View Full Version : Be a part of the Solution
Tom Farrell
12-30-2010, 03:08 PM
If your looking out for the best interests of Striped Bass we could use you help. We need the Governor's Appointee replaced with someone who will better serve the position in the manner it is intended to be. The best interests of all involved are supposed to be considered including the species. Technical and scientific data and public input is supposed to be considered as well. It is quite obvious the Governors Appointee does not go by any of this. Please see attached letter.
12-30-2010, 09:03 PM
The Governor’s appointee has consistently dismissed recent data showing the east coast Striped Bass population has declined by ~26%, that the Chesapeake stock is threatened by a serious infectious disease, and that the poaching level on primarily small fish in the inner cities of Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston is out of control and threatens the population.
Furthermore, poor recruitment in all spawning estuaries has not produced a sufficient number of new fish to overcome the negative effects of the factors mention supra. Many of us who are old enough have seen this drama unfold before when many concerned citizens asked for a larger size limit and other harvest restrictions, and yet they were denied.
We were told the "fish were swimming somewhere else", or "there are plenty of fish but their migration patterns have changed because of changes in bait distributions". All of this "wisdom" proved foolish when the Striped Bass population collapsed in the late 1970’s and 1980’s. Wise men warned us; "those who do not learn from the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them". Why, we ask, are we expanding harvests at a time of poor recruitment and declining stocks?
Have we not learned from lessons of prior decades? Why are we compromising one of the best fisheries management comebacks in history because misguided people believe more harvest means better economic benefit? Even if we believe there is short term economic gain, which do we believe to be true, history teaches us that long term economic benefit involves conservation and wise management. We’ve had many conversations with the Governor’s appointee and he turned a deaf ear each time.
That was a very well-worded letter, Tom. I thought it outlined the issues clearly and objectively. Whether it results in Pat Augustine's removal remains to be seen, but it presents a compelling case that the patterns of the past are being repeated.
I took the liberty of copying that letter, adding my name to the bottom, and will mail it to the address in Albany.
I'm asking anyone else who feels the words mean something to them to do the same.
Tom and the NYCRF have made it a simple task for us to join voices here....just print the letter, sign at the bottom, and invest in one stamp to send it. For less than the cost of the daily paper you can show your support, guys and girls. How easy is that?
Thanks again Tom and the NYCRF for keeping the pressure on. :clapping: :thumbsup:
Please consider lending your voices as well, people. They can't do it without support.
12-31-2010, 03:36 PM
It is quite obvious the Governors Appointee does not go by any of this. Please see attached letter.
How right you are, Tom. I sent a letter as well.
Tom Farrell
01-04-2011, 09:53 PM
Thank you all.
01-05-2011, 07:36 AM
Did it.
01-07-2011, 12:30 PM
Hey I don't get a chance to fish in NY much, but what the heck it's a good point made. I cheated and just copied and pasted the letter as well. Please keep us informed if anything happens from it.
Tom Farrell
01-07-2011, 01:57 PM
Here is a letter that each and every one of you can send out. You can edit, copy and paste it into Word or another word processing program and print it out. Once you sign it mail it to all of those addressed. Please do this as soon as possible. Once again I appreciate all of your support.
To: Leslie G. Leach
Secretary for Appointments
Appointment Office
State Capitol, Albany, New York, 12224
Dear Leslie,
Recently the New York Coalition for Recreational Fishing wrote to you expressing their concerns about the Governors appointee to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. The letter contained information pertaining to the collapse of Striped Bass in the past and mentioned the poor recruitment and declining stocks we are currently experiencing with Striped Bass. Other important aspects of the letter were regarding the Governors appointee turning a deaf ear on recreational anglers and his refusal to acknowledge scientific data.
During the public comment period regarding the coast wide increase of the commercial harvest of Striped Bass it was clear that the majority of recreational anglers wanted everything to remain status quo. In fact the final conclusion of the public comment period here in New York showed that 97.8% of the people were in favor of keeping everything status quo versus only 2.2% looking for an increase. Why would the Governors appointee go against the grain of what the majority of the public desires? Also why would he ignore the Technical Committee as well and vote in favor of this commercial increase?
I do not wish to witness history repeating itself with a collapse of Striped Bass or any other species. The NYCRF has respectfully requested that the Governors appointee be replaced with someone who better represents recreational anglers and who is interested in a dialogue with the people he or she represents. I am in 100% agreement and support of the New York Coalition for Recreational Fishing regarding this matter. Personally I would like to see this happen as soon as possible in order to prevent any further controversy in the ASMFC.
Cc: Andrew M. Cuomo, Mack Marten, Ned Sullivan, Dan Tishman, Assemblyman Robert K. Sweeney, Assemblyman Joseph S. Saladino, Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg, Senator Owen H. Johnson, Senator Carl L. Marcellino
01-07-2011, 03:57 PM
did it, That was easy enough, thanks Tom!
Tom Farrell
01-07-2011, 04:17 PM
Thank you very much. I hope everyone finds it easy and jumps on board to have the Governors appointee ousted. Striped Bass can not afford to have him in power.
01-09-2011, 03:52 PM
I'm sending the letter on Mon to Leslie Leach. Thanks for all the great work you and the NYCRF do.
Tom Farrell
01-17-2011, 07:22 PM
Here is a copy of an email that was forwarded to me. It is from the Governors apppointee. It clearly looks like he knows that he is supposed to account for public comment in his decisions. It also seems like he may be burnt out from the position. Actions speak louder than words. He does not practice what he preaches. It is time for him to either resign or just flat out to be replaced with someone who will perform their duties in the manner they are supoposed too. He certainly does not seem to speak too highly of the postion here and definitely did not account for the TC report or public comment when he voted for the coastwide increase for the commercial harvest.
"> Chris:
> It is too bad that you don't understand the obligation of the
> Governor's appointee. All user groups, recreational,
> party/charter boats, shore bound, private anglers and yes
> commercial fishermen will be represented by the person that
> holds that position. Please remind the person that will
> eventually replace me (maybe you) will be on 17 species mgmt.
> Boards so be prepared to make decisions on:
> Eels, lobsters, Atlantic herring, bunker, striped bass,
> sturgeon, black sea bass, bluefish, coastal sharks, horseshoe
> crabs northern shrimp,river herring, scup, shad, spanish
> mackeral, spiny dogfish summer flounder, blackfish, weakfish and
> winter flounder.
> The decisions my replacement will be making will either be based
> on scientific stock assessment, Technical/staff committee
> recommendations or public comments.
> By the way, remind my replacement, they don't get paid for any
> days doing ASMFC work which includes a minimum of 4 meetings
> /yr. that last 4 or more days, 1 day Board meetings, and public
> hearings . Prep time for major meetings takes about 6-8 hours
> studying the briefing book.
> Guess you weren't satisfied with my recent choices on summer
> flounder, scup or black sea bass when I made most of the
> motions, either!
> So, Chris, that's the story. Now I wonder whether you will let
> your family and network of anglers read this email. My guess is
> you won't! "
01-18-2011, 08:53 AM
It is from the Governors apppointee. It clearly looks like he knows that he is supposed to account for public comment in his decisions. It also seems like he may be burnt out from the position. Actions speak louder than words. He does not practice what he preaches.
I agree, Tom, is has the tone of someone who is burnt out from the responsibilities of that position.
01-18-2011, 02:11 PM
It sounds like there is a need for a new appointee. Any suggestions or thoughts on that?
Tom Farrell
01-19-2011, 11:13 AM
We are currently working on that.
01-20-2011, 01:26 PM
We are currently working on that.
Why don't you pitch for that job Tom? What are the qualifications? you could probably do it a lot better than that guy.
01-20-2011, 06:55 PM
X2 for Tom Farrell. Keep up the good work Tom.
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