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View Full Version : Publlic Trust: Public Trust Access Issues in Ocean County, NJ

05-27-2010, 09:55 AM
This thread is for any access issues in that specific area. Feel free to post any problems you're having or any areas where you forsee a problem in the future.

Please don't think that nothing can be done when problems like this arise. I'm thinking of coalition building with some clubs, homeowners, and officials to address these problems as they develop.

It's a lot better than ranting about it on the internet. ;)

05-27-2010, 10:07 AM
Threatening to throw bricks through homeowners' windows:

Last night I started scouting some new water for when the big fish leave soon for Mass. I found myself in northern Ocean County.

At this time I''ll try to be as general as possible. If the issue becomes worse I'll be more specific and reach out for some help.

I scouted this area because I had seen grass shrimp. I went to a back bay area to sit and listen. About a dozen people were fishing the area.

I was just remarking to myself how it seemed the guys in OC were a little more respectful, and quieter, than some of the places we fish in Monmouth County. They seemed spread out, and relatively quiet.

All except for what sounded like the sound of cinder blocks being thrown into the water. :eek:

At first I was wondering if it was crashing bass, because there were bass rolling and slurping the shrimp, good to see. I realized the sounds were localized and coming from the area of one specific house where there were a larger number of guys fishing.

Then I heard arguing, and I realized the homeowners there were throwing rocks in the water to spook the fish so the fishermen would leave. I heard several angry statements. It seems the homeowners were trying to sleep and wanted the fishermen to go somewhere else. They said they were tired and trying to sleep.

Then a threat was made by one of the guys fishing there.... "Well if you like throwing rocks in the water, how would you like it if one of us threw a brick through your window? "

05-27-2010, 10:21 AM
I always preach about getting involved. The time to address an isssue can be when it's happening, if the circumstances warrant it.

Ranting about something on the internet much later without doing something isn't really effective and IMO sometimes makes you a part of the problem.

I went over and intervened. I explained that it was a stupid idea to argue with homeowners, and threaten to throw a brick through a window. The guys fishing there were a group of young guys, I assumed there were there together or at least knew each other.

One guy got indignant:

"Dude, harsh on the mellow, it wasn't me, it was those guys here, I'm just fishing and these 2 ladies are crazy with the rocks!"

I asked him to explain my words to the other guys in that area said doing nothing would eventually cause problems.

He: "Well we have a RIGHT to fish here, it's public access!"

Yes, and I apologize for thinking you were the one making the threats, "dude". :d

But someone has to take a stand when the behavior of others is in danger of causing restricted access.

I decided at that point that people wanted to argue, and made my way out of there. The commotion brought 2 older fishermen around my age to see what was happening. I explained to them the potential liability to us all. They again hit me with the mantra..."Well it's Public Access and we have the RIGHT to fish here."

I hope people understood part of the point I was trying to make. I left at a good time, because as I drove out of there 2 police cruisers came to the scene to investigate.

05-27-2010, 10:22 AM
Some of the ways:

05-27-2010, 10:23 AM
Some sneaky things towns or HOA can do:

05-27-2010, 10:24 AM
Some things you can do so others don't ruin it at your favorite places to fish: