View Full Version : Rfa-NJ: Local media features RFA on hot issues

05-01-2010, 05:23 PM
Sent in by Finchaser, thanks.


Fox & NBC Focus News Attention on Angler Registry & Offshore Drilling

It was another busy day working for both the state and national fishermen on Tuesday for the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA), and local media out of Philadelphia and Atlantic City took notice. The RFA headlined stories featured on Philadelphia's Fox 29 6 p.m. news broadcast, as well as Atlantic City's NBC 40 Tuesday night news at 11 p.m. on the topics of the recreational fishing registry and offshore drilling, respectively.

Kerry Barrett of Fox 29 interviewed RFA's Managing Director Jim Hutchinson for her feature on the National Marine Fisheries Service's plan to begin charging for a registry beginning in 2011. Ms. Barrett interviewed multiple anglers that spoke out against any fee for the right to fish, and her feature was made the lead story for Fox's 6 p.m. newscast.

Jim Hutchinson on Fox 29 newshttp://ih.constantcontact.com/fs053/1102181706823/img/98.jpg (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103347249305&s=10015&e=001ww4EaRO3-TbKMoHoWsTa2ar_z-RGM3imGni6d6WQLYGQxOaNHfSz3pw8WU2HVPO2_V5vRUOj62Va tI3QbrDCPwgwmzBh7nlJw966eeM2vBdXKBv5-hrKb9qFsqrPEcdko_uXbZduf-ilEGlyHPZeltBBg1SYdGhxYWv2KdCa6xS3wAAl-vfdCkCTs8coISHWCGmDUcS1adk=)"Surfcasters, boaters, tackle shops, party and charter boat captains, marina owners, fishing magazine publishers, and livery operators up and down the coast of New Jersey are supporting free registry legislation in New Jersey and have pledged their support of a saltwater registry, either through MTA/NJ, United Boatmen, RFA-NJ, or by signing on to a pledge form now being circulated throughout the New Jersey fishing community," Hutch writes in his personal blog. (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103347249305&s=10015&e=001ww4EaRO3-TarncfR9YiZgJIUGptVL_75RdwpfIRTcwNMihyrt78SqqckgjF PzWgpOgs5KbC0EoJgmdrcIoZq8R6MsKAOfxdSGINPCVZ5omMP3 a4s17OaFQ==)

Hutchinson added that free registry supporters he has spoken to recently in Cape May County including Jim's Bait & Tackle, Hand's Too Bait & Tackle, Utsch's Marina, Pier 47 Marina, and No Bones Bait & Tackle have helped reinforced the message brought out on Fox 29 News in Philly last night. Click here to view full story and video from Fox 29 (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103347249305&s=10015&e=001ww4EaRO3-TbKMoHoWsTa2ar_z-RGM3imGni6d6WQLYGQxOaNHfSz3pw8WU2HVPO2_V5vRUOj62Va tI3QbrDCPwgwmzBh7nlJw966eeM2vBdXKBv5-hrKb9qFsqrPEcdko_uXbZduf-ilEGlyHPZeltBBg1SYdGhxYWv2KdCa6xS3wAAl-vfdCkCTs8coISHWCGmDUcS1adk=).

Jim Donofrio on NBC40http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs053/1102181706823/img/99.jpg (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103347249305&s=10015&e=001ww4EaRO3-TYbTB5XM2ZdupJIOLVGj1conCxbYG74UzetyuzwinDLjTw6mm7 wbDJj688WQjHubgwiyLPvAy14A2oDd6PS27bP8gxFAkEVoYUtV gu_Tt4ew-zkpi-k-o769fyLDjsJbLB0w0YcEGQgUQ==)Late yesterday afternoon along the waterfront, Rèmale James of Atlantic City's NBC 40 interviewed Jim Donofrio, RFA Executive Director, for an 11 p.m. report on the offshore drilling off of the Atlantic Coast following the oil rig explosion and subsequent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Recently supportive of offshore drilling citing enhanced technological safety measures promoted by oil companies, the RFA is now reconsidering that position in light of current events in the Gulf.

"We're seeing now that we need to look into this a little more because this well is a disaster and we can't have this off here," Donofrio told NBC 40 yesterday while standing alongside the Bass River. Click here to view the full story and video from NBC 40. (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103347249305&s=10015&e=001ww4EaRO3-TYbTB5XM2ZdupJIOLVGj1conCxbYG74UzetyuzwinDLjTw6mm7 wbDJj688WQjHubgwiyLPvAy14A2oDd6PS27bP8gxFAkEVoYUtV gu_Tt4ew-zkpi-k-o769fyLDjsJbLB0w0YcEGQgUQ==)

05-01-2010, 06:27 PM
"Surfcasters, boaters, tackle shops, party and charter boat captains, marina owners, fishing magazine publishers, and livery operators up and down the coast of New Jersey are supporting free registry legislation in New Jersey and have pledged their support of a saltwater registry, either through MTA/NJ, United Boatmen, RFA-NJ, or by signing on to a pledge form now being circulated throughout the New Jersey fishing community,"

I'm a little skeptical and have a wait and see attitude.