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12-03-2010, 04:44 PM
Got home around noon today, so I asked my middle (21 yr old) son if he wanted to go shoot some crows this afternoon. Heck yeah! he says, so we saddled up and headed out to a neighboring county.

Of course, the dog comes with.

It was a beautiful day for hunting. Not too hot, not too cold.

Our first stop was a pine plantation. We both missed several here.

We went on down the road to a clear cut that borders a ranch.

"You hear 'em over there?"
"Sure do. That's where that ranch is at."

There's not a lot of cover here, so we had to shoot from a sitting position.

Puppypopper's broomstraw colored ghillie would have been just the ticket for this spot.

Daniel got one here with his full choke. Don't tell me #8 shot can't erase a crow's head.

I love that fractarn camo.

They finally wised up after I expended an embarrassing amount of ammunition, so we moved back to our home county.

All my usual spots were crawling with deer hunters, so we made due with this one.

It's kind of a tough, straight overhead shot in here, but I managed to bring one down.

It sure felt good when Daniel said, "Great shot, Dad!" Especially after my dismal performance on our previous stands.

It was running close to 3:00 by then, and we had stuff to do, so we called it a day.

All in all a great day outdoors with a great son, and a successful hunt for each of us.

Homeward bound.

Thanks for reading!

12-03-2010, 06:59 PM
Hi Jon,

Looks like you had a great time with your son. Those are wonderful pictures. Thanks for putting them up.

12-04-2010, 10:45 AM
Hey Pebbles! You're welcome. Glad you like them!

12-04-2010, 11:36 AM
Sometimes it's hard to see our lives for what they are, or what they bring to us.
I know a lot of families where the children, or young adults your son's age, won't spend any quality time around the family because they're "too busy" with friends, etc.

Yet you and your son manage to go out on a hunt together. You managed to get them to help you fix that roof. You and your wife raised some good ones. Jon. :cool:

Those pics are more precious than all the riches in the world. They say it all. Dad and Son time together, nothing better than that. Thanks for sharing. Looks like you both had a great day out there. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

12-04-2010, 03:55 PM
yup, great day. when they get in their twenties, you don't see them much. i'm lucky to get that time.

lol btw the wife asked me last night, "did you talk about so and so? did you ask him about such and such? how's he feel about this and that? what's he gonna do about... did he say anthing about..." ... and on and on. wanted to know if i had interrogated him about all his supposed "issues." pfft, issues to her.

no i didn't - hell no. we were huntin', fer goodness' sake.


12-04-2010, 08:10 PM
Wives worry too much. He'll prob turn out just fine. Cool pics.

12-05-2010, 08:05 AM
Are there regulations for hunting crows like hunting bears or deer? Maybe no one gives a crap about them. :don't know why: Or are there just too many of them out there?

12-05-2010, 08:44 PM
yes, yes, and yes.

it's a long story, but the short version is that by an obscure 1800's treaty with Mexico we can only hunt crows for 124 days a year. each state has it's own 124 days (here in NC it's June1-Feb28 Wed, Fri, Sat).

the only people that give a darn about them are the farmers (esp watermelon, pecan, and peanut farmers) who lose approx 30% of their crop to them. and oh yeah, they kill approx 10 million ducklings and duck eggs a year. so i guess duck hunters care.

and there are definitely Way too many of them!

12-06-2010, 06:50 AM
Great pics and story!