View Full Version : RFA-SC: RFA-SC asks that healthy fisheries not be closed

06-04-2010, 08:52 PM
Sent in by Fin, thanks!

Anglers and Businesses Urged to Sign Petition to SAMFC & Federal Agencies

Fellow South Atlantic fishermen,

Your help is desperately needed. Go to this link and take a moment to fill out the form; then, please share with as many people as possible. www.petitiononline.com/SAFMC17A/petition.html (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103451141994&s=10015&e=001VwfupWHF3x1C40G1HKRYH-oKxjlnrArcNJ05qMDzvRVP1igAxr3nyQiO60GrUCkpxxvxOKpc rU76m8RPVR1YGL8guq_5eHTc6f9FGi5B67txaoG3RYl696GQ0r ExOkhFMoRpJBHZwz_488mjjmr5ZCduMMer3Twm)

Please sign onto this and share with others to avoid closure of huge areas offshore to fishing and diving through SAFMC's Amendment 17A. Fight the special interests that are rushing our federal fishery management process so the real science can't come to the surface before their agenda to get us off the water has been advanced.

This must be done by this Friday, June 4. We need to get as many business owners and their business names signed up as possible. Members of the public are also needed. In a nutshell- this is to ask SAFMC not to close down large areas of ocean to diving or fishing for over 70 species of fish as part of the red snapper rebuilding plan.

SAFMC meets next week in Orlando, and this petition having broad support is very important.

Thank you,

Recreational Fishing Alliance, South Carolina Chapter (RFA-SC)

To learn more about the RFA-SC chapter and to get involved with state initiatives, email Jim Hutchinson at RFA national headquarters at jhutchinson@joinrfa.org

06-05-2010, 09:37 AM
Signed it, thanks.