View Full Version : Finchaser seminar series...
04-11-2010, 09:05 PM
limited availability.....
sign up now...
04-11-2010, 09:12 PM
free bagels, (cream cheese or butter optional, depending on what the swans are eating that day) ;)
free parking....
free cell phone support for one day after the seminar. All cell phones and batteries must be first approved by Killie. :ROFLMAO
Limitations and exclusions:
*English only, if you do not speak English well enough to understand the seminar a bucket of piping plover chum will be dumped on your head and you will be forced to leave the premises. :laugh:
* No refunds will be given.
* You must attend the seminar with your own pen and notepad. Anyone showing up without these 2 items will be asked to leave.
* No video cams allowed, but photographs and autographs will be permitted at the end of the seminar.
* You must be able to spell the word "S-E-M-I-N-A-R-I-A-N" to attend.
04-11-2010, 09:15 PM
Clam fishing 101:
Why the concept of "just throw the clam out into the bay and they will find it...." is wrong. :beatin:
Why old time sharpies did not rely on clams, and how you can learn to think out of the box.
04-11-2010, 09:17 PM
Why bunker makes everyone a bass fisherman...
Real life stories of how fish were caught long before there were bunker by the thousands.
04-11-2010, 09:20 PM
Basic principles of plugging, jigging, and bucktailing...
Why you should challenge yourself learning these basics, even though there might be lots of studying....;)
Why the best learning tool is experience and time on the water.
Why you can't learn to fish artificials sitting at home on the computer....
04-11-2010, 09:27 PM
Why it's not ok to mug people...
Why it's important to take your trash with you as you leave....
Why it's important not to pizz or take a dump on a homeowner's property.
Why it's important not to leave fish racks in a homeowner's trash cans, even if the trash guys ARE coming the next morning...:rolleyes:
Why striped bass are not like doritos, and you just can't make more....
What has happened in a historical pattern when fishermen become greedy....
04-11-2010, 09:29 PM
Why fishermen should pay attention to what's going on around them.
Why Dr Lubchenko is a PEW puppet. :2flip:
Why more fishemen are needed on fisheries management boards...
04-11-2010, 09:41 PM
Just wanted to let you know that this is obviously satire, no offense intended against Finchaser. :kiss:
He would be a great teacher, though.
He is a great teacher, despite his crabby OGB side. :wow:
So carrying this along, if this was a true seminar series, what would, or should, he be teaching?
Answers can be serious, or humorous.
Let's have some Fin....Fun...:plastered:
04-11-2010, 09:44 PM
Any truth to the rumor that everyone who attends this seminar gets a free pass to your 2 day seminar the following week on "Swans, There Not Just Big Birds"?
04-11-2010, 09:51 PM
Rough crowd there Dark.
04-11-2010, 10:14 PM
Any truth to the rumor that everyone who attends this seminar gets a free pass to your 2 day seminar the following week on "Swans, There Not Just Big Birds"?
Yes and he includes the bread to the first 10 people.
04-12-2010, 07:47 AM
I'm in!!!!!!!
04-12-2010, 10:25 AM
Any truth to the rumor that everyone who attends this seminar gets a free pass to your 2 day seminar the following week on "Swans, There Not Just Big Birds"?
Rough crowd there Dark.
Cmon guy, dark deserves it, he set himself up for the swan coronation when he did the swans in the Navesink thread. Even though I did take my kids there to see them (thanks dark:HappyWave:) you have to admit it is hilarious.:d
As for the finchaser seminar series, count me in, but only if I can get in on the cell phone chain!:lookhappy:
04-12-2010, 10:31 AM
I'll be there if ya got sausage sandwiches and plenty a cannoli.
04-12-2010, 12:49 PM
Why it's not ok to mug people...
Why it's important to take your trash with you as you leave....
Why it's important not to pizz or take a dump on a homeowner's property.
Why it's important not to leave fish racks in a homeowner's trash cans, even if the trash guys ARE coming the next morning...:rolleyes:
Why striped bass are not like doritos, and you just can't make more....
What has happened in a historical pattern when fishermen become greedy....
They honestly should have seminar topics like these. It's sad to me that these things even need to be discussed. Years ago this type of topic was called common sense. It's a shame that young folks today have such a sense of entitlement that they cannot always see the big picture, and people think the answers to becoming a better fisherman will be gained through a seminar. There is no substitute for time spent on the water. As for courtesy, shame on those who were not listening when their parents were trying to teach them.
