View Full Version : Obama screws us again

07-20-2010, 07:08 PM
Recreational Fishing Alliance Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732
For Immediate Release July 20, 2010

Executive Order Circumvents Tired Old Democratic Process

(7/20/1010) Washington, DC - President Barack Obama used his presidential privilege on July 19 to circumvent the legislative process, signing a new ocean protection law that's vastly similar to legislation which has languished in Congress for nearly a decade. While environmental groups are hailing it a momentous day for America's oceans, the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) said these are sad times for our democratic process.

"Rep. Sam Farr of California has been pushing this ideological hogwash through the House for nearly 10 years, but every time his doomsday bill gets debated in Committee it is tossed out for being utter nonsense and a bureaucratic nightmare," said RFA Executive Director, Jim Donofrio. "Our President appears to be infatuated with nonsense and bureaucracy, and once again proves that his authority to rule is more powerful than the legislative process alone, signing his name to decrees as if he were king."

The San Jose Mercury News in Congressman Farr's home district said the new policy secures Farr's longtime vision for the creation of a National Ocean Council to coordinate the many layers of state and federal regulation on such matters as offshore drilling, shipping and fishing. "At a time when science knows the oceans are dying and several politicians have known it, there's never been a crisis to drive policy, until now," said Farr, a California democrat who the San Jose Mercury News cites has tried unsuccessfully to win a similar oceans conservation plan through legislation known as Oceans 21. "This is giant step forward," Farr said of the presidential order, calling the decree the "clean water and air acts for the ocean."

Oceans 21 failed to gain Congressional support because of its ability to restrict access to public resources while creating a new bureaucratic hierarchy with unprecedented power to regulate fisheries and implement ocean zoning without oversight or public input. The RFA has been at the forefront of exposing Oceans 21 for the farce that it is, and they've been a leader in preventing its passage through legislative channels. On June 18, 2009, the RFA was the only national recreational fishing organization asked to testify before Congress in opposition of the bill.

"We claimed all along that this Ocean Policy Task Force was being orchestrated as Oceans 21 legislation from the very beginning, with the expectation of the environmental groups that it get passed by royal decree," said Donofrio. "For Mr. Farr to resort to such hyperbole by claiming our oceans are dying in order to get folks to swallow his ideological pill is disingenuous at best."

The threat of a pending presidential order that would restrict recreational fishing set off a media firestorm in March when a national opinion piece in ESPN warned that efforts of the Obama Administration's Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force and its involvement in implementing a policy of "marine spatial planning" could ultimately effect the management of and public access to the nation's natural public resources. In response, Donofrio said at the time that he was unnerved by glaring similarities of the presidential plan and Rep. Farr's H.R. 21, the Ocean Conservation, Education, and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act. "This appears to be an attempt by the Executive branch to circumvent the established legislative process and enact policy that failed as legislation 5 years in a row," Donofrio said at the time, adding RFA still believes enacting laws through Executive order and proclamation sets a dangerous precedence.

07-20-2010, 11:04 PM
"King" Obama. I love it.:rolleyes: He could no more command a kingdom than the Rev Jessie Jackson can channel messages from God. People believe in the hype, and look what they got, no change, and empty pockets. Soon there will be no fishing permitted, subject to his whims.

He has a nasty habit of appointing czars like the above 2, Holdren and Sutley, to control what he as a president is not authorized to do, thereby circumventing the legislative process. Thanks Nobama!:2flip:

07-20-2010, 11:35 PM
Bababooey, you are off the wall. Everyone knows Obama means "mo money", how come you didn't know that?:beatin::d


07-21-2010, 06:28 AM
Just remember which side to vote for when its election time, or if you prefer to keep eating crap and getting taxed to death losing everything you worked your butt off for if you still have a job when these clowns are done then vote for the Dems.:2flip: King Obama and his merry men and these damn plover saving SOB's are getting way the hell out of control survival of the fittest is how nature works if you can't adapt you become extinct.

07-21-2010, 08:24 AM
"The RFA said more government appointments from the top down will ensure that local stakeholders can expect to get less input in the future. "

This happens regularly now. It happened on the fisheries management committees, where many of the appointees are political ones who have no real interest in or understanding of fishing. That's one of the things that was mentioned over and over in the March on Washington.

That's one of the things Finchaser keeps trying to bring to light, to anyone who will listen.

The sad thing to me is, many people are still unaware of this, or don't care. Long ago people protested taxation without representation, and threw cases of tea in Boston Harbor.

In modern times, it seems many accept this as inevitable.
All I know is, the people in Boston wouldn't tolerate it, why should we? http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.gif

07-21-2010, 02:47 PM
"King" Obama. I love it.:rolleyes: He could no more command a kingdom than the Rev Jessie Jackson can channel messages from God. cumventing the legislative process. Thanks Nobama!:2flip:

:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:Quote of the week!