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View Full Version : Funky squid 1st. attempt

06-24-2010, 09:00 AM
Tied this one this morning didn't come out as well as I expected so it got the name Funky Squid,instead of keeping the epoxy clear I mixed in some airbrush paint to the epoxy for the pinkish body.

06-24-2010, 10:50 AM
Not bad, though. The different length feathers might serve as good tentacles. I heard they have "squid runs" in Long Island. Is that the north or south shore usually?

06-24-2010, 11:01 AM
How do you get the side feathers to stay out that far?
Did you put it under water yet to see what it looks like wet?
Nice effort.

06-24-2010, 12:07 PM
Not bad, though. The different length feathers might serve as good tentacles. I heard they have "squid runs" in Long Island. Is that the north or south shore usually?

How do you get the side feathers to stay out that far?
Did you put it under water yet to see what it looks like wet?
Nice effort.
In the Spring we usually have a good influx of squid in the bay on the soth shore in one particular spot and they have monster skinny blues on them I can't imagine what they would weigh if they had fed big time I don't do the North shore anymore got tired of paying tickets not much access unless you live there.Needs some refining the feathers flare naturally if you turn them outwards they are neck hackle thats all I had on hand I took a couple shots wet.Now that I see it wet I think I can make some changes like rubber legs so they don't stick to the feathers and a larger collar to support the material above it and more material underneath next time.

06-24-2010, 04:11 PM
Good profile surfstix, I like it.:thumbsup:

06-24-2010, 04:30 PM
Thanks I'm still working on that one maybe I'll get it right you win some and lose the rest.