View Full Version : 2010 - what lessons did you learn?

12-31-2010, 12:38 PM
Could be fishing, friends, family, or your outlook on life or business prospects. Whatever. We always sit here and make our resolutions for the new year. I thought it would be a good idea to see if the year 2010 has taught me any lessons.

It's after 12pm. As I sit here with my gin and tonic :plastered: having the day off, I was looking at my life and seeing where it went this year. Perhaps to learn something for next year, or something like that.

So here is my list of lessons learned so far from 2010. What have you learned from this year?

1. Fishing - you need to move around if you want to find some quality fish. I have been fishing Sandy Hook for a long time and this year was quite disappointing. So I need to be more mobile.

2. Intel - you need to be tied in with a network of guys to gain an edge on these small blitzes we were having that only lasted a few hours. I need to try to find a way to piggyback on the killie/finchaser network (KFN). Forget t-mobile, the KFN is where it's at!

3. Flexibility - Ineed to change it up with teasers a bit more, and try even using those teasers dragging them on the bottom in the surf when the water is cold. There were quite a few times when I felt the fish were there but scattered. The first place you should look for them in conditions like that is an inlet, moving water, or on the bottom. I need to figure a way to do that more and score more consistently.

4. Visitors in your home - the next time my wife invites her brother over for a visit, I will put my foot down and limit that visit to 3 or 4 days. No more being a patsy when someone in the family wants free hotel service! :kicknuts:

12-31-2010, 01:03 PM
4. Visitors in your home - the next time my wife invites her brother over for a visit, I will put my foot down and limit that visit to 3 or 4 days. No more being a patsy when someone in the family wants free hotel service! :kicknuts:

Guests and fish alike begin to stink when they have been around for 3 days. Heed the advice or they will keep walking all over you. Happy New Year!

12-31-2010, 01:27 PM
Fishing wise I started throwing small plastic and wood at the end of the year and that caught some bass, so I need to fish small wood and plastic more next year.
The big thing I learned is that I need to be in better shape to fish the way I fish. Need to drop a bunch of LBs. Had trouble with my feet and back at the end of the year (cut a few outings short). So eating better and hitting the gym 4-6 times a week this off season.

12-31-2010, 02:41 PM
1. Don't fish all the Moses beaches that have been road mapped on the internet. There were a few other places that held fish if you were willing to walk a bit.
2. Storminsteve loved the comment about family overstaying its welcome. Now if only I could get that to work for my mother in law, life would be good.

12-31-2010, 02:50 PM
I learned I need to get out and fish more. I let too many other things get in the way. True, there were times when it was not feasible. However, if you plan carefully, you can get out there for an hour or so. I really miss the relaxation.

12-31-2010, 04:10 PM
What I learned this year. The time spent plugging in the past was always available, because I just went, blowing off everything, selfish (but enjoyed). This year taught me that sometimes your life isn't dictated by you alone, but outside obligations will curtail your time at the wetline. My time was very limited this year at the edge, but I'm not angry, little depressed, but not angry. The memories of time spent in the past, solo or with a good 'ole salt were recalled.

So, to the young, meet your obligations, but make that time for the water, make some memories for the times you can't get down.

I hope that the coming year will free me up to put in the time at the sands edge more than I did this past year, it was missed too much. So, for me, I learned about not having free time.

01-01-2011, 12:59 AM
i have keep trying even if i think there no fish around :rolleyes:do more all nighters:kooky: