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View Full Version : Shark warning, coast guard issues shark warning

07-02-2010, 05:42 PM
Some big sharks out there right now folks.

BOSTON -- A U.S. Coast Guard specialist is warning New England swimmers and boaters to use "extreme caution" while swimming on coastal beaches over the Fourth of July holiday because of recent sightings of sharks in the area.

“Predation is not generally a concern for boaters and paddlers in Northeast waters,” said Al Johnson, the First Coast Guard District’s recreational boating specialist, “but I have no doubt that a great white shark that swims into your comfort zone would surely find a splashing paddle or dangling hand inviting. I also expect that same passing shark would spend little time differentiating between boater, paddler and prey.”

Over the past few years, sharks sighted off the coast of New England have ranged from 6 to 15 feet in length and could easily capsize a small boat or kayak, the Coast Guard said.

Great white sharks have been confirmed off the coast of Cape Cod, Mass., and a 7-foot great white shark was recently caught on Stellwagen Bank, Mass.

They said while shark attacks on humans in the Northeast are rare, sharks are attracted to the area by the growing seal population.

Johnson advises boaters and paddlers to avoid passing pods or springs of seals and avoid seal colonies and other areas where pinnipeds bask.

“Simply put, why take a chance?” said Johnson. “The presence of sharks in our waters creates a risk and positively assessing that risk and staying alert is part of being a responsible and prudent mariner.”

“I can also imagine,” continued Johnson, “the excitement most boaters and paddlers would have if they visually encountered a shark on our waters. However, things can and do go wrong on the water, and since a close encounter could easily have tragic consequence, I recommend an extreme degree of caution.”

The Coast Guard advised swimmers and boaters to always wear an approved life jacket, especially on children and weak swimmers, and to be aware of weather and water conditions.

Officials said it's wise to never boat or paddle alone and to file a float plan to let others know where you are going. They also said it's important to make sure you can handle your vessel and to be aware that alcohol and drugs contribute to accidents.

Johnson also recommended that coastal and off-shore recreational boaters and sea kayakers carry a VHF marine radio.

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07-03-2010, 11:48 AM
“Simply put, why take a chance?” said Johnson. “The presence of sharks in our waters creates a risk and positively assessing that risk and staying alert is part of being a responsible and prudent mariner.”

Common sense for the common man.:d