04-12-2010, 03:12 PM
Hey some of the guys who run the seminars and write the books have only been fishing for 5 or 10 years anyway. Why not have a finchaser seminar. It sounds like you are making fun of it but i would go, especially if they had sausage sandwiches and cannoles like surfwalker said.:drool:
04-12-2010, 05:46 PM
Are they going to be the ones with potatoes and onions? If so I'm in. I'll pass on the swan seminar and donate it to finchaser.
04-12-2010, 07:07 PM
Does that mean killie will be selling Bat-signal access as well?
I'm in!
04-12-2010, 07:38 PM
Are they going to be the ones with potatoes and onions? If so I'm in. I'll pass on the swan seminar and donate it to finchaser.
I'm in too (love onions) but I'll go to the swan one for the bread (have to get there early and stand in line).
04-12-2010, 08:52 PM
I am in as well.
04-12-2010, 11:58 PM
im in
04-13-2010, 03:41 PM
First lesson Fin is gonna teach Dark is where to buy anitbacterial hand cleaner to get the smelly clam off his hands LOL.
Maybe we shold all invest since a lot of us are clammers. Personally, bunker smell worse than clams do.
03-17-2011, 01:12 PM
Update - Just a head's up that we're again running the Finchaser Spring Fishing Elite surf seminar soon, so anyone who didn't sign, please be sure to say "I'm in!"
Guy who catches the biggest spring surf bass on clam is eligible for a Commendation and a write up in the local press. Also eligible for a pic on the wall of the local tackle shop. :thumbsup: ;)
03-17-2011, 02:57 PM
Ha ha that's funny. I assume you are being sarcastic. I'm in anyway.:kooky:
03-17-2011, 05:31 PM
i am in just for the sammiches & cannoles
03-17-2011, 05:44 PM
Whee I'm in what kind of sammiches?
03-17-2011, 06:28 PM
Ha ha that's funny. I assume you are being sarcastic. I'm in anyway.:kooky:
He is he's delusional, been doing too much bird watching plus I don't sling snot that's a DS speciality
03-17-2011, 08:03 PM
steve...Whee I'm in what kind of sammiches? .......swanny with black mud gray
03-23-2011, 09:00 AM
Personally, bunker smell worse than clams do.
Yes, but isn't that what you want when you are fishing? The scent of the bunker brings the bass to the bait, no?
10-20-2011, 03:46 PM
Clam fishing 101:
Why the concept of "just throw the clam out into the bay and they will find it...." is wrong. :beatin:
Why old time sharpies did not rely on clams, and how you can learn to think out of the box.
Update to the Finchaser seminar.
There is actually a company that makes a "clam" bucket. No, it's not a googan bucket, it's a CLAM bucket! :ROFLMAO
They use this for ice fishing...
but it's so appropriate I just had to add it in...
From Clam outdoors...:laugh:
Spill Proof Bait Well Keeps Live Bait Lively ( shing%2Fbait-well-with-6-gal-bucket-and-sled-bracket.html)
Clam Bait Well ( shing%2Fbait-well-with-6-gal-bucket-and-sled-bracket.html)
Designed to mount on all Clam Fish Trap shelters, as well as most other brands, the Clam Bait Well ( shing%2Fbait-well-with-6-gal-bucket-and-sled-bracket.html) ( shing%2Fbait-well-with-6-gal-bucket-and-sled-bracket.html)is the ultimate way to safely store minnows without spilling thanks to a gasket lined screw top lid. It was designed by ice anglers who wanted to solve the problem of storing your bait bucket in a place that’s convenient but also out of the way. The Bail Well solves both problems. SInce it mounts on the lip of a sled, it keeps the bait bucket off the ice and out of the way while also within reach. When an angler is ready to pack up and change locations, simply pull out the bucket, flip the metal bracket and put the bucket back in for secure, spill proof transport. All the hardware needed to mount the Bait Well is included making this a very easy install and use item.
I don't mind giving a free plug to ( :clapping:
FYI, one of these will be given to every seminarian (those who attent the seminar) upon receipt of your seminar only, no credit cards....;)
Hurry as this is a limited offer, once we're out of them, ya missed the boat! :laugh: :fishing:
10-20-2011, 05:47 PM
Ooh Ooh I want to be a seminarian! I'm in!
10-20-2011, 06:52 PM
Ooh Ooh I want to be a seminarian! I'm in!
Ooh Mr Kotter pick me! I'm in too.
10-20-2011, 06:55 PM
Do seminarians have to abstain from sex?
10-20-2011, 07:37 PM
It's very skilled thing catching bass on a clam or bunker head.:rolleyes: Takes years of study. Guys I recommend you set this finchaser seminar thing up into a 10 week series of lectures. You could call it "Mastering the clam and bunker presentation, secrets of the pros" Milk that thing for all it's worth. IRL, I think you could get people to pay. There are folks out there who don't want to even hear about a learning curve. They want to start on Monday, and by Friday have a 50lb bass under their belt. That's the way modern society is nowadays. Instant success or they arent interested.
10-20-2011, 08:56 PM
Remember I don't fish bait DS is the masturbater
10-20-2011, 09:30 PM
ha ha!
02-04-2012, 04:49 PM
The old grouchy basstard (OGB) came out of hibernation today to show a new guy some tips and tricks....and I heard that said new guy got taken to Castaways B&T in Point
to meet Joe Melillo and some of the old timers that hang there....:cool:
And to get to see some of the old black and white pics back when the Grouch was actually a more handsomer and thinner version of himself... and used to hang at the Long Branch Pier...
So let us know, Xtreme, how much dd he charge for the seminar? :fishing:
08-29-2012, 12:45 AM
Does that mean killie will be selling Bat-signal access as well?
I'm in!
Is access to the cell chain included in the seminar?
How about the bat signal? Or will that be extra? I want in, I'll pay an extra $25. Anyone want to outbid me?;)
08-29-2012, 06:55 PM
Serious….. I would go to one of his seminars.
08-30-2012, 01:01 AM
08-30-2012, 03:09 PM
Is access to the cell chain included in the seminar?
How about the bat signal? Or will that be extra? I want in, I'll pay an extra $25. Anyone want to outbid me?;)
Serious….. I would go to one of his seminars.
What can I say, Fin, your demand is getting stronger......:thumbsup:
08-30-2012, 03:18 PM
^^ I dunno...he hasn't chimed in yet....:scared:
You know I put this up here as a goof, Madcaster....I know you get that...:HappyWave:
Kind of a satiric take on all the seminars you see out there now...we talk about this all the time,....guys fishing the salt 5 years or less, all of the sudden they're seminar speakers.....:kooky:
It's all about putting yourself in a place with good PR...
Some are good at that, some better than others....
But really, I was thinking what if....
What if there were a Finchaser seminar.....:learn:
He has forgotton more about fishing, than many will ever learn...
He pays attention to the subtle and basic things that might not seem glamorous to some...looking at the bait every time he's out there...only fishing certain wind and weather patterns, having the sense to stay home for others....:moon::laugh:
Practicing and preaching C&R because he's seen and fished through good times and bad....:clapping: :thumbsup:
I just don't know if he's seminar ready....
Think of Archie Bunker running a seminar...for Sensitivity Training...
Or a seminar on Diversity and Getting along with all Cultures.....:scared:
Or the Sargeant from Full Metal Jacket running a seminar on how to be kind and caring to others, every day...:kooky:
Nope, he's a little too rough around the edges...if we could fix those issues he would be an outstanding he has a lot to teach..:learn:.others could learn a lot from him......and when he wants to be, he is a patient some of us have been lucky to long as ya being him peanut cakes.....:cool:
But there are days he's like a loose cannon...he was yelling at his long-time friends the other morning.,...because a lot of them have given up on bass fishing during these hot summer months....:argue:
Truth be told, it seems that most regular surf guys have given up on fishing for bass in NJ these last 2 months as well...all that is left is us nut-cases....:rolleyes:
08-30-2012, 04:00 PM
Hey I would go, just saying. :thumbsup:
08-30-2012, 04:04 PM
Or the Sargeant from Full Metal Jacket running a seminar on how to be kind and caring to others, every day...:kooky:
This would be the tone, hell yeah! I'm in. As long as he doesn't make us do pushups on the beach. I'm good for about 2.:embarassed:
"You are pukes, you are the lowest forms of life on earth..
Because I am hard you will not like me,..but you will learn"
08-30-2012, 06:14 PM
Kind of a satiric take on all the seminars you see out there now...we talk about this all the time,....guys fishing the salt 5 years or less, all of the sudden they're seminar speakers.....:kooky:
It's all about putting yourself in a place with good PR...
Some are good at that, some better than others....
Internet and facebook fishermen. They see a facebook report they come running down the beach.
Dont get me started about the seminarians, half of them out there you only see when the cell phone chain lets them know its a blitz.
There are very true hardcore fishermen out there, imo, that will stick it out through the good and the bad.
Shel E Caris is one of them. You see him in the park regularly.
Ernie Wuesthoff was another one. RIP, even though he inflated his catches he was out there every day. No way was he a fair weather fisherman, he fished as if fishing was the air he needed to survive the day.
Don't know finchaser but he sounds like another. Catching bass in the summer months is tough but do-able. Some from the inlet at night but you have to know the tides and presentation.
There was a good talk on nj101.5 the other day about facebook users, the ones who spend their lives on it.
I think its good if you are a business, bait shop, contractor, you want to let others know about your business its all good.
The a-holes who have to post up a facebook shot of every fish they caught and GPS coordinates. How many pics of a striper laying in the sand do you need to post to prove you caught it? We all know what a 20" striper looks like thank you very much.
And the housewives who need attention and want us all to know what they had for breakfast? I don't want to know and I dont want to care about these people. Facebook is a good way to keep in touch with families if you live across theUS. For the other attention ho's who didn't get enough attention in high school, I say join a circus or start doing extreme porn if you really want attention. I don't care, don't want to know.
08-30-2012, 06:52 PM
Haha DS I know you are joking but I would go too!
This would be the tone, hell yeah! I'm in. As long as he doesn't make us do pushups on the beach. I'm good for about 2.:embarassed:
"You are pukes, you are the lowest forms of life on earth..
Because I am hard you will not like me,..but you will learn"
Baababooey I wouldn't mind doing pushups on the beach if thats what it takes to get some nice fish.
If you can only do 2 now, maybe you should try taking the long walk once a week, very good for your physique!:wow:
08-30-2012, 07:03 PM
Hey I would be up for a seminar if you guys ever decided to put one on. Shel E, Finchaser, and a few of the other old timers. That would be more valuable than gold. Fishingmission I remember Ernie too. What a character he was. It was a sad day for the NJ fishing world when he died. rip Ernie.
08-30-2012, 07:26 PM
Baababooey I wouldn't mind doing pushups on the beach if thats what it takes to get some nice fish.
If you can only do 2 now, maybe you should try taking the long walk once a week, very good for your physique!:wow:
Steve if I had to do more than 2 pushups they would need to have the EMS on standby right there.
40 lbs overweight, if I wasn't get married I would never get laid.:laugh:
My bubbly personality I think is what got my wife to notice me in the first place, it certainly was not my rolls of fat.
As for walking that death trail at sandy hook, I have no idea why you psychos ever would want to do it.
45 minutes to walk out there, and most of the reports I read are "Nice night, nice sunrise, skunked again" "Got a few short fluke and some small blues" Who in their right mind would want to walk out there over and over, 45 minutes each way, for those slim results?
Thanks for the offer Steve - tell you what -
you go out there, and I'll meet you, NOT!:ROFLMAO
I will attend the finchaser seminar if the stated maximum pushups are 2.
Please forward this info on to the OGB. Thank you my good men. :HappyWave:
08-30-2012, 07:32 PM
This would be the tone, hell yeah! I'm in. As long as he doesn't make us do pushups on the beach. I'm good for about 2.:embarassed:
"You are pukes, you are the lowest forms of life on earth..
Because I am hard you will not like me,..but you will learn"
That was hysterical. Hahahahahaha
08-30-2012, 08:37 PM
Haha DS I know you are joking but I would go too!
With out a doubt, I would also go.
08-31-2012, 12:36 PM
how about we all meet for a beer and bullsh_t ????????????????????????
09-03-2012, 08:46 PM
Are cement shoes optional?:laugh: :HappyWave:
09-04-2012, 07:39 PM
Cell phone speed dial codes should be given to every one who attends.:)
09-06-2012, 12:47 PM
I must have missed this, Monty....:clapping::clapping: :thumbsup:
"Quote of the Week"....ROLFMFAO funny.....:ROFLMAO
Maybe we're seeing the new Finchaser here.....
And leading us singing a campground version of Kumbaya...with some interactive and politically correct chat :argue: after a happy morning of fishing.....:scared: :fishing: :HappyWave:
I know this would make Rip happy...he's been asking us to do this for months now.....:laugh: :HappyWave:
This just in.....I've been informed, that just for the benefit of is out! :(
We will now be serving Tea, Crumpets, and Finger the upcoming seminar......
:moon: :plastered: :laugh: :HappyWave:
And, in Rip's honor, one of the seminar subjects will be.....
"Effective Methods of Chatting with your Buddies, when the Bite is on....:ROFLMAO :HappyWave:
09-06-2012, 02:18 PM
Will you be serving grey poupon on the sandwiches?:rolleyes:
09-06-2012, 09:26 PM
This just in.....I've been informed, that just for the benefit of is out! :(
We will now be serving Tea, Crumpets, and Finger the upcoming seminar......
What the heck is a crumpet????
09-07-2012, 07:34 AM
Will you be serving grey poupon on the sandwiches?:rolleyes:
Grey Poupon, I put that **** on everything. Hahahahaha.
09-07-2012, 11:11 PM
What the heck is a crumpet????
Grey Poupon, I put that **** on everything. Hahahahaha.
I was talking about this with the OGB today.....he remembers that I said the thing about the crumpets, to make RIP feel better that he doesn't get a call from the bat phone when the fishing is hot......I remember that he said to make the crumpet offer to RIP...we're getting so old we really can't remember who said what anymore....:rolleyes:
(BTW albies were blitzing on a NJ beach today for over an hour and there was no one there to catch them....:whoo: )
I'm not a crumpet kind of guy....I prefer my breakfast fast, cheap (the $1.50 pork roll egg n cheese sammich), and soaked in stale clam juice or bunker blood....:laugh:
RIP and Monty I think you guys' food choices are too fancy for us surf rats......:ROFLMAO :HappyWave:
09-07-2012, 11:56 PM
You are getting so old you are postin the same chit on a different thead. Lmao
Yup, I have dingleberries that are older than you, bro....:scared:
And yet, if you fish just one tide at night with old Farts like Monty, or me.,,,,by the end of the night you're passed out on the beach to get your "beauty sleep".....why is that? :kiss: :moon: :laugh: :HappyWave:
09-08-2012, 12:12 AM
Yup, I have dingleberries that are older than you, bro....:scared:
Oh that is so foul! I think I might start using it in my signature. Sick chit!:upck:
09-08-2012, 01:01 AM
Yup, I have dingleberries that are older than you, bro....:scared:
And yet, if you fish just one tide at night with old Farts like Monty, or me.,,,,by the end of the night you're passed out on the beach to get your "beauty sleep".....why is that? :kiss: :moon: :laugh: :HappyWave:
Ahhh the memories. I remember doing "the walk" with you and Monty. The first area I fished with Monty, he said Im gonna go over by these rocks. I didn't see him for almost an hr and started to get worried. Lmao. He just disappeared like a ninja. Popped back up like one too. We threw back many red bulls that night as his cooler was loaded with them. Hahaha. 9 hrs of fishing after doing a 12 hr shift and being up for a day and a half, I did pass out on the beach fishin with both of you guys. Had a blast doin it too even thouh the skunk got us all.
I drive an hr to fish with Fin, we bail fish for 2 hrs, I drive an hr home. Always catch fish, time to bs and have coffee and peanut butter tastecakes and o home ready to takle the day. Hahahahaha.
Whenever you and my Uncle Monty are ready to do "the walk" ill wave to you from my boat. Hahahaha.
09-08-2012, 12:36 PM
Ahhh the memories. I remember doing "the walk" with you and Monty. Had a blast doin it too even thouh the skunk got us all.
Whenever you and my Uncle Monty are ready to do "the walk" ill wave to you from my boat. Hahahaha.
Most of the time we fish alone.....We don't just fish with anyone, ya know....consider it an honor that we thought ya had enough potential to take ya out for the night....:thumbsup: :fishing:....
even though you're now a "boat guy"......:laugh: :cool: :HappyWave:
09-08-2012, 12:43 PM
Yup, I have dingleberries that are older than you, bro....:scared:
And yet, if you fish just one tide at night with old Farts like Monty, or me.,,,,by the end of the night you're passed out on the beach to get your "beauty sleep".....why is that? :kiss: :moon: :laugh: :HappyWave:
Oh that is so foul! I think I might start using it in my signature. Sick chit!:upck:
Most of the time we fish alone.....We don't just fish with anyone, ya know..........:laugh: :cool: :HappyWave:
Dark, no offense but with old dingleberries hanging from your nether regions I can see why you fish alone. :kooky: Rip I think you should get a medal for even venturing out with these surf crazies. And there is nothing wrong with fishing from a boat. We who do, catch more fish.:moon: :)
09-08-2012, 03:38 PM
Ahhh the memories. I remember doing "the walk" with you and Monty. 9 hrs of fishing after doing a 12 hr shift and being up for a day and a half, I did pass out on the beach fishin with both of you guys. Had a blast doin it too even thouh the skunk got us all.
I drive an hr to fish with Fin, we bail fish for 2 hrs, I drive an hr home. Always catch fish, time to bs and have coffee and peanut butter tastecakes and o home ready to takle the day. Hahahahaha.
Whenever you and my Uncle Monty are ready to do "the walk" ill wave to you from my boat. Hahahaha.
:ROFLMAO I still think your snoring killed the morning bite.
Most of the time we fish alone.....We don't just fish with anyone, ya know....consider it an honor that we thought ya had enough potential to take ya out for the night....:thumbsup: :fishing:....
even though you're now a "boat guy"......:laugh: :cool: :HappyWave:
But crumpets and dingle-berries??? Getting close to intervention time.:HappyWave:
Dark, no offense but with old dingleberries hanging from your nether regions I can see why you fish alone. :kooky: Rip I think you should get a medal for even venturing out with these surf crazies. And there is nothing wrong with fishing from a boat. We who do, catch more fish.:moon: :) Should be some nice white water in the AM....... :HappyWave: :moon: :moon:
09-08-2012, 06:17 PM
:ROFLMAO I still think your snoring killed the morning bite.
But crumpets and dingle-berries??? Getting close to intervention time.:HappyWave:
Rip you should have had some more of those energy drinks. If Monty had a cooler of them it would be like heaven for a night of surf fishing.
Monty he really is going off the deep end. I mean can you imagine going in to your local dunkin donuts, and saying - "Yes i would like a crumpet with dingleberry jam" They would throw you right out of the store, maybe call the police!
Surely you aren't fishing tomorro. I read the forecast it said the swells were 6.5 feet. You will get washed out to sea.
09-08-2012, 06:28 PM
Steve bet you we get some great WHITE WATER photogs
09-08-2012, 06:44 PM
Steve bet you we get some great WHITE WATER photogs
I'm that predictable. :HappyWave: :D
09-08-2012, 08:15 PM
yep I enjoy your shots
09-08-2012, 08:25 PM
Yeah monty, your white water shots are awesome just hope you don't get dragged out to sea one night. Be carful out there guy!
09-08-2012, 08:32 PM
I'm that predictable. :HappyWave: :D
sometimes you are!
Here is a play by play of a Monty trip -
drank 5 energy drinks from my cooler (only saying this because Rip said so)
fished the white water
beautiful white water
jumped around in it, pretended I was a dolphin
sometime around sunrise I lost a big fish on a hogy.
then around sunrise I got a small bluefish/bass/dirty sock/white snake/condom/small fluke/stargazer/cownose ray (i left some options here for the reader to pick one, because those are the things you usually catch!:HappyWave:
and then I went home, beautiful white water!
by the way please keep posting those white water pics. Hopefully you get some bass this fall as well top go with them
09-08-2012, 08:48 PM
sometimes you are!
