases — and wasn’t getting additional public funding.

What the Obama administration is doing with public fishery resources and public funds may soon have us wishing for the good old days” of the Harding administration when to pay private interests to take them away like so much garbage.

To top it off, Congress has just added $10 million to be a smooth transition of commercial fishermen into their gift-- bringing the total to $47.2 million provided in two years. In addition, NMFS has been transferring funds for fisheries research desperately needed to avoid unnecessary closures (such as for sea bass this winter) into the catch shares program.

Even many commercial fishermen oppose catch shares because they will end up consolidating-family fishing -businesses into corporate operations easier for NMFS to control.

After that comes the quesilon of what to do with the pesky anglers who refuse to hang up their rods.

That free flow of funds for amassive giveaway doesn’t extend to the pUblic who are paying for it in taxes, and will soon be playing second fiddle to the new owners of the fishery resources we share with them. Guess

-whowill be getting cut back further if those “owners” are having trouble
filling their quotas? -.

With so much money involved, it’s hard to. believe that the administration’s massive giveaway of both public resources and cash tO private interests will be accomplished-without favoritistorscandal -especially In view of a seeming lack of congressional oversight.

Forward this column to your congressman, unless you’ll be happy with paying $25 or more next year just so NMFS can record your name after the agency is giving away millions to commercial fishermen merely for accepting- their gift.

possibly significant action taken by the Council 1on International Trade in Endangered Species relative to marine species involved amonitor. ing” international trade in porbeagle sharks.
After the column went to print, I found Out that proposal (which had received the two-thirds approval required) was overturned just before the conference’s conclusion. No action was taken on the U.S. proposal tQ reconsider some protection of hammerhead sharks after that effort failed to get the two-thirds approval by only five votes.
Decreases up to 96% in scalloped hammerheads in many areas apparently weren’t enough to concern CITIES

04-07-2010, 01:12 PM

Anglers in states without a qualifying saltwater license will probably be paying the federal government $25 or more simply to register next year, while the Obama administration gives away potential billions in public resources to select commercial fishermen, and spends millions of dollars to do so.
Though accounts of government inefficiency are common, this one tops them all.

If this were being done with public oil, mineral, or animal resources, there would be a national outcry. Yet, it appears public fishery resources are to be handed out to those who have done the most damage withoutany competitive bidding or lease payments.


Even many commercial fishermen oppose catch shares because they will end up consolidating-family fishing -businesses into corporate operations easier for NMFS to control.

After that comes the quesilon of what to do with the pesky anglers who refuse to hang up their rods.

Umm, we have to continue down the path of being "pesky anglers?" http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon14.gif

I learned a lot about the opposition to catch shares at the Fishermens' March on Washington. There doesn't seem to be any support for catch shares outside the NOAA offices other than the largest fishing corporations who may have lobbied for this behind the scenes.

It seems to me many fishermen don't worry about this kind of stuff until it's too late. :don't know why:

04-07-2010, 06:45 PM
I wonder if it will ever end with these people, or if they will only be happy when we can't fish for anything anymore.

04-07-2010, 08:41 PM
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.gif

04-07-2010, 08:59 PM
^^ The corollary to that would be those who contribute most heavily to a campaign get to make the rules.

04-08-2010, 07:07 AM
I won't hang my rods up but I will sacrifice my 11 footers one for Lubchenko and one for Obama's rear end I'll even throw in a new plug to see it come out of their mouths backwards 3 trebles of course.:burn:

04-08-2010, 06:38 PM
It is called lobbying. We, recreational fishemen, are not organized enough to compete with big business. There is a lot of separatism within our ranks and the two biggest lobbying groups we have are at odds with each other.

This is not the best way to send a message.

04-09-2010, 07:51 AM
It is called lobbying. We, recreational fishemen, are not organized enough to compete with big business. There is a lot of separatism within our ranks and the two biggest lobbying groups we have are at odds with each other.

This is not the best way to send a message.

This has nothing to do with lobbying, lets not mislead people. This is once again Obama lying where funds go, this time from the recreational sector. I can't believe after all that is stated about the 2 of them trying to shut down the recs, destroying and closing fisheries you still back the 2 PEW puppets. It's been stated on national TV,major publications, The March on Washington and by some Democratic Senators. Let's not forget his mandate that he wants no more recreational input.

The commercials don't support them either. This will put a lot of them out of business. They are opposed to catch shares and his dictator tactics also. NOAA was put in place to manage the commercial fishery not to destroy it along with bringing down recreational fishing as a bonus.

I don't suppose you'll be at the SSFFF dinner or sending a donation to help stop them either. Many clubs,tackle manufacturers,and fishing organizations through out the country including the RFA support this. Money is used to pay for our own scientists to prove the sometimes flawed governments statistic wrong. By the way the registry funds were to help give better statistics not for catch share buy outs. Oops.

Please don't take this personal. Facts are facts and the majority of the fishing communities and businesses (retail,recreational and commercial) don't consider them our friends.

Remember Striped Bass could be next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If this offends you or any people who support Obama and his Puppet please feel free to ban me from your site as saving bass is more important to me.

04-09-2010, 08:45 AM
Fin, everyone is entitled to their opinions on this site as long as they're being respectful to each other. :plastered:

I know people have strong political views. They're entitled to support whoever they want, and continue supporting their choices.

However, all kidding aside, I don't know how anyone can claim Obama is a friend to fishermen. :don't know why:

Since he has come into office, the most restrictive fishing measures in history have been enacted.

Many of these measures have been enacted without regard to real science. It's only through fishermen PACS like the RFA, SSFFF and others that we have been able to gain ground back with real science rather than junk science from the NOAA.

Even though I'm trying to be politically neutral here. I'm hard pressed to find any examples of what Obama has done for recreational fishing, as it pertains to us coastal recreational fishermen.

Further. I challenge anyone who can, to come on here and show us....

Go ahead, I'm listening, but so far I only hear the sound of crickets. :rolleyes:

04-09-2010, 09:16 AM
Fin, everyone is entitled to their opinions on this site as long as they're being respectful to each other. :plastered:

I know people have strong political views. They're entitled to support whoever they want, and continue supporting their choices.

However, all kidding aside, I don't know how anyone can claim Obama is a friend to fishermen. :don't know why:

Since he has come into office, the most restrictive fishing measures in history have been enacted.

Many of these measures have been enacted without regard to real science. It's only through fishermen PACS like the RFA, SSFFF and others that we have been able to gain ground back with real science rather than junk science from the NOAA.

Even though I'm trying to be politically neutral here. I'm hard pressed to find any examples of what Obama has done for recreational fishing.

Further. I challenge anyone who can, to come on here and show us....

Go ahead, I'm listening, but so far I only hear the sound of crickets. :rolleyes:

1) Closing down the Loran C towers so fisherman and the US has no back up for GPS. The system was just redone and head of the coast guard fought him. (Included terminating fishing access at Cape May station)
2) No more recreational input, then again commercials didn't really get a say on fish shares just became a done deal.
3) Federal Registry just for citizens of US of course they can afford to pay and laws really only apply to them.
4) MPA's which have shut down fishing nation wide ( 250 miles of beach in CA)
5) Closing down even totally rebuilt stocks of fish (sea bass)
6) Putting extreme pressure on striped bass from restrictions and other species closures.
7) Following Pew's lead as they state on their web site.
8) Appointing Dr. Lubchenco to head of NOAA who has numerous ties to PEW (talk about conflict of interest) she's stated if we don't like what she does with fishing we can play golf.
9) In general the public never is listened to when he wants something.
10) By far the best, going trout fishing for 2 days so he now understands what people get out of fishing since he never fished prior to that.

Maybe he could be given a Sportsman's Friend of the year award.

Oh wait you said things he's done for us sorry:embarassed:

04-11-2010, 09:45 AM
They are going to keep restricting the recreationals and supporting the commercials until the rec's can no longer fish. Then all the fish will be gone and they will be left wondering what they did wrong.:don't know why: When they look back they will come across the name Lubchenko. :eek: