View Full Version : Obama vs Bush, who is a better friend to fishermen?
04-18-2010, 05:37 PM
I saw the Muslim stamp thread and thought of who is more understanding of what the average fisherman wants from his politicians. My vote goes to Bush, he made striped bass a gamefish and established the eez no fishing zone. What say you folks out there?
04-18-2010, 05:46 PM
who knows one man has not bin in office for that long:don't know why:so i cant make a call yet
04-18-2010, 06:54 PM
Bush without a doubt was for sportsman he made striped bass a game fish in federal waters
Bush-Upgraded Loran C towers for navigation and flight
Bush was an avid fisherman.
Supported many bills to keep area's open to sportsman
Ordered 1 government fisheries data collecting group to be shut down do to there inaccurate data collection and reporting.
__________________________________________________ ___
Obama -upon taking office canceled the closure of the group which led to the closing of Seabass a totally rebuilt species,and eventually to 4 others species.
Obama hired a guide and fished 2 days for trout to understand fisherman, since he had never fished before. He and Lubchenco now believe recreational fisherman, fish for fun and don't care about keeping fish. When told differently she said at a public meeting if we don't like it we can play golf.
Obama-Put a Pew person in charge of NOAA giving her Chart Blanche, together they have shut down one fishery after another. An experienced fisheries person was let go to make room for her.
Obama -going to use money collected next year from Federal registry to fund his fish share program. Money was suppose to go better data collection on fish species for quota's. This will put many people and small commercial fisherman and there crews out of business and let large commercial interests rape the sea. Any of you who fish clams and bunker remember they are caught by the very small commercial interests Obama and Lubchenco want to shut down.
Obama -will no longer take any public views into consideration for fish management,(posted about a week after fisherman's march on Washington).
Obama- closed down all Loran Towers against the Coast Guards advice leaving no back up to GPS in the United States for boats and aviation.
Obama- Putting MPA program into fast forward which will close down beaches and parks to the public and eliminate fishing both fresh and saltwater in some locations
On Pews web site it says what a great job Obama is doing for them working hand and hand with them.
All of the above on Obama was in NY times ,Washington Post,Conservation columns in Saltwater Sportsman, Sportfishing Magazine ,The Fisherman and other papers. Also reported on Fox News and many local Florida news stations. Most of this is on the RFA website.
Many of these issues have been posted on this site and others.
All of these closures are putting extreme pressure on striped bass as every head and charter boat will be forced to fish for bass until May 22nd when seabass and fluke fishing opens. The pressure will resume in September when fluke and seabass are shut down again.
At most fisheries meetings and fisheries fund raisers it is a known fact that he is not the fisherman's friend. this is shared by the recreational sector and the commercial sector.
When Lubchenco was told she is putting people,charter boat, tackle shops and tackle manufacturers out of business the reply was she can care less, she was appointed to save fish and has the Presidents full cooperation. Remember she is from PEW
We are losing our right to fish which we may never regain. Think back in time, many of these issues did not exist until Obama took office. IMO they are PEW puppets.
Any one who fishes and thinks Obama is a friend of sportsman needs a reality check no matter who you voted for.
04-18-2010, 10:37 PM
Many of these issues have been posted on this site and others.
All of these closures are putting extreme pressure on striped bass as every head and charter boat will be forced to fish for bass until May 22nd when seabass and fluke fishing opens. The pressure will resume in September when fluke and seabass are shut down again.
When Lubchenco was told she is putting people,charter boat, tackle shops and tackle manufacturers out of business the reply was she can care less, she was appointed to save fish and has the Presidents full cooperation. Remember she is from PEW
We are losing our right to fish which we may never regain.
I think the arguing comes from politicizing this. If a person supports one side and not the other, we end up arguing about which party is doing more or less.
What is clear to me is the words by Finchaser I highlighted above. He is absolutely accurate about these statements I quoted from him, and has a lifetime of experience to back them up. :thumbsup:
There are at least a dozen threads on this site, and dozens of others on any striped bass site out there, that detail the fishing rights that have been lost over the last 2 years.
Without pointing a finger. I can say that through my involvement in protesting for and supporting fishermens' rights, it seems we have more closures of more fisheries in the last 2 years than we have had in any 2 years since the striped bass moratorium in the 1980's.
The facts as I see them are clear as day to me....
Sportsmen, hunters, and fishermen are targets of richly funded environmental groups of today.
Many fishermen today are apathetic and could care less about this stuff. This allows environmental groups and the politicians who accept their campaign money to plot to shut us out of our beloved outdoor passions.
We ALL should be blazing mad about this, but we (collectively) are not. I saw part of that in Washington when maybe .1 % of all coastal recreational fishermen raised their voices in protest.
We need more support.
We need more people to contribute dollars.
We need more outrage that God-given freedoms to hunt and fish are being minimized every day.