Here is a play by play of a Monty trip -
drank 5 energy drinks from my cooler (only saying this because Rip said so)
fished the white water
beautiful white water
jumped around in it, pretended I was a dolphin
sometime around sunrise I lost a big fish on a hogy.
then around sunrise I got a small bluefish/bass/dirty sock/white snake/condom/small fluke/stargazer/cownose ray (i left some options here for the reader to pick one, because those are the things you usually catch!:HappyWave:
and then I went home, beautiful white water!
by the way please keep posting those white water pics. Hopefully you get some bass this fall as well top go with them
Ouch Steve that is cold! Hey I don't think you catch more fish than Monty, dude. We have all had a lot of skunks this year, even finchaser and dark. It has been a tough year, a handful of good nights for me. Monty was slaying the bass and blues about 2 years ago up in nomoco. I am sure he will get into them again. Your play by play was funny though.:clapping:
09-08-2012, 08:54 PM
Here is a play by play of a Monty trip -
I was a dolphin
sometime around sunrise I lost a big fish on a hogy.
then around sunrise I got a small bluefish/bass/dirty sock/white snake/condom/small fluke/stargazer/cownose ray (i left some options here for the reader to pick one, because those are the things you usually catch!:HappyWave:
and then I went home, beautiful white water!
I am loving the dolphhin reference Steve. So thats why you guys love the surf so much. You pretend you are dolphins.:kooky: :laugh:
09-08-2012, 10:25 PM
sometimes you are!
Here is a play by play of a Monty trip -
drank 5 energy drinks from my cooler (only saying this because Rip said so)
fished the white water
beautiful white water
jumped around in it, pretended I was a dolphin
sometime around sunrise I lost a big fish on a hogy.
then around sunrise I got a small bluefish/bass/dirty sock/white snake/condom/small fluke/stargazer/cownose ray (i left some options here for the reader to pick one, because those are the things you usually catch!:HappyWave:
and then I went home, beautiful white water!
by the way please keep posting those white water pics. Hopefully you get some bass this fall as well top go with them
Gotta love the white water!!!
"pretended I was a dolphin" :laugh:
09-09-2012, 09:48 AM
Well. bababooey, I must be a dolphin too, because the other night I almost ended up swimming to England....
Monty catches fish....when they're there....but this has been a tough summer for surf fishermen fishing artificials...
Most have given up....
At least there are some of us out there, like Monty, who haven't...:thumbsup:
Monty, sorry to laugh, but I gotta give props to Steve, right down to the pull down menu of your night's catches....All in fun...but it was lmfao funny. :laugh: :HappyWave:
09-09-2012, 06:20 PM
Hey glad you guys liked it. The dolphin thing made me laugh too as I was typing it.:HappyWave:
09-09-2012, 10:47 PM
sometimes you are!
Here is a play by play of a Monty trip -
drank 5 energy drinks from my cooler (only saying this because Rip said so)
fished the white water
beautiful white water
jumped around in it, pretended I was a dolphin
sometime around sunrise I lost a big fish on a hogy.
then around sunrise I got a small bluefish/bass/dirty sock/white snake/condom/small fluke/stargazer/cownose ray (i left some options here for the reader to pick one, because those are the things you usually catch!:HappyWave:
and then I went home, beautiful white water!
by the way please keep posting those white water pics. Hopefully you get some bass this fall as well top go with them
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::HappyWave :
12-21-2012, 03:13 PM
To Sweeten the pot......
Anyone pre-registering for the Finchaser Seminar gets first crack at the Finchaser Weather Service.....:cool:
for a low fee of only $1.99/month....he will put you on a list that automatically texts you 3 times a day with weather updates.....;)
Along with the commentary that only the OGB is capable of...:laugh:..Samples below...
"The flags are as stiff as wedding *ick! Stay home!"
"There's no way that wind is going to lay down, you are delusional!"
"This storm will kill the fishing, yep, the fat lady will be singing soon......"
"All the dillydocks talk about how they will fish the NorEaster with clams..where are they tonight?"
"Temps are dropping like a rock, the fat lady is gonna sing any minute"
I can tell ya's, as a beneficiary of this sage advice from the grizzly old salt.,,,it has saved me time and money on apparently I have this need to drive down there every few days and wet a line. whether the fishing is worthwhile or not....
Yes, folks, for the low price of only $1.99/month, you too can be part of this texting chain....and have the chance to be labeled a googan or dillydock if you disregard the wisdom.......
Act now before the price goes up! :laugh: :HappyWave:
12-21-2012, 03:34 PM
To add to this, all the Old Farts in his circle rely on him for their weather reports....
He is obsessive about scouting various sources, and putting it all together for predictions that are on the $$....lately he has been almost 100% accurate correlating the weather to its effect on fishing.....:fishing:
I tried to argue with him yesterday...."Aah yer such a grouchy basstid! Look at the flags, I'm telling ya the wind is gonna lay down!..."
It did...for about a half hour, change of tide...and then kicked back up again to 20+mph......
12-21-2012, 06:23 PM
We can use this :HappyWave:
12-21-2012, 06:55 PM
Haha thats priceless!:clapping::clapping:
I'm in!!
12-21-2012, 07:23 PM
We can use this :HappyWave:
Hilarious madcaster I'm in too!
12-22-2012, 06:40 PM
:laugh: :clapping:Finchaser weather forecasting stone. Awesome photoshop mad caster.
01-07-2013, 06:53 PM
Just a note to the file that the OGB and his old fart buddies in Castaways B&T predicted the latest bite, how it would develop, and unfold, even before it did. They are uncanny in their knowlege and wisdom......
They know more about the fish migration and different strains of fish and how they behave than any scientist out there.....WTG you old Farts....:clapping: :thumbsup: ,,,and thanks......the new Finchaser weather forecasting app is working great on my phone now....if only it could convince me not to sleep in my car anymore..... :laugh:
01-25-2013, 09:18 PM
the fish are gone the fat lady sang ocean temp this morning was 41 the creeks and lagoons are frozen. Last winter was a freak of nature. If you like the cold,peace and solitude sleep on a chaise lounge in your yard the results will be the same.
finchaser I found this quote on the winter fishing thread. Dec 31 you and dark were bickering again about whether the fat lady was singing or not.
Here is your latest -
Manasquan inlet was 36 today on incoming
Metdikonk River frozen over
Beaver dam Creek frozen over
Point Pleasant Canal boat basins frozen mini icebergs floating down the canal
Now stay home Googan(DS) it's over before you slip and fall off one of your frozen rocks,if you can't stay away get a chaise lounge and sleep on the beach
In the quote above you are bickering again with him. Why does that not surprise me? You two are like Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon in Grumpy old men! :laugh: One night on the jetties I found a solution for you, the finchaser chair for you to come out and fish on the rocks with us.
Will you use it? If not I am obligated to give it to the fat lady and I think it is too small for her fat a**. If she sits on it she might break it :scared: so I think you should take it. Let me know if you want and I will bring it to the next finchaser seminar.:HappyWave:
01-26-2013, 10:50 AM
Haha that is funny stormingsteve a fishing chair at the ocean! Wonder how that got there? Maybe Sandy?
01-26-2013, 12:46 PM
:clapping:Finchaser fishing chair. Steve that is a riot. I have seen that chair you spot burner!:laugh: Good luck catching anything in that cold water, was 35 degrees today.
01-26-2013, 01:14 PM
We argue because I am no way like him and do not want people to think I am nor do I want them to think his craziness and Googan ways is derived from anything I have taught or told him. This is a disclaimer statement that being said.
1) I sleep in a bed
2) I shower at least once a day
3) I do not marathon fish
4) I fish proven patterns
5) I do what's best for the fish.
Love the chair but should be modified to have a canopy,seat belt and PFD
01-26-2013, 04:35 PM
You two are like Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon in Grumpy old men! :laugh:
dark and finchaser - "tell me something do I stink?":rolleyes:
dark and finchaser share polite conversation
01-27-2013, 12:20 PM
^:ROFLMAO What a pisser.
01-31-2013, 11:58 AM
We argue because I am no way like him and do not want people to think I am nor do I want them to think his craziness and Googan ways is derived from anything I have taught or told him. This is a disclaimer statement that being said.
(Note how he bolded his disclaimer statement....just to make things perfectly clear.....:moon: :laugh: :HappyWave:)
01-31-2013, 12:45 PM
Maybe he wants you to avoid the mistakes he made. You two sure are grumpy. Keem em coming. :HappyWave:
10-30-2014, 10:44 PM
He really schooled some of the Capts out there today....details to follow....:HappyWave:
Master of Bass.....
10-31-2014, 04:56 PM
I saw the pics and report sign me up! Hardly any of the raritan bay boats are getting them like he did he must have some good tricks up his sleeve.
11-01-2014, 04:44 PM
I saw the pics too. Dark hurry up with the story Im bored!:HappyWave:
Thanks for all the advice and tips finchaser have learned a lot and good to see you out there kicking AZZ!! BTW this thread is hilarious especially in light of the weather we are now having.
11-04-2014, 10:35 AM
I'm in! Nice work FC.:thumbsup:
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