View Full Version : Obama not a fisherman hurts Gulf

06-28-2010, 10:33 AM
Recent Fisheries Headlines For June 28, 2010 Wall Street Journal - Where's Our Presidential Fisherman? (mailhtml:mid://00000065/#LETTER.BLOCK8)Daytona Beach News Journal - It's Time To Fix Magnuson! (mailhtml:mid://00000065/#LETTER.BLOCK9)MD Coast Dispatch - Fed Asks to Have RFA Case Dismissed (mailhtml:mid://00000065/#LETTER.BLOCK11)Washington Times - Enviro Groups Should Return Oil Money (mailhtml:mid://00000065/#LETTER.BLOCK13)Gloucester Daily Times - If NOAA Shows, Will the Fishermen? (mailhtml:mid://00000065/#LETTER.BLOCK14) It's been 70 days since the environmental disaster at the Deepwater Horizon site first began, and recreational fishermen and the plight of the American fishing industry has made global news headlines. For all of us here at the RFA, the "nickel and diming" of fishermen started long before the BP tragedy.
As reported in this weekend's Wall Street Journal, President Obama is "sitting on the worst marine disaster in American's history, and seems unable to convince the Louisiana fishermen staging protests in Washington that he really can feel their pain." The question raised by the Journal is, "Could the reason be that Obama is not a fisherman himself?"
This past weekend, the fishing area closure in the Gulf of Mexico increased to nearly 80,000 square miles - approximately 33% of the Gulf federal waters; and while all eyes are on the Gulf with heavy concern for our friends and relatives in Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida, the RFA-SC chapter is urging South Atlantic fishermen to remain ever-vigilant. Those who might possibly encounter any remnants of the spill are urged to contact the <A style="COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline" title=http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAwqJbJCCRdYrDShNkHG8NCj-rg3EieX3JWZ2i7cmdY_Frk9HEoBpBsDaqQxxkEj67-X1X3WPhmhO9koxF0xKTBaNdpDIsLa5q1cDE1-PvkLog== href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAwqJbJCCRdYrDShNkHG8NCj-rg3EieX3JWZ2i7cmdY_Frk9HEoBpBsDaqQxxkEj67-X1X3WPhmhO9koxF0xKTBaNdpDIsLa5q1cDE1-PvkLog==" shape=rect>National Response Center at 800-424-8802 with any details. Be sure to take special note of location.
For additional fishery bulletins as they're made available from NOAA, click here to access the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Office (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAyXrcZtasNf2Pwq-uTBVOSFGXtgx_iu5_ekHPsWWXQZNo_aNZOMuDkAZuwGl_S73pp B7Y37wCzrVNBFZnZcgNHTtzSyyoNPoxAnIzV63O3zbA==) website.

Obama And The Shoes Of The Presidential Fishermen
In a national opinion piece in this past weekend's edition of the Wall Street Journal, National Affairs' managing editor Meghan Clyne suggest that President Obama might have been better positioned to deal with the BP crisis if he were a fisherman. "People who build their lives around the consumption of our natural resources, e.g. anglers, must figure out how to use the environment responsibility over the long term-more so than activists who demand a strict hands-off approach," Clyn writes, while quoting RFA executive director Jim Donofrio as saying fishermen are in fact "the original conservationists."
<A style="COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline" title=http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAwIO8H3LxQZLPkNAozJCYYOuO5L2lSHBNQzy faqeeC90TykQS8Tu_3dDPHhcsZSeCpL7j-MVsDJDrmwPsmdm1vdbexpBZ2ToZUor7MeCgRdcxuJuKsUQqRyK nufZJC4QiPaXNwsiwTDcZtGar0VC08z_bl4QyasiwHi5-6FysB0WRGZEq9ASPBdEFGiYrzWX3MGaj1-0HQiEf1hDZpcAjlI href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAwIO8H3LxQZLPkNAozJCYYOuO5L2lSHBNQzy faqeeC90TykQS8Tu_3dDPHhcsZSeCpL7j-MVsDJDrmwPsmdm1vdbexpBZ2ToZUor7MeCgRdcxuJuKsUQqRyK nufZJC4QiPaXNwsiwTDcZtGar0VC08z_bl4QyasiwHi5-6FysB0WRGZEq9ASPBdEFGiYrzWX3MGaj1-0HQiEf1hDZpcAjlI" shape=rect>Click here to read the Wall Street Journal.

