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10-07-2010, 08:42 AM
Sent in by Finchaser, thanks!

Subject: RFA Offers Senate Endorsements for 2010 Federal Elections

October 6, 2010
Dear Recreational Angler and Fellow Sportsman,

I think it's safe to say that this November's mid-term elections may be the most important in our lifetimes. Over the past few years, our nation's hardcore saltwater sportsmen have watched as radical preservationist ideology - an agenda which has led to a broken and fatally flawed fisheries management system, most of which is not perpetuated by science - has been continually supported by partisan imbalance in the U.S. Senate.

During the course of our nation's history, whenever one party gains too much control over the will of the people, the truth of 'right and wrong' will be lost in a cloud of ideological agenda. It doesn't matter if it's the right or the left, something's got to give - and on November 2, 2010, you can help chart the course for the direction our nation takes for the next six years!

Make a difference - make sure you vote on November 2!

The Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) is a non-partisan, not-for-profit political action organization that represents recreational fishermen and the recreational fishing industry on marine fisheries issues. As a 501c4 organization, the RFA is legally allowed to provide candidate-related information to members, endorse specific candidates, urge the election or defeat of a particular candidate, and encourage contributions to a candidate. That's what makes the RFA unique as an organization, with the stated mission since 1996 "to safeguard the rights of saltwater anglers, protect marine, boat and tackle industry jobs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our Nation's saltwater fisheries."

On behalf of our national membership, the RFA has compiled the following list of Senate recommendations for the upcoming election. True to our mission, RFA is openly supporting both Republican and Democratic candidates in this cycle based on their support of our specific issues within the recreational fishing community.

It should be noted that there are some incumbents who've had the chance to work with us in the past, but due to their lack of caring and/or involvement in fisheries issues when they could've helped us most, the RFA has decided to seek out new voices as representatives within those particular states.

When you're weighing the U.S. Senate options in the voting booth this November 2, here's where the RFA stands in terms of the coastal candidates, and where they stand on issues regarding your right to fish!

Jim Donofrio -
RFA Executive Director

The RFA supports incumbent Republican Senator Richard Shelby over his Democratic challenger William Barnes.

http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs053/1102181706823/img/133.jpgAs ranking Republican on the House Energy Committee and a friend to the fishing and boating industry, Lisa Murkowski has shown strong leadership worthy of RFA endorsement. Her race as an Independent against Republican Joe Miller and Democrat Scott McAdams will be one to watch.

http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs053/1102181706823/img/134.jpgThe U.S. Senate race between Republican challenger Carly Fiorina and incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer has been heating up, and the RFA believes Fiorina has a good chance to win, particularly if the sportfishing community can respond! Boxer has been completely missing on fishing issues and has wholeheartedly embraced the radical green agenda. Sen. Boxer fails to recognize the significance of California's sportfishing industry, and for that reason RFA supports Republican challenger, Carly Fiorina, in this important race.

http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs053/1102181706823/img/135.jpgRFA supports the Republican Senate candidate Linda McMahon over the Democrat Richard Blumenthal. Our fishing community has had less-than-stellar experience with Senate Democrats from Connecticut in recent years, and for that reason we're supporting businesswoman Linda McMahon.

http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs053/1102181706823/img/136.jpgIt's time for a fresh face in the First State, and we believe that Republican Christine O'Donnell is the choice over Democrat Chris Coons. Recent senators from Delaware have done little or next to nothing to help our coastal fishermen along.

http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs053/1102181706823/img/137.jpgThe three-way U.S. Senate race in Florida is key to helping fix the problems in our federal fisheries law. The RFA is endorsing Republican candidate Marco Rubio over Democrat Kendrick Meek and the Independent challenger, former governor Charlie Crist. Marco Rubio started engaging the fishing industry during the oil crisis and he's very interested in working with our community.

The RFA endorses Republican Johnny Isakson in the race against Democrat Michael Thurmond.

Incumbent Republican Senator David Vitter has been a friend to Louisiana Sportsmen since he was in the House of Representatives; the RFA is endorsing David Vitter in the race against Democrat Charlie Melancon the democrat.

RFA endorses Dr. Eric Wargotz over incumbent Senator Barbara Mikulski who has ignored frequent pleas from the recreational fishing community. Barbara Mikulski has been in DC for too long; let's hope Maryland sportsmen turn out in droves in November for the Republican challenger, Dr. Wargotz.

Senator Paul Hodes has been MIA on fisheries issues; RFA has been to Mr. Hodes' office on several occasions with no response - except when it comes time to raising funds for the election cycle! It's time for Mr. Hodes to re-enter the private sector! In New Hampshire, the RFA is wholeheartedly supporting Republican Kelly Ayotte in the New Hampshire Senate race.

http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs053/1102181706823/img/143.jpg Our good friend Senator Charles Schumer has been a friend of the fishing community for a very long time; the junior Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has also been a vocal supporter of our fishing interests. Both Democrats were in attendance at our February 24th rally and are key signers of the Flexibility in Rebuilding American Fisheries Act.

RFA is endorsing our good friend Senator Richard Burr the Republican candidate over Democrat Elaine Marshall. Senator Burr has been a friend to fishermen for a long time and is one of the co-sponsors of the Flexibility in Rebuilding American Fisheries Act.

While the RFA appreciates Democrat Joe Sestak's willingness to go against pure party lines as a PA Congressman, it's time for a change in the Keystone State - as such, the RFA is endorsing the Republican Pat Toomey in this particular Senate race. Since Pennsylvania holds seats on the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council, RFA hopes to finally see a legislative voice for fishermen coming from the Keystone State in the future.

RFA endorses incumbent Republican Jim DeMint over challenger, Alvin Greene, Democrat. This is a no-brainer, particularly since the Senate opponent was a felon before he ever got involved in politics.

RFA strongly endorses Republican Dino Rossi in the race against Democratic incumbent Senator Patty Murray. The race is a toss-up; sportsmen need to get out and vote and support Rossi in this race. Sen. Murray has been MIA on fishing issues.

The RFA will release their list of Congressional endorsements on Wednesday, October 13th.

10-07-2010, 10:48 AM
I can't wait to see who they endorse for NJ. Pallone sucks, it's time for some new blood here.