View Full Version : NJ Bluefish Palooza!!! - status updates....

04-17-2011, 01:45 PM
Bluefish update......
I'm gonna make a prediction that people will start picking up racer bluefish in the BB and RB areas sometime this week or by the beginning of next.
They've already been caught in the ocean, though only for a few minuites.

What will probably happen is bait guys in Nomoco oceanside will report them first, or we'll get some reports of inlet bluefish along the NJ Coast.

As soon as the chocolate milk settles down, people should be getting them on small poppers in the usual back bay spots. This would be a great opportunity to take the kids fishing, folks. They easily tire of shore fishing and waiting hours for a striped bass to hit. The bluefish grab their attention better than most fish, and are perfect fish to bring children of many ages fishing for.

I really want to see more kids out there bluefishing this year.

Dads who sincerely want to take their kids out, and are not just selfishly looking for spots, feel free to PM me any time. I'll do the best I can to get you and the kids into some bluefish. :fishing:

As I take people out there, I'll try to post some of the pics and stories when we get into the good bluefish bite. :fishing:

Anyone else who gets into them, feel free to post, general locations only....feel free to be as specific as possible via PM.

04-17-2011, 01:51 PM
Sounds like private message spot burning to me.

04-17-2011, 02:13 PM
I really want to see more kids out there bluefishing this year.

Dads who sincerely want to take their kids out, and are not just selfishly looking for spots, feel free to PM me any time. I'll do the best I can to get you and the kids into some bluefish. :fishing:

As I take people out there, I'll try to post some of the pics and stories when we get into the good bluefish bite. :fishing:

Some people selfishly use "getting my kids some fish" :rolleyes: as a way to weasel themselves into the good graces of others. Finchaser and others have plenty of stories about it, they'll be glad to share them with ya. This is a sad but true part of the way some folks fish. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png

For me, this is about igniting a spark of interest in kids by getting them into bluefish and possibly maintaining that as a life-long interest in fishing. That was pretty clear from what I wrote here, at least to me. Apologies to anyone who didn't get the meaning behind that. :fishing: :HappyWave:

04-17-2011, 07:39 PM
OK, Let me get this straight. I was adamently told to keep my mouth shut about spots. I have never asked anyone "where to fish" I have been sent on wild goose chases chasing reports and where the fish were. Now it's ok to pm you so you can tell me where to take my kids so they can catch bluefish. I thought the purpose of not to spot burn was so that there aren't a hundred people fishing a productive spot that other people did not find on their own but it's ok for someone to pm someone else where the fish are and then leak that info to others so they can tell everyone else. I am sick of this spot burning garbage by certain people. I have been catching bass all spring on my own without getting any info from anyone. I have told only my close friends where I have been and it has not been in the same spot everytime either. I guess it is ok now to spot burn though. I just don't get it. I am not starting trouble here I am just trying to figure something out. Later.

04-17-2011, 10:07 PM
OK, Let me get this straight. I was adamently told to keep my mouth shut about spots. I have never asked anyone "where to fish" I have been sent on wild goose chases chasing reports and where the fish were. Now it's ok to pm you so you can tell me where to take my kids so they can catch bluefish.

:waaah:Would you like some cheese with that whine? What a puss! You sound like the kind of guy who wants everything handed to you on a silver platter. I see nothing wrong with what dark said here, taking kids fishing and turning them on to the sport. In case you hadn't noticed PETA has a targeted campaign to get kids away from fishing, look up sea kittens in the internet. Why don't you quit fishing and take up something you might enjoy better like working in a tampon factory? What a whiner.http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.png

04-17-2011, 10:18 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping:Where's the waaambulance? This guy is too much. *** is his probem? Another internet fisherman who couldn't catch fish on his own if his life depended on it.