Government Should Ease Fishing Regulations
A June 25 editorial in the Daytona Beach News Journal says charges the federal government with having "its priorities out of whack" for incessantly hounding fishermen while allowing deepwater oil drilling to go under-regulated. "Congress should amend the Magnuson-Stevens Act to provide more protection for threatened recreational fishermen," the Journal editorial board says, while recommending that state and local officials in Florida should support the Flexibility in Rebuilding American Fisheries Act now pending in Congress. "It may be the only way to ensure that an industry and a way of life aren't devastated by federal regulations." <A style="COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline" title=http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAwW9rDvnnlOvBVT54Sl0y_C_BHll2FGg9fru SIksoPrqMopYSQi3zFAJzaScmaRF0Teo_3qBEL_3XTMivr8mmN hO_Vmh5w38P3elDK5rGLABbyxrdwo4aXPeCRmX_ytM-qR21Gp2Ji_BxgB_Istpa4pCEe0GPdYLac3Ald2WfYhG2cA_u7T kTWhtDre0NK7nof_ot5KPZOy_15Mpus1o5vSL2I5UBHtXgQyx0 wLk6KFRg== href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAwW9rDvnnlOvBVT54Sl0y_C_BHll2FGg9fru SIksoPrqMopYSQi3zFAJzaScmaRF0Teo_3qBEL_3XTMivr8mmN hO_Vmh5w38P3elDK5rGLABbyxrdwo4aXPeCRmX_ytM-qR21Gp2Ji_BxgB_Istpa4pCEe0GPdYLac3Ald2WfYhG2cA_u7T kTWhtDre0NK7nof_ot5KPZOy_15Mpus1o5vSL2I5UBHtXgQyx0 wLk6KFRg==" shape=rect>Visit the News Journal and read the opinion in support of HR1584/S1255.

Commission Approves Proposal To Amend MLPA
Dan Bacher of the San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center reports this week that the California Fish and Game Commission approved an emergency regulation to allow the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians to harvest seaweed, shellfish and fish as they have done for thousands of years. New regulations under the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative banned the tribe from subsistence and ceremonial gathering in the newly created Stewards Point Marine Reserve, and fishing leaders say this is the first time that tribal fishing and gathering rights have been formally recognized in the creation of a MPA under the MLPA Initiative. Jim Martin, Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Program Outreach Coordinator for Mendocino County and the RFA' s West Coast Director supported the tribe's proposal and charged the Commission with ignoring an earlier proposal which would've left left this area open to the Kashia Pomo. <A style="COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline" title=http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAzY386k4Qe7UCKiZnqyR8ALpd6f3cTZp9JS9 f-BLoCoFyJ0scOsK7j5TzJK6PiAvOm_vKEgAWlryBgYZ5SXmOqoN GotIM1pyHGPNfp7j_1vgl4deAKVLvyOLG3JoERrVhpNDFalh6o zsGKu2ENRZK-Z-9W1rF-pkRI= href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAzY386k4Qe7UCKiZnqyR8ALpd6f3cTZp9JS9 f-BLoCoFyJ0scOsK7j5TzJK6PiAvOm_vKEgAWlryBgYZ5SXmOqoN GotIM1pyHGPNfp7j_1vgl4deAKVLvyOLG3JoERrVhpNDFalh6o zsGKu2ENRZK-Z-9W1rF-pkRI=" shape=rect>Read more at IndyBay.org.
Feds Move To Dismiss Lawsuit Over Sea Bass Closure

Shawn Soper, News Editor for The Dispatch of Ocean City, MD says federal fisheries officials last week filed a motion to dismiss the ongoing civil suit over the abrupt closure of the black sea bass season last October, pointing out the "emergency closure has since been lifted and the flawed catch data collection system has since been repaired." Soper writes the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) and a handful of Mid-Atlantic captains have filed a multi-party federal lawsuit against NMFS, but Soper fails to add that the RFA expected such a move and is prepared with a follow-up motion. The plot thickens as the federal challenge continues! RFA will be following up with Mr. Soper this week - <A style="COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline" title=http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAzeV5efVYu8nQ0LwlhSihsVdk7Ni4BAHiWLB GtRag3SlQi3Oc3skRbr-Ycx3Pwe5uO4N3JDFIkm0edLSYLLPjVSPykJG9fzXSbQJUj6p0c 43WccHvRuuc1rawFFzb7O-XVLDbSbhltf96LiD46pVwe31voyWQ77pXo= href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAzeV5efVYu8nQ0LwlhSihsVdk7Ni4BAHiWLB GtRag3SlQi3Oc3skRbr-Ycx3Pwe5uO4N3JDFIkm0edLSYLLPjVSPykJG9fzXSbQJUj6p0c 43WccHvRuuc1rawFFzb7O-XVLDbSbhltf96LiD46pVwe31voyWQ77pXo=" shape=rect>click here to read his opening salvo at The Dispatch.

Environmentalists And Politicians Enjoyed BP Green

Many of the wealthiest environmental organizations who've fought so aggressively to oppose RFA's efforts to reform the Magnuson Stevens Act are currently under intense scrutiny for taking millions of dollars in BP financial support. "Although only BP and the Nature Conservancy know for sure, published reports say the Nature Conservancy has received about $10 million from BP - enough to make a big difference in the cleanup effort," writes Amy and David Ridenour of the National Center for Public Policy Research in a recent piece in the Washington Times. The Ridenour's say groups like Environmental Defense Fund and Natural Resources Defense Council, titans of the environmental business community and proponents of quota privatization schemes like catch shares, have the moral and environmental imperative of returning these gifts or dedicating funds directly to "assist cleanup efforts and help those harmed by the leak." <A style="COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline" title=http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAxLZQIH_6E5zoscG47WYG57W3csAv8x0KWqO Smym3VKjFatZg0N_FrExyah__mOhqffPbgBw4vK5iOlTPDajaE xchHy-7EcnL0a-3B7SAnPdDXM2s1GRk42JAoesidjlIVMuECgvQQBvCZZ9IPs9Ku T3_jwjfm48S-lK6GvJDr79Q== href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAxLZQIH_6E5zoscG47WYG57W3csAv8x0KWqO Smym3VKjFatZg0N_FrExyah__mOhqffPbgBw4vK5iOlTPDajaE xchHy-7EcnL0a-3B7SAnPdDXM2s1GRk42JAoesidjlIVMuECgvQQBvCZZ9IPs9Ku T3_jwjfm48S-lK6GvJDr79Q==" shape=rect>Click here to read more.

Show or No? That's The Question Facing Fishermen Over NOAA Meetings

New England journalist Richard Gaines writes "The fishing communities of New England, New York and New Jersey - angry, bitter and deeply alienated from their government and now in virtual revolt against it - find themselves today in passionate debate while strategizing the next phase of the battle." A summer series of public meetings for "feedback" and "training" planned by NMFS is being met with some skepticism, which RFA's Jim Donofrio says is growing stronger every day. "No more meetings. Get rid of (NOAA chief Jane) Lubchenco and her Pew (Pew Environment Group) folks in the agency and fix Magnuson," Donofrio says in the article. Gaines said the alienation is shared by federal, state and local officials. Click here to learn more at the Gloucester Daily Times.

(http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAw3U94elouIRntFK6-yYcgMxq2SQnvjQ77UoRm1pcs70tK6s4ZPi41zvDrHkLKXGkkIE CjZA4Ps_DulZ0m32-b9NrMu7aR15ejvmrepy7j3_foIZPW1dvUt8UTOWE6WkeGflqi5 mlbUKWvOYTOxlVntpFm7gj2DnT8Tq2Un5kg9uKk9eUH6mXgAt0 l1foftzfpUs_n6l_PVTWCvCOFsB_O46szEmGQL_nM=)

http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs053/1102181706823/img/12.jpg (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAw5e4zf_Zx2CXN-6HVjQF6A8gF3n3x9FnDyHs4NDbMv_tcyxL66LP8HGj7o03md7Q xIuhXJg6Xk1pmwDzTxdiczgSqPJIf1V8hdbFm7Fbvk1A==)The Recreational Fishing Alliance is a national, grassroots political action organization representing recreational fishermen and the recreational fishing industry on marine fisheries issues. RFA's Mission is to safeguard the rights of saltwater anglers, protect marine, boat and tackle industry jobs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our Nation's saltwater fisheries.
For more information, call 888-JOIN-RFA or visit www.joinrfa.org (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103515083692&s=10015&e=001k_Vb97YUwAw5e4zf_Zx2CXN-6HVjQF6A8gF3n3x9FnDyHs4NDbMv_tcyxL66LP8HGj7o03md7Q xIuhXJg6Xk1pmwDzTxdiczgSqPJIf1V8hdbFm7Fbvk1A==).

06-28-2010, 11:14 AM
He's not much of anything as far as I'm concerned for sure he does not give a hoot about water or anything that swims in it or the people this oil spill has affected and the affects it will have on the enviroment for years to come this guy has got to be the all time worst president I have ever seen.

06-28-2010, 02:40 PM
Obama And The Shoes Of The Presidential Fishermen
In a national opinion piece in this past weekend's edition of the Wall Street Journal, National Affairs' managing editor Meghan Clyne suggest that President Obama might have been better positioned to deal with the BP crisis if he were a fisherman. "People who build their lives around the consumption of our natural resources, e.g. anglers, must figure out how to use the environment responsibility over the long term-more so than activists who demand a strict hands-off approach," Clyn writes, while quoting RFA executive director Jim Donofrio as saying fishermen are in fact "the original conservationists."

Obama is more of a charlatan than anything else. Just my .02.

06-29-2010, 08:30 AM
He's not much of anything as far as I'm concerned for sure he does not give a hoot about water or anything that swims in it or the people this oil spill has affected and the affects it will have on the enviroment for years to come this guy has got to be the all time worst president I have ever seen.

What he said.

06-29-2010, 09:33 AM
obama not a fisherman? i'm not convinced that he's a human, much less a fisherman.

this guy makes jimmy carter look good.