And at this state of the game, we don't have that, yet. :don't know why:
04-18-2010, 10:42 PM
[Frankie, this was an unfounded personal attack. You could have answered the topic, but none of your words in this deleted post addressed that. We're not gonna have that on this site, no one is comfortable when people are fighting like this. There are no timeouts or "infractions" here. Members come here because they like the mellow vibe, the helpful fishermen, and the community of fishermen. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Finchaser has done more for fishermen and fishermens' rights than 90% of the guys out there. He has been involved in fishermens' rights since the late 1970's. That's a claim that neither you nor I can make.
Finchaser has been involved in many fishermen organizations, has been fighting for fishermens' rights almost as long as you have been alive. He's a respected member of the fishing community. If you researched any of the many threads on this site about fisheries management and fishermens rights you'll see that it's almost a full-time mission for him to bring awareness to the people.
To dismiss that by personal antagonistic attacks on his character, and saying he isn't informed, doesn't do his research... was inaccurate. I learned a lot of what I know of fisheries management today because he opened my eyes to it and set me on the path to do more research. You could learn a lot about the history of that too if you were willing to listen to him with an open mind.
You could have answered the thread with a post addressing the topic at hand, but instead you chose to make your words about attacking someone.
If you want to address the topic like an adult, putting the politics aside, and concentrating on the topic, feel free.
If you want to attack a guy like Finchaser, that would be a poor decision, especially in light of your position at Stripercoast. We're supposed to be making alliances with people to Stripercoast, not attacking them. You should have known better. You want people to respect you for your intelligence, and that goes out the window when you make attacks like this.
Anyone who attacks people like that will be banned. ]
04-18-2010, 11:39 PM
Before you call me anymore names:
I do research, a lot of this stems from meetings I attend and then reported by the press. this has all been verified he's not the fisherman's friend. I've been fighting to save fisherman's rights and bass since the late 70's, not politicians like you do. It's just gotten totally out of control since Obama took office with his PEW friends. They have almost killed the Florida charter business and are now imposing strain on a dwindling bass popualtion.
Papers, TV, magazines and the RFA are all wrong, only you and Obama are right. I hope you have the same attitude when all your fishing rights are stripped from you. Since your so smart and informed educate us all with a list of the things he's done for fishermen, and don't forget to call PEW liars. Pew has never been the fishermans friend but on their website they state how well they work with him. (just another coincidence)
A quote from Dark
"We ALL should be blazing mad about this, but we (collectively) are not. I saw part of that in Washington when maybe .1 % of all coastal recreational fishermen raised their voices in protest."
Guess you were absent that day too:huh:Frankie. All those fishermen were wrong too. Strange the whole east coast protested in front of Obama's house, wonder why. Your going to tell us what we read on the march was not true either, even though the protest was mostly about the list I wrote above?
The 2 clubs and and 3 organizations I belong to don't consider Obama a friend of the fisherman and I'd bet that Ed the head of your organization doesn't either.
04-18-2010, 11:40 PM
Harsh on the mellow surfer dude....
04-18-2010, 11:51 PM
obama doesnt even fish the only time he knows about fish is when they cook it for his dinner.
04-19-2010, 07:40 AM
Bush w/o a doubt and Fin I think you researched well and your points are valid and true but I'm not going to start posting articles for others they must seek the info and they shall find the validity of it.
04-19-2010, 09:55 AM
Bush w/o a doubt and Fin I think you researched well and your points are valid and true but I'm not going to start posting articles for others they must seek the info and you shall find the validity of it.
Thanks just trying to save our bass and our rights as fisherman. Love the image:thumbsup:
For those of you who don't understand surfstix comment, I was accused by FS of believing everything I read and not doing any research.
04-19-2010, 10:48 AM
I would like to thank Fin for all of his efforts.
04-19-2010, 12:02 PM
__________________________________________________ ___
Obama -upon taking office canceled the closure of the group which led to the closing of Seabass a totally rebuilt species,and eventually to 4 others species.
Obama-Put a Pew person in charge of NOAA giving her Chart Blanche, together they have shut down one fishery after another. An experienced fisheries person was let go to make room for her.
Obama -going to use money collected next year from Federal registry to fund his fish share program. Money was suppose to go better data collection on fish species for quota's. This will put many people and small commercial fisherman and there crews out of business and let large commercial interests rape the sea. Any of you who fish clams and bunker remember they are caught by the very small commercial interests Obama and Lubchenco want to shut down.
Obama -will no longer take any public views into consideration for fish management,(posted about a week after fisherman's march on Washington).
Obama- closed down all Loran Towers against the Coast Guards advice leaving no back up to GPS in the United States for boats and aviation.
Obama- Putting MPA program into fast forward which will close down beaches and parks to the public and eliminate fishing both fresh and saltwater in some locations
On Pews web site it says what a great job Obama is doing for them working hand and hand with them.
All of the above on Obama was in NY times ,Washington Post,Conservation columns in Saltwater Sportsman, Sportfishing Magazine ,The Fisherman and other papers. Also reported on Fox News and many local Florida news stations. Most of this is on the RFA website.
Any one who fishes and thinks Obama is a friend of sportsman needs a reality check no matter who you voted for.
What he said, Obama is a Pew puppet.
04-19-2010, 12:49 PM
:rolleyes:well i say this lets go fish
04-19-2010, 01:09 PM
"Finchaser has done more for fishermen and fishermens' rights than 90% of the guys out there. He has been involved in fishermens' rights since the late 1970's. That's a claim that neither you nor I can make, and you know that's true.
Finchaser has been involved in many fishermen organizations, has been fighting for fishermens' rights almost as long as you have been alive. He's a respected member of the fishing community. If you researched any of the many threads on this site about fisheries management and fishermens rights you'll see that it's almost a full-time mission for him to bring awareness to the people.
To dismiss that by saying he isn't informed or doesn't do his research was completely inaccurate. I learned a lot of what I know of fisheries management today because he opened my eyes to it and set me on the path to do more research. You could learn a lot about the history of that too if you were willing to listen to him with an open mind."
Thanks for all you have done finchaser.:clapping:
:rolleyes:well i say this lets go fish
X2, this fighting is lame I might have to buy some boxing gloves. I don't think Obama can do much for fishermen because of the luvchenko thing. He appointed her and by proxy supports her actions. I really would like to see her voted out of office and replaced with someone who is a fisherman or who has a fishing background.
04-19-2010, 02:36 PM
:rolleyes:well i say this lets go fish
Yes let's all get out there and fish!
04-19-2010, 02:51 PM
Bush without a doubt was for sportsman he made striped bass a game fish in federal waters
Obama hired a guide and fished 2 days for trout to understand fisherman, since he had never fished before. He and Lubchenco now believe recreational fisherman, fish for fun and don't care about keeping fish. When told differently she said at a public meeting if we don't like it we can play golf.
I'm sorry I don't agree with you on that point. I believe Obama going fishing was a sham. He did that to manipulate people. And Bush making gamefish in federal waters was one of the best things ever done. Many props to Bush for that.
And thanks for all you have done to fight for striped bass finchaser.
04-19-2010, 03:03 PM
I really would like to see her voted out of office and replaced with someone who is a fisherman or who has a fishing background.
I agree with this too. She seems to be the major part of these closures.
04-19-2010, 05:20 PM
who knows one man has not bin in office for that long:don't know why:so i cant make a call yet
Imagine what will happen over the next 3 years if left unchecked.
04-19-2010, 11:00 PM
Imagine what will happen over the next 3 years if left unchecked.
I'm really afraid what may happen the next 3 years:scared: with this terrorist in office.
Bush was definitly a friend of the fisherman.
Finchaser, Thanks for all you have done.:thumbsup::thumbsup: We all need to step up the plate and defend our rights. Now as gjb1969 said "lets go fishing."
04-20-2010, 02:30 PM
X2, this fighting is lame I might have to buy some boxing gloves. I don't think Obama can do much for fishermen because of the luvchenko thing. He appointed her and by proxy supports her actions. I really would like to see her voted out of office and replaced with someone who is a fisherman or who has a fishing background.
She is Appointed not elected. She will be around for the next 3 years as well
04-20-2010, 03:40 PM
Thanks for that correction Jackbass. I don't know if recreational fishing can survive another 3 years of closures by this %itch.
04-20-2010, 06:11 PM
Obama- Putting MPA program into fast forward which will close down beaches and parks to the public and eliminate fishing both fresh and saltwater in some locations
On Pews web site it says what a great job Obama is doing for them working hand and hand with them.
All of the above on Obama was in NY times ,Washington Post,Conservation columns in Saltwater Sportsman, Sportfishing Magazine ,The Fisherman and other papers. Also reported on Fox News and many local Florida news stations. Most of this is on the RFA website.
Bush would never have done any of that. Obama is an elite snob who scammed middle class and poor black folks to vote for him. Obama is no more black than Arnold Swartzenegger is, and is no more a friend to fishermen than Japan is when they are raping the ocean of all the tuna.
04-20-2010, 06:36 PM
Bush all the way, Obama has no interest at all in fishing, why should he help sportsmen. This was a trick question, right?:huh:
:clapping::clapping::clapping: to Finchaser for all you have done.
06-24-2010, 02:43 PM
Bush all the way, Obama has no interest at all in fishing,
Obama has no interest in anyone other than the elite people he surrounds himself with, and the stupid middle class folk he will manage to charm if he runs again. As someone else said, his popularity is waning, so we may be lucky enough that he doesn't run again. In any event, I don't feel he has done anything for fishing other than to make out lives miserable.
08-11-2010, 04:43 PM
Bush would never have done any of that. Obama is an elite snob who scammed middle class and poor black folks to vote for him. Obama is no more black than Arnold Swartzenegger is, and is no more a friend to fishermen than Japan is when they are raping the ocean of all the tuna.
X2! :clapping::clapping:
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