View Full Version : Sandworms from the 80's

04-06-2011, 06:45 PM

04-06-2011, 08:01 PM
Jason, did ya ever see the sandworms from Jack's B&T in the Bronx??? They put most other sandworms to shame.
BTW, good reference, do you or anyone else remember Beetlejuice or Dune? Great movies, or at least the sandworms were colorful. :cool:

04-07-2011, 01:24 AM
Let me say I was a little surprised the first time I was bit by a stinkin worm last year - who knew they had fangs. Both excellent movies.

In actuality, what is the difference between a blood and sand worm? Better scent off the blood? The In-Fisherman this week sure had a lot to say about clam for the spring. Finally getting out this weekend!

04-07-2011, 12:22 PM
Jason, the blood worms are said to have a better scent trail. They are thinner and are more trouble than they are worth, but that is just my opinion. Some of my fishing buddies swear by them and buy them wholesale. They used to really do well when weakfish were around. I like bloodworms when we are drifting them from a boat to bass that are suspended. From the surf or bayshore, I feel the key is that you are using the worms.

Worms, either bloods or sands, will catch fish when nothing else will work. Go to a sandy beach in the spring when bass are around. If you have 2 fishermen, one fishing clams, and another fishing worms, the worm fisherman will usually outfish the clam fisherman by at least 4:1.
Now remember, this doesn't always hold true. If there has been a noreaster and there are clams laying all over the beach, well, naturally that is what you want to use. The danger with making generalizations is that there is always an exception to that rule you come up with. Some of the best advice I can give young folks like you (I am assuming you are young) is to go out there with an idea of what will work best for that outing. But --- be prepared with an alternate plan in case your assumptions do not work out.
The mark of a good fisherman is not his prowess catching big fish, it is the humility, and willingness to learn, he carries with him every time he goes out there. I believe the willingness to adapt to prevailing conditions is what separates the 90% of the fishermen who don't consistently catch fish, from the 10% of those who do. Good luck out there this weekend. Let us know how you do.

04-07-2011, 01:16 PM
Clamchucker, thanks for that.

04-07-2011, 01:38 PM
Good stuff!

04-07-2011, 01:41 PM
FWIW, I prefer sandworms myself. Maybe it's just me but I think they present a bigger profile in the water. And, they are slightly cheaper, unless you are buying them wholesale like clamchucker and his buddies.


These guys in Australia go out and dig them right off the beach. :cool:


04-07-2011, 02:21 PM
I hate those sandworm pincers too Jason. :scared:Your post made me laugh. Even 3 day old sandworms will still attack you. Another thing you should try is tapeworms. They are a lot of work to dig, and sometimes bass won't hit them. But when they do, it's usually a solid hit, like dangling a $50 bill in front of a stripper.

09-21-2012, 02:04 PM
Worms, either bloods or sands, will catch fish when nothing else will work. Go to a sandy beach in the spring when bass are around. If you have 2 fishermen, one fishing clams, and another fishing worms, the worm fisherman will usually outfish the clam fisherman by at least 4:1.
Now remember, this doesn't always hold true. If there has been a noreaster and there are clams laying all over the beach, well, naturally that is what you want to use. The danger with making generalizations is that there is always an exception to that rule you come up with. Some of the best advice I can give young folks like you (I am assuming you are young) is to go out there with an idea of what will work best for that outing. But --- be prepared with an alternate plan in case your assumptions do not work out.

Good stuff clamchucker. Jason love that pic!