View Full Version : keeping eels alive?

08-04-2010, 07:13 PM
Is there a special a special trick to keeping eel alive while fishing with them?

08-05-2010, 06:14 AM
On the hook or in a bucket?On the hook as long as the tail is curling upwhen hanging she's still good to go.In a bucket,take two 5 gallon buckets inside each other the top one gets about 1/4" holes in it so the eels slime drips into the second bucket so they don't suffocate in their own slime.

1put the eels in the top bucket
2:cover them w/either a burlap bag or a onion sack
3:Put ice on top of the bag not too much just enough to keep them cool and slow down their metabolism when the ice melts it will drip into the bottom bucket the important thing is to keep ice on top of the bag as it melts.

08-05-2010, 10:50 AM
:huh:If all of the above fails mouth to mouth as last resort:D:HappyWave: