View Full Version : We don't need no stinkin clams! - Chris and the Bluefish Warrior crew!

05-02-2010, 10:50 PM
The title may be a little misleading, because this crew catches: bluefish, bass, cow nose rays, blackfish, and even black drum....

and they ain't using clams!

Met a lot of cool people today, hope I get time to write all their stories up.

This one is about Chris, his wife Doreen, and their friend the Shadow Dude. ;) :HappyWave:

Pebbles and I met them in the back, and they fish old skool, like they do in Florida and the South.

They never need clams or bunker, never have stinky clam hands, and use a bait available in your local supermarket.

What it it?

05-02-2010, 10:52 PM
It's ....

chicken!!!! :lookhappy: :bigeyes: :plastered: :wow:

05-02-2010, 10:55 PM
Sure I know about it, many of ya's heard of people using it. We even met some guys on the piers using supermarket shrimp for bass last year.

Well eff the shrimp!

Who's got the dough to buy shrimp for bait unless your uncle owns a bait company or hijacks a bait truck a la Tony Soprano...

The word is out......

Chicken is cool....:cool: :fishing:

05-02-2010, 10:58 PM
They buy chicken breasts in the local market, on sale if they can.
Fresh or frozen works, but they say fresh is better. :lookhappy:

They slice it up in small strips.
One breast can give you a dozen or so baits and is a lot more resistant to the crabs than clams...

They slice it, put it on the hook, and wait...

05-02-2010, 11:07 PM
And the fish come along and slam it! :wow:

I knew about chicken a long time ago, some friends in S Jersey fish the breasts in the bays. But never did I sit there and watch them fish it, I don't have the patience.

However, today we were doing our usual scouting, so we had some time to kill.

While we were BS'ing with these cool people, the rod bounced 2X. First fish got off, 2nd fish was landed.

05-02-2010, 11:20 PM
This ain't really a story about chicken, or bunker, or clams...

It's a story about hard times, a tough life, perseverance, and a will to live and keep on living life as intensely as life will let ya. :thumbsup:

Waddya mean, Dark? :huh:

A few minutes into the conversation, Chris let us know that he had just gotten out of the hospital in March. He had a serious operation.

Without getting into too many details, but hoping to inspire some people out there, I got permission to share some of the things in Chris's life...

He has a history of heart problems, though you would never know it by looking at him. His family has this as risk factors, and I believe his Dad died at a relatively young age due to similar problems.

In the past 10 years Chris has been in and out of the hospital over a dozen times. The last time, in March, he underwent a serious heart operation, something about replacing the valves.

Yet less than 45 days later he's out fishing, climbing on rocks, and working himself and his heart back into top physical shape.


He's on coumadin, and many drugs they give to heart patients 30 years older than him, and we heard no complaints from him.

All we heard was his postive message of living life to the fullest, enjoying every day like it's his last., and fishing as hard and as much as he can. :clapping: :fishing:

He hopes he will be here tomorrow, but he doesn't know that.

Someday he may need a heart transplant, but for now he's taking it one day at a time and living. :thumbsup:

He gave me permission to post up these personal details of his life not for people to feel sorry for him, but in hopes that someone who reads this might be inspired to live their lives to the fullest.

I gotta tell ya, Pebbles and I had a great time meeting you, your wife Doreen, and Shadow Dude today, Chris.

Moreover, I was humbled by your attitude, and thank you for letting me share some of the story with people out there. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

05-02-2010, 11:22 PM
I got some shots of him and his wife battling bluefish up to 10#.





05-02-2010, 11:22 PM
His wife Doreen fights a fish, it came unbuttoned halfway through the battle. :(





05-02-2010, 11:23 PM
Their friend the Shadow Dude. Shadow Dude is the one who introduced them and hooked them up as a couple. They have all been friends for a few years...


05-02-2010, 11:23 PM
Chris fights a decent bluefish, caught on chicken. :wow:







05-02-2010, 11:23 PM

05-03-2010, 09:00 AM
Breast o chick slays the fish. Chris, whose nickname is "Puckua-boy" in his culture (someone who fishes a lot) has caught bass on chicken, up to 45#, in the rivers after they spawn...




05-03-2010, 09:03 AM


05-03-2010, 12:32 PM
Maybe you knew about Dark but I never heard of it. Bass and blues on chicken, way cool! Great pics and report.

05-03-2010, 05:25 PM
We met a lot of cool people yesterday, but I have to say, they were the greatest. We had a great time speaking to them. Shadow Dude is all full of mystery. Doreen and Chris were full of life.

Thst was a great report Rich. Next time we go to bait fish, we are going to bring chicken.

05-03-2010, 06:01 PM
there is no way i will buy bird to fish with i like chicken to much fried grilled fish with no way i am making chicken now as i type this grilled chicken with a red sause:dribble:

06-11-2010, 08:58 PM
He got this yesterday, as the tide was filling in. He was the only one at that spot to catch a fish, him and his chicken breasts.

WTG, Chris! :clapping::thumbsup:

Fish looks hungry, he said it had nothing in it's stomach. He said it weighed around 20# on his hand scale.


06-10-2013, 05:14 PM
Bluefish on chicken breast now I'v heard everything. Nice fish!

06-10-2013, 05:23 PM
thanks for the tip!

07-01-2013, 12:19 PM
He got this yesterday, as the tide was filling in. He was the only one at that spot to catch a fish, him and his chicken breasts.

WTG, Chris! :clapping::thumbsup:

Fish looks hungry, he said it had nothing in it's stomach. He said it weighed around 20# on his hand scale.


I just noticed the day you posted this it was june 11 of 2010. Amazing that they would eat chicken breasts and they also seem to have disappeared this year. Where did they go?

06-04-2014, 07:29 AM
Nice night bluefish that came through 2 weeks ago....first one was allegedly high teens.....:thumbsup:
All on bunker chunks....

** The feedback I'm getting is that lately a lot of bigger bluefish have been shaping up in the back of the bay....near some of the harbors and marinas....and this crew has been following them.....moving to different places as the bunker move weekly depending on the prevailing winds.....

** All pics courtesy of Chris and crew.......:HappyWave:

07-01-2015, 09:38 AM
Wondering if those guys are still catching big blues on chicken breasts? Am hearing that the big blues have disappeared. Bueller? Anyone else seeing them?

07-02-2015, 09:16 AM
Hookset....The big blues have not disappeared....they caught a few to 36" this week....:HappyWave:
and they are still catching a few bass and blues on those chicken cutlets. One of the only crews I know of who uses them for bait.

07-02-2015, 10:11 AM
that is crazy I never would of believed it without pics. thanks for sharing.