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06-02-2010, 03:32 PM
NY fishing: NY fishing reports for June 2010
Important when registering on our site -- use an active email address so you can activate your account to be able to post.

Please post fishing reports here.......as little or as much detail as you want to give.

Please note: NO SPOT BURNING! Posts burning spots will be Edited or DELETED!
Some veteran fishermen have put in years developing and learning about certain spots.Some of these spots can only handle a few guys at a time. We are losing enough access as it is, due to the unfortunate behavior of a few selfish people. No sense in making it worse.

For some areas, it would be wiser to say:
OutFront (Ocean) OR -- OutBack (Bay) -- if you feel too many people will figure out what you are talking about. "Spot burning" also could involve mentioning something specific only to that area. If you do this, your post may be edited, or deleted. Remember that thousands of people could potentially read these posts. You don't want to be fishing next to ALL of them at the same time!

IF you are fishing an area that is NOT residential, being vague is less critical. For example, it's acceptable to say (Any)Park, or (Any)Bay, or mention a specific state park that has loads of parking and can handle the crowds.

If you are unclear on this concept, ask yourself:

If I name this place on the internet, will it be too crowded for me to enjoy tomorrow when people hear I got 30 fish here today?

If the answer is "Yes", then you should probably not be so specific.
More discussion on this:
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/...ead.php?t=3763 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=3763)

We post these reports so our community will have a sense of what is working, what is not. We want to show people how to catch fish, rather than where.Even if you struck out or got skunked, it would be helpful to hear that as well.

If you have any additional details you would like to share - weather conditions, tide (incoming, outgoing, ebb, flood) water temps, bait present, or other mention of techniques or plugs used - feel free.
Some acronyms -

BP -- Breezy Point

CB -- CrossBay Bridge
CI -- Coney Island

Demo -- Sore Thumb/ Democrat Point

FB -- Floyd Bennett
FI -- Fire Island
FT -- Fort Tilden Park
FW -- Fort Wadsworth

GSB - Great South Bay

Jones -- Jones Beach/Debs
WE -- West End

JBay -- Jamaica Bay
LB -- Long Beach

MB -- Manhasset Bay
MI -- Moriches Inlet or nearby
MPP -- Marine Parkway Bridge

LNB - Little Neck Bay
OB -- Oyster Bay
PB -- Peconic Bay

RM -- Robert Moses

SB -- Sheepshead Bay

Shinny -- Shinnecock Inlet or nearby
SI -- Staten Island

NS -- North Shore
SS -- South Shore

Mecca -- if you gotta ask where that is, can't help ya :D

06-02-2010, 03:35 PM
Blitzhunter you won the plug in the May random drawing!:clapping: :thumbsup:

We post these reports so our community will have a sense of what is working, what is not. We want to show people how to catch fish, rather than where.

If you struck out or got skunked, it would be helpful to hear that as well. Anyone who posts a report can win a plug even if they got skunked! :skunk::D

This month we're giving out plugs from Ace Baits, or something similar.
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/...splay.php?f=83 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/forumdisplay.php?f=83)

Thanks for posting and helping to make this a great site! :clapping:

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6338&thumb=1&d=1238964999 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6338&d=1238964999)

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6340&thumb=1&d=1238965622 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6340&d=1238965622)

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6339&thumb=1&d=1238965319 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6339&d=1238965319)

06-02-2010, 05:30 PM
FI early this morning. Caught one bass at 30".

06-02-2010, 06:41 PM
FYI, Blitzhunter won the plug for May, just did the random number generator. Sorry for the delay guys and girls. :embarassed:

Blitzhunter send me your address. Good luck fishin!

06-02-2010, 07:33 PM
Congrat's Blitzhunter.

Yesterday I went out to JBay again. Walked away with a nice bass caught on a black bomber.

06-03-2010, 06:43 PM
Fished the north shore last night. AFter three hours of moving I still came up blank.

06-04-2010, 07:19 PM
Fished the north shore last night. AFter three hours of moving I still came up blank.

Willie, the NS has been pretty good the last few days. I fished last night on the last 2 hours of the incoming, got 5 bass to 29", all released. Try to concentrate on the incoming, around points or marinas. If you want more info get in touch with me via back channel. Try shads or bucktails, bombers slowly in the dark, you should hook up.

06-05-2010, 10:13 AM
Thanks for the head's up BB. I fished the NS this morning from 3-5am, outgoing, 1 very fat bass on a purple bomber.

06-05-2010, 11:08 AM
Fished from 5-7 at FI. I started out using bucktails, than went to swimmers. I ended up with one bass on a black bomber.

06-06-2010, 07:31 PM
Jones beach early this morning between 5 and 8 am. I caught three schoolies. Thought one was going to be a keeper but did not make it.

06-09-2010, 05:35 PM
Changed it up a bit and went to try some old favorites of the north shore. Lot's of sandeels out there. Left with having thrown back one bass at 18" and one at 33", caught on small bombers.

06-09-2010, 06:01 PM
NS last night 6 to 11. I saw some descent bass being pulled out but I caught three blues.

06-11-2010, 04:35 PM
fished the FBF after work, I got 4 mucho big bluefish with the bunker. They were hitting the small pieces.

06-11-2010, 10:38 PM
Hit a few spots on the NS again early this morning. Blues were on the table for breakfast. I landed 5 blues up to 10 lbs. All caught on a popper.

06-12-2010, 10:06 AM
Just returned from FI. Got an early start and caught 3 blues.

06-12-2010, 11:45 AM
I was able to get one bass at FI last night. Caught it using shad.

06-13-2010, 11:09 AM
I was out for 4 hours and got :skunk:.

06-13-2010, 11:15 AM
Hit a NS spot this morning, on the incoming, one bass 27" on a black bomber. Although it was a shortie it was fat, they are gorging themselves on the sandeels and small whitebait.

06-14-2010, 07:00 PM
Went out again this morning to the NS before hitting the sand box. I caught a few skates but nothing more.

06-15-2010, 10:54 AM
Jones from 5-8am, incoming tide, buck and pork rind. Got a few blues 4-7lbs, good to be out there.

06-15-2010, 04:59 PM
I made a trip near WE early this morning, caught one blue on a tsunami popper.

06-16-2010, 05:34 PM
Took myself to the NS early this morning. Fished from 5 to 7.:skunk:

06-16-2010, 07:59 PM
There are a decent amount of rat bass at some select north shore locations. I worked the shore for 2 hours this evening, 8 rats on a bucktail and pork.

06-17-2010, 06:05 PM
I caught two bass on a swimmer last night. Wasn't going to go out but a friend of mine called me up and convinced me to go. Glad I did. Both went back into the water.

06-18-2010, 05:20 PM
Headed out to Jones beach early this morning. One 30" bass caught on a black bomber.

06-18-2010, 06:37 PM
I decided to fish clams last night. Met some good guys but I did not catch anything.

06-20-2010, 08:37 AM
Hit the NS again this morning 4:00 am. There were blues jumping so I had myself a blues day! Great Action on small poppers.

06-20-2010, 08:32 PM
Jbay from 5:30-8 this morning. Caught a fluke on bucktail.

06-21-2010, 05:43 PM
Jone beach yesterday. There were so many bunker that I got skunked.

06-22-2010, 04:00 PM
Willie, I fished near that area last night. Saw the bunker, there must have been millions of them. Didn't see much underneath though. They were all too far to reach. I fished 6-10pm, last of the outgoing. Got one short bass around 9pm on a redfin.

06-23-2010, 05:49 PM
FI last night. Didn't catch anything. :skunk:

06-24-2010, 01:59 PM
We fished near orient yesterday, 25' of water. The last of the incoming, managed 4 bass to 35# on live bunker. The fish are still there guys!

06-24-2010, 06:10 PM
Went over to the north shore last night. I got one blue on an orange and white popper.

06-24-2010, 07:25 PM
Headed out to FI early this morning before work. :skunk:

06-27-2010, 07:35 AM
Headed out to JBay 4:00 - 6:00 this morning with the dream of catching a striper. Where did they all go? I caught three skates. At least I didn't get skunked.

06-27-2010, 11:58 AM
Blitzhunter, the Jbay striped bass fishery has dwindled to a trickle as the water temps have pushed up and many of the bunker pods have left. Try out front, there are some large schools of bunker along the LI coast right now. :HappyWave:

Also try some of the inlets you know or live close to. If you can find water that is 5 degrees warmer than the rest, sunrise or sunset near the top of the tide, you may increase your chances. Check your pms. Good luck.

06-27-2010, 03:22 PM
We lucked into a nice body of fish this morning. Somewhere on the ss. From 5-8am bunker were jumping for their life. A buddy and I got into them with weighted trebles snagging the bunker. He got 4 to 35lbs. I got 3 to 30lbs. We each kept 1, it was a great morning of fishing. :plastered:

06-28-2010, 03:17 PM
Fished the southern shores of LI 4-7:45a. Bunker were getting hammered. Some in close, some out far. There were a few pods in close. I got one bass about 25# on a 3 oz pencil, quick release. A few other folks who had snag hooks got into some nicer bass. I neglected to bring any snags with me. In all, it lasted about an hour. Good action.

06-29-2010, 06:34 PM
Hit the hamptons area to see if I could find a pre-dawn bite. 2 rat bass, bucktail and 6"white grub.

06-29-2010, 10:29 PM
Late report - North Shore last night. Tons of bugs but left before some bass come in. My buddy caught a 30" on a popper.

06-30-2010, 06:01 PM
Wanted to try the north shore this morning before work. Once I got managed to get to my intended spot I threw out a popper and landed a small bass.