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10-30-2010, 03:27 PM
Got up late, had to be somewhere this morning. Made it to the ocean with 1/2 hour to fish. More driving than fishin today.

Tossed metal, rubber, bucktails, nothing for me. There were small bass periodically breaching 10 feet out, all eating small anchovies. I wasn't working any teasers, as teasers today were attracting only fluke. There was a 10 minute fluke blitz up and down the beach as some guys hooked up and bravely tried to subdue those fierce fighting fish. ;)

Those bass in the wash probably could have been caught with tiny 1/2" to 3/4" teasers, maybe not, there was so much bait in the wash it was tough for artificials.

Back at it again tonight, the sunrise was awesome. :fishing:

10-30-2010, 04:13 PM
What a difference a day makes.
I fished from 4-6 today, throwing a ss needle, chicken scratch bomber, and some sluggos and other eel-like (felmlee) rubber. One short bass on the needlefish. Congrats on the catch Sharkhart it seems like you had a good night. I wonder if the bass are starting to move around more?

10-30-2010, 04:33 PM
OC before sunrise, 2 shorties on a buck and pork combo, 1/2 oz.

10-30-2010, 04:38 PM
I dont know what happened last night there was a steady bite in monco, magnum bomber and al gags needle for me, then they just stopped on a dime about an hour before outgoing which i though was gonna be "Go Time" i fished many hours heading south at several stops and i get a loner but real sweet fish in OC, in the high teens, I just heard there are alot of sand eels in the OC surf today with no bass (yet!) things are a bit puzzling so far, has to break wide open, lets hope

10-30-2010, 04:50 PM
Fished This am NoMoCo!
Started around 2am (south) hit 2 places with jetties, no luck, then went further north on the sandy beaches, nada. By 5 am i was at NoMoCo, didnt even try to surfcast there, just rigged up my kayak and launched by 530 am ( pretty cold out there), marked lots of fish in close ( 1/4 mile) saw sand eels in the wash and just nothing, trolled around then the sun came up, we spotted birds south from us so we headed there, not much to show for, my bud picked up ONE (1) bluefish , thats it, landed by 9am, long shift NO fish. I know yesterday guys at NoMoCo caught keeper bass on the yaks!
So far this season i missed "Tha days" besides MTK!!!!!!

10-31-2010, 08:02 AM
Late report. Fished NoMoCo Friday evening with OFFC and a few associate younger guys. Everyone except me managed to plug a fish or two ( a mixed bag of blues and bass).

I had a blue on for about 20 seconds but lost it as it jumped up and spit the hook.

Did land one I hooked except that it was not a fish. I snagged a favorite lure lost earlier by an associate member. As I returned it to him I told him at least it was his lucky day. :lookhappy:

Mike O
10-31-2010, 11:16 AM
Early Sat. morning 1 hour before sunrise, 29" 9lbs. SH. First keeper this fall. Having some of it for dinner tonight.

Mike O

10-31-2010, 12:50 PM
NoMoCo this AM (1:00 - 9:00).
4 shorts, 2 between 2:00 and 3:00 and 2 between 7:30 and 8:30. Three on the rubber teaser and then my first on a vision sand eel. Missed some bumps, had a Hogy bit in half. A fun morning.

10-31-2010, 01:24 PM
Did land one I hooked except that it was not a fish. I snagged a favorite lure lost earlier by an associate member. As I returned it to him I told him at least it was his lucky day. :lookhappy:
The chances of that happening were about 1,000,000 to 1, where you were. :wow: That's a great catch in my book. :thumbsup: Good to see the OFFC out in force, and fishin again! :HappyWave:

.. things are a bit puzzling so far, has to break wide open, lets hope

The most consistent thing so far is the inconsistency. :don't know why:
If some of the action could be dialed into better, you would never find a spot on the beach. As it is, guys will come out, plug for an hour or 2, and give up.

Congrats to all those who are getting out and giving it a shot. Ya can't catch fish in front of a TV.

Report 10-31
Pebbles and I fished 3-8:30 this morning, most of the ebb. I had high hopes for the bite deep in the night. Unfortunately, it was a slow pick for us and those around us. (Turns out the flood tide produced more fish earlier on.) There were long periods of inactivity as we fished artificials through the night.

The wind wasn't that bad, swell in the ocean every 12-14 secs. Temp in the high 40's, not bad for an overnight surfcasting marathon.

Around 6am the activity started ramping up. Pebbles and I managed 3 bass to about 28". All fish caught on sluggos and swimmers.

I should also mention Pebbles was high hook for the trip. She kicked my aZZ :o, 2 bass to my 1, and I'm real proud of her. :clapping: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Additionally, she also was high hook during the hot fluke blitz :kooky: which occurred for the 2nd day in the row, catching 4 fluke and one sundial to my 2 fluke. She also did better than quite a few guys on the beach.

Overall, it was an exciting morning, though not much was caught. Among a flurry of activity starting at sunrise, about 5 bass were caught among 50 anglers throughout our field of vision. One bass was in the teens, others smaller.

As the sun rose, it seemed that metal outfished rubber for the bass that were caught.

What was excitng was the bass feeding activity, which went on for 45 minutes instead of the usual 5. Bass were actively feeding from 10 to 300' out on sandeels and anchovies. Several bass breaching at a time in areas. Also, the fluke were feeding so aggressively that we saw one jump out of the water chasing bait, and sandeels washing up on the beach.

With all that bait, a lot gave up trying for bass and stood around and watched. The abundance was so great there were dozens of cormorants actively competing with the feeding bass.

It was one of those mornings that you thought could translate to an epic surf day bite, but the bright sun killed it. :(

Look for the next snotty or overcast day for things to make the transition and the day bite to break wide open.

And lastly, congrats to Pebbles again for outfishin' me. :clapping::clapping: She's learning well, is getting technique skills, and developing her own style. Love that girl. :heart:

10-31-2010, 04:07 PM
^ DS we must have been in the same area. I saw all those bass busting and someone said they might be shad. But you're right - if they were shad they were all around 5-10lbs, that's pretty big for shad. And frustrating to watch, too.:burn:
Must have been frustrating to you too considering you got your butt kicked by a girl!:laugh:
Just kidding, nice catches Pebbles, the fish were definitely picky.:thumbsup:
I got one 32" bass on a needlefish around 5:30am.

10-31-2010, 06:39 PM
"Pebbles and I fished 3-8:30 this morning"
"I should also mention Pebbles was high hook for the trip. She kicked my aZZ"
"not bad for an overnight surfcasting marathon."

Marathon? That's a few fun hours on the beach.
Great to hear Pebbles high hook on the Stripers:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

11-01-2010, 09:57 AM
Great night last night, banged 12 bass to 16#, bucktails and pork, from the sand, with the howling wind. They were fat, but still hungry. Fished the incoming.