View Full Version : What is the benefit of catching and eating a 18" bass?
03-23-2011, 08:26 PM
I am trying to learn more about the striper. I recently read that the minimum size limit for bass in both the Chesapeake Bay and upper Hudson River is 18". What the heck is up with that?:huh:
In all the coastal states I know of, the minimum size is 28". Even in Md, I think the size limit is 28" or something like that. So if they are saying something is wrong with the year classes, and there are supposably less bass, WHY would anyone in their right mind say is is ok to kill a 18" bass?:don't know why:
How much meat do you get from one of those little runts?
Would really appreciate some feedback on this, because to me it makes no sense at all.
03-23-2011, 10:16 PM
Maybe they view the 18" fish as competition for the food supply for the bigger fish? Other than that, I can see no reason to make it 18". Maybe someone else has a better answer.
03-23-2011, 10:53 PM
Fishing regulations make me sick.
Make it one fish at 36" or bigger,INFORCED!!! No stupid bonus tags. Stop this slaughter by recreational and commercial fisherman NOW. Unfortunately I can't see this happening. I absolutely hate that 18" limit.
03-23-2011, 11:51 PM
Fishing regulations make me sick.
Make it one fish at 36" or bigger,INFORCED!!! No stupid bonus tags. Stop this slaughter by recreational and commercial fisherman NOW. Unfortunately I can't see this happening. I absolutely hate that 18" limit.
What he^^^ said. The 18" in Maryland is because they are the best eating and is the preferred size for plate coverage in resturants
As most people agree big bass su_k for eating.
03-24-2011, 11:13 AM
What he^^^ said. The 18" in Maryland is because they are the best eating and is the preferred size for plate coverage in resturants
As most people agree big bass su_k for eating.
I have never eaten a big bass before. I will take a keeper size fish or a little bigger for the family to eat. I just don't understand why people have to take the big ones and just let them die and not even attempt to eat it. I would not mind stricter regulatations that would help the stocks grow in the future but, it would have to be for the comms as well but we all know that will not happen. The gov't feels that they will make more money commercially and they do not give a rats a$$ about what we do for the economoy. All of the party boats that will be out of business and all the tackle shops too. To them we are the little fish in the sea. We are screwed on every aspect of living. I am getting really tired of the crap that I hear about Obama wanting to give the illegals social security benefits so he can get votes. I am tired of hearing about Christie giving it to everyone in the A$$. I AM PLAIN FED UP WITH THIS $hit. Enough is enough already.
I said it before and I will say it again and I hope all of you effin retards are happy with the SKUMBAG that you wanted to run our country. I also do not care who I have offended in this post. I f you do not like it turn the page and read something else like the clambrella rig story. This country that has been built by hard working honest people is in dire straights. Hell, maybe we should keep giving the green light to 16 year old mothers that want 8 kids so the gov't will pay them to sit home and never have to work a day in their life, $HIT,I really don't mind paying for them to eat, not at all. Everyone really needs to look at the big picture and wake the PHUK up and realize what is going on. I am not sorry for the rant. Sorry but it's the gods honest truth and I am sick and tired of it.
Sat it loud and say it proud. The immigrants that came to this country back in the day came here with nothing and helped build this country. The immigrants of today just want everything handed to them. The mexicans act like we owe them something just because they are here. The Indians laugh at us everytime we walk into a one of their 7 11's to spend our money on them so they can raise their smelly effin family with our money. They send our money out of the country to be spent in their own as do the mexicans. We need to build a wall around our country and throw all of these PHUKIN people out and Obama as well. Always have some kind of problem with China and Japan but yet they have a $hitload of their people living here as do the muslims and they live here and want to blow us the PHUK up. This crap has got to stop or we are doomed. I pray everyday for my children because they are going to live with this crap for the rest of their lives after I am long gone as well.
E F F U M A L L . If anyone has a problem with what I wrote, Oh phukin well. PM me and I will say it again. I still have a right to my opinion. You all had yours when you voted.
03-24-2011, 12:03 PM
Wow, you said it rip!:whoo:
I hate the fact that the immigrants don't have to have a noaa card, and when the nj registry finally gets settled, they won't have to have that either!
That means there are 2 sets of laws, one for them one for us.
In the 1940's there were 2 sets of laws, one for black people, one for white people. People protested against this because it was unconstitutional. So why isn't this considered unconstitutional here? I mean, by not making the illegals get a registry card, you are kind of saying they are a priveleged class of people. Why should they have more priveleges than we do?
I kind of feel the same way about 18" bass. Why do some states allow people to keep the 18" stripers when all the rest of us have to wait till they are 28" to keep them. I feel those people are priveleged as well, and there is no logical reason for it except for dirty politics.
03-24-2011, 12:06 PM
I said it before and I will say it again and I hope all of you effin retards are happy with the SKUMBAG that you wanted to run our country....
E F F U M A L L . If anyone has a problem with what I wrote, Oh phukin well. PM me and I will say it again. I still have a right to my opinion. You all had yours when you voted.
We can kill two birds with one stone Libya wants a Muslim leader and we want to get rid of ours solves 2 problems
03-24-2011, 03:53 PM
rofl! perfect.
03-24-2011, 03:54 PM
This country that has been built by hard working honest people is in dire straights.
RIP, I pretty much agree with everything ya said there. :HappyWave:
I am disgusted with this country, this country's leaderS and a lot of this country's people. God bless our military, something to be proud of. Not much else though in this country right now to be proud of.
03-24-2011, 07:48 PM
18" fish 5" for the head 4" for the tail roughly, do the math not worth it I agree with Monty 1 @ 36" or better we have to protect some size fish but it needs to be the same for every state or no size slots will have a chance you can't have 18" in one state 28" in another so on and so forth.IMO
03-25-2011, 01:36 PM
I am trying to learn more about the striper. I recently read that the minimum size limit for bass in both the Chesapeake Bay and upper Hudson River is 18". What the heck is up with that?:huh:
In all the coastal states I know of, the minimum size is 28". Even in Md, I think the size limit is 28" or something like that. So if they are saying something is wrong with the year classes, and there are supposably less bass, WHY would anyone in their right mind say is is ok to kill a 18" bass?:don't know why:
How much meat do you get from one of those little runts?
Would really appreciate some feedback on this, because to me it makes no sense at all.
Those 18 inch Hudson fish are more than likely resident fish. I fished the river years ago (16" minimum) and the smaller fish were generally better tasting and probably less likely to be heavily contaminated with PCBs as they accumulate over time. Just a thought.
While fish stay in the river year round, I'm guessing after they spawn there are not very many of those thirty six inch fish that everyone is so anxious to keep. Never fished the river after June if i recall correctly
What he^^^ said. The 18" in Maryland is because they are the best eating and is the preferred size for plate coverage in resturants
As far as Maryland fish I looked up some of the regs. Seems to me like they're on the right track
The way I read the maps, winter over fish catch and release only.
Fish start moving and spawning and without knowing the areas I'm going to assume the blue areas are the spawning grounds. No fishing. Protect the spawners when they're most likely to be thick and congregated in a small area. Allow them to spawn, novel idea :rolleyes:
After the spawn everything is open till the winter
Here's the link with all the maps and more on the regulations
Striped Bass Regulations for January 1 through February 28, 201113360
Striped Bass Regulations for March 1 through April 15, 2011
Striped Bass Regulations for April 16 through May 3, 2011
Striped Bass Regulations for May 4 through May 15, 2011
Striped Bass Regulations for May 16 through May 31, 2011
Striped Bass Regulations for June 1 through December 15, 2011
(Becomes Catch & Release on Dec 16 through Dec 31)
03-25-2011, 03:01 PM
That was very informative Shaky, thanks for sharing. Let me ask you this, if they can do it for the Chesapeake, why couldn't they do it for the Hudson River, and Delaware and Raritan Bay as well?
03-25-2011, 03:45 PM
That was very informative Shaky, thanks for sharing. Let me ask you this, if they can do it for the Chesapeake, why couldn't they do it for the Hudson River, and Delaware and Raritan Bay as well?
Not qualified to give you an answer to that as Im not involved in the political process. As far as the Maryland maps anything I stated were conclusions drawn from the maps. Whether or not I got it right :huh::laugh: i think I'm close.
I just posted up the maps because I see a lot of emotional responses in threads like this, often times with little knowledge of what goes on outside of the poster's state.
I'm neither a politician nor a marine biologist, so I guess that makes me an honest man with very limited knowledge in either profession. Frankly, i favor a slot that can be moved up or down depending on the makeup of the population. No matter what they come up with there will probably be a lot of unhappy people :2flip:
03-25-2011, 08:24 PM
I'm neither a politician nor a marine biologist, so I guess that makes me an honest man with very limited knowledge in either profession. Frankly, i favor a slot that can be moved up or down depending on the makeup of the population. steve
At least you are honest and not trying to sell an agenda like stripersforever. Thanks for the honesty and I think what you said about a slot makes sense as well. It isn't logical to only talk about minimum if you are not going to set a maximum to pretect the breeding size fish.
03-29-2011, 12:06 AM
i agree with the slot. it protects the major producers of fry - the big breeders - as well as the next few generations.
hey it's worked before, why not again?
03-31-2011, 01:35 PM
Shaky that post said a lot, thanks. I haven't been fishing long enough to know if the slot would work or not, but as some of you said, it worked elsewhere, so why not for the East Coast?
08-16-2013, 01:10 PM
I just posted up the maps because I see a lot of emotional responses in threads like this, often times with little knowledge of what goes on outside of the poster's state.
I'm neither a politician nor a marine biologist, so I guess that makes me an honest man with very limited knowledge in either profession. Frankly, i favor a slot that can be moved up or down depending on the makeup of the population. No matter what they come up with there will probably be a lot of unhappy people :2flip:
Interesting point about a sliding slot shaky. Also about folks not knowing much about what happens in other states, other than what they read on the internet.
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