04-17-2011, 10:29 PM
Hey rip, here are some hot tips for you. There are snapper blues in NJ at the end of summer, and they are in all the inlets. Which ones, Barnegat inlet, Manasquan, Shark River, all the piers in Barnegat Bay, and just about every pier or bulkhead in Raritan Bay. OOPS! Did I just spot burn? Pardon my grey poupon.:ROFLMAO
Someone needs the man-pons or a bottle of Midol.
No one wants to hear the whining, man up and buy yourself some midol.:HappyWave:

04-18-2011, 06:32 AM
you guys are hyesterical. lmfao.

04-18-2011, 10:56 AM
Thanks Dark,don't worry about the haters. Taking kids fishing is a good thing. Maybe this guy doesn't see the value in it because he has psychological problems. I can't see where comments like his contribute anyting of value to this site, too much negativity. We need more people to get into fishing before nmfs and the crazy Dr L take all the fishing away.

04-18-2011, 02:44 PM
Instead of wasting energy on this ridiculous spot burning nonsense you guys should transfer that energy into saving the bass population from Dr.L and poachers. Rag on the guys who are obsessed with targeting and photographing juvenile fish in the reports posts as most of these end up dead one way or another.

04-18-2011, 03:59 PM
Good call Darkskies, this was reported today in SJersey -

"Bluefish probably arrived, and commercial boaters reported finding them offshore, and blues arrive all at once in spring. Blues in spring invade the back bay for some weeks, once they migrate from the south.
They'll be here by Mid-Week !http://www.thebassbarn.com/forum/images/smilies/thumbsup.gif"

04-18-2011, 07:31 PM
A secret is never a secret if more than one person knows.

04-18-2011, 07:56 PM
bluefish i cant wait and i am glad they are in the mix:HappyWave:

04-18-2011, 09:31 PM
bluefish i cant wait and i am glad they are in the mix:HappyWave:

Me too. I love spring Bluefishing. I got a few kids that are interested in targeting them. I'll may give it a shot next weekend or the begining of next week. Then start using the flyrod. can't wait.

04-19-2011, 08:06 AM
VS dreams, just to clarify, I'm glad to hear the reports about comm guys getting them offshore.

A lot of guys hold to the belief that they come "up" to NJ from the South. There aren't a lot of studies on bluefish migration, so it's hard to put out concrete data either way. But a few of us believe that the largest bluefish (10-18lbs) don't come from the South, they come from the East. We believe they winter over in the Canyons 80-100 miles off our coasts, or however far offshore the sand eels are.

Then, as the inshore waters gradually warm and bait starts moving inshore, they make their way East to our coast. There is a separate migration of smaller bluefish, 1-8lbs, that follows the schools of bunker, spearing, and anchovies that make the northern migration from the South. We believe these are the "racer" bluefish that everyone anticipates, the ones with skinny bodies, long, and big heads. Not many bluefish have tags or are tracked, so again, it's hard to prove or disprove this.

However, it makes sense to those of us who've discussed it, and is backed up with anecdotal evidence from comm captains who start getting them in their offshore nets around this time.

The only thing left to say is...I can't wait, there are some kids I promised to take fishing. And you all should be thinking about putting the kids first on this one, as they will have a blast. Vpass, good deal on getting those kids out. :thumbsup: I'll be sending ya a PM soon. :HappyWave:

04-19-2011, 08:38 AM
Very good of you to get kids interested in fishing Dark! Scotts B&T in Mystic Island had a bluefish weighed in yesterday. Good luck all!

04-19-2011, 05:27 PM
Thank you darkskies keep up the good work,

04-22-2011, 08:33 PM
seems like the bluefish reports are starting to come in now, I thought i had my first one last night when a 4lb fish jumped, it turned out to be a bass :) Id say they will be everywhere by sunday. I found bunker in the back too, things are full on now.

04-23-2011, 06:05 PM
That's good to know sharkhart.
Saves me from saying -
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?"
"Are they here yet?":cool:

04-23-2011, 08:53 PM
Funny stuff Steve! I want a crack at those bluefish too. I thought I would see some today, but it was a no show for the demons.

04-23-2011, 09:11 PM
Some were reported caught the last 2 days in Sea Isle City. Small ones, 2-3lb.

04-24-2011, 12:18 PM
One cocktail was caught on a sabiki rig in Brooklyn this morning. I imagine you guys will be hitting them momentarily.
Meanwhile my catches of bass have been dismal so far. There goes the neighborhood.

04-24-2011, 12:37 PM
ok the little guys are here good i like to eat them at that size:HappyWave:

04-25-2011, 01:31 PM
They're in the bay, got some on bucktail this morning. Still not the big ones I'm waiting for, and still not thick. Maybe today or later on in the week they will be. Thanks for the updates, guys. :HappyWave:

04-25-2011, 01:39 PM
Bring on the gators!!!!!!

04-25-2011, 04:21 PM
Yeah baby! Bring em on!!!

04-26-2011, 09:21 AM
The bigger ones (10+lbs) are here, just not thick in the bays yet. Some friends got into them yesterday before dark. They were under large bunker schools.

The bay is full of cocktails near the top of the tide. The bigger ones could start becoming part of peoples' regular reports by this afternoon or tomorrow. :viking:

04-26-2011, 09:46 AM
I want the big ones, they fight like pit bulls!

04-26-2011, 02:27 PM
cowherder dude u said it they are the best fighters around those big gorillas:scared:

04-26-2011, 02:43 PM
I am a huge fan of the Gorillas :bigeyes:

04-26-2011, 08:56 PM
Put me on that list too ds, I want to take the kids out for some monster gators.:fishing:

04-26-2011, 11:04 PM
they are coming in like a lamb rather then the usual lion, my friend had 3 before i got there sat, this was in SNJ where they made appearances in some spots but not others, the middle of the state seems void of them so far too, kinda weird start to blues

04-27-2011, 07:48 AM
Good observation, Shark, it's a strange pattern for this year. Fin and I were talking about this. We know that there are literally acres of blues offshore from 3-10 miles out. These are the big ones, 10-20lbs, that we feel are a different part of the migration in that they don't migrate South, they migrate East to the canyons for the winter. They have come closer, and some are in the surf, but so far it's nothing like it has been in the past.

As for the smaller ones, like SharkHart mentioned, so far they are not invading the waters equally. There are a lot of reports from South Jersey, several reports from the Raritan bay and NY Bight, but not much chatter from the (upper) Barnegat Bay area and some of those central NJ Inlets, which should be filled with blues at this time.

Why is this? Not as many studies have been done on bluefish migration and biomass as there have been for striped bass, so it's difficult to come up with concrete answers. Everyone has a theory, and many of them seem to fit for their area. I don't think there are any right or wrong answers on this subject.

The only thoughts we can add to this is that the bait migration is not what it has been in the past years, as of yet. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.png That could change any day, perhaps it already has.

I'm not talking about the bunker, which some seem to focus on to the exclusion of everything else. It's all the small bait, bay anchovies, spearing, scads, rainfish, pollock and juvenile groundfish, etc, that have paved the bottoms of our inlets, marinas and tidal rivers in the past. That bait is just not there to an extent that it should be, right now. Again, that could change any day, and in some cases in South Jersey, the inlets and back bays are filled with these baitfish.

The old adage, find the food, find the fish, rings true here. :learn:
Great discussion here, people, any other thoughts would be welcomed. :HappyWave:

Big blues were caught in the ocean surf yesterday in larger numbers, so it's really any day that the bite should start to be consistent for the bays and inlets.

04-27-2011, 08:49 AM
Bluefish are starting to hit the back of barney bay, dark. Not a lot but they are coming in. Got one last night on a jig, bit the rubber clean through.

04-28-2011, 06:07 AM
They are also under the bunker schools guys. Got one last night about 10lbs on a bunker chunk. Demons.

04-29-2011, 11:55 AM
They're around, still inconsistent....

Wed - 10+lbs, pure bluefish bonanza... showed up for awhile, some good action for a few that were there, bite died as darkness set in.
Based on this action, some well-known surf guys were there, and the info has already been reported on the internet. Let's please keep the area general here if you refer to it, folks. Specifics are best dealt with through PMs.

Thu - nothing in the AM
Nothing as of 4:30 pm

Fri (today) - nothing in the AM

I'm thinking this could develop into a solid bite by sometime this weekend. Look for the PMs around that time. If anyone is bringing their children there, I want to make sure it's consistent enough that they don't get bored.

05-01-2011, 12:38 PM
Still inconsistent:

Yesterday, Sat, nothing
Today, Sun, nothing as of 6AM

****Positive news, yesterday they showed up at another early RB hotspot, medium blues 6-8 lbs taken by kayakers within close distance to shore. This area has some flats and sandy beaches to fish for them from.
I would bet by this afternoon some more will be taken from this area on small poppers and very small metal profiles. (the bait profile right now is grass shrimp)

I'll keep ya's posted, but if anyone knows these 2 areas you could hit paydirt today if ya head down there late this afternoon. I believe the high tide is around 7:15 pm for that location, which should be ideal after the sun warms the flats a bit. The bay water was still pretty cold this morning, hovering around 50 in some areas I visited. That's why small metal and a slower, erratic retrieve might be the ticket for these fish.

And I'll be sending those PMs as the bite becomes more consistent. :fishing:

05-01-2011, 01:23 PM
Thanks for the updates, darkskies.

05-01-2011, 11:26 PM
Dark they are here if you are chunking bunker. We had them the last 2 nights near some sailboats, before dark the bite was best, and on the incoming tide.

05-03-2011, 07:13 AM
Pebbles and I fished that general area from shore, and the other hotspot further SW, for an hour last night on the flood tide. Although there were no signs of life in the first place, they had shown up for 45 minutes in the 2nd place, up to 12lbs, small poppers. The action was done by the time we got there.

This is the latest in a few years for consistent blues action, according to my logs. We usually have some great action by April 14. You can find them under the bunker now in the bay and rivers, but if you compare that to past experience, it's a desert out there. http://www.kayakfishingstuff.com/community/images/smilies/eek.gif

Sunday, my reasoning behind this was... the water temps dropped about 5 degrees, and it was too cold.

As of yesterday I no longer believe that theory. :kooky: The water in the bay had warmed back up again. What I found interesting is that even the bait guys fishing from shore had a very slow 2 days out there for blues AND bass, unless they were fishing under bunker schools.

The best guess I can come up with is that there is sparse food back there to keep them around. Other than grass shrimp and bunker, there is hardly any early spring forage....spearing, anchovies, rainfish, etc, that would keep them and the bass feeding inshore. Friends did find some bass feeding on the surface the other night, but they were picky, probably focusing on the grass shrimp because that's the #1 forage right now.

Meanwhile, SI, JB, and the South Shore of LI are full of angry bluefish. Those blues have really come on strong in the last 2 days. Maybe they're angry because they ain't getting enough to eat. :viking:

The biggest blues migrate here from the East, as opposed to the cocktails which come up from the South.

With LI action heating up we "should" :don't know why:have that same action today or tomorrow at the latest.
(If I keep repeating that, either I'll be a genius, or look like a fool if they don't show in historic numbers in NJ) http://www.kayakfishingstuff.com/community/images/smilies/roflmao.gif

I really love targeting those gators. The heck with anyone who isn't interested, all the more for me and to take kids fishing for. http://www.kayakfishingstuff.com/community/images/smilies/banna.gif

This year, so far, compared to historic logs, has been a bust.
They can't get enough food to eat in NJ, and they may be picketing our state soon. :laugh:

05-03-2011, 08:27 AM
The best guess I can come up with is that there is sparse food back there to keep them around. Other than grass shrimp and bunker, there is hardly any early spring forage

There are miles of sand eels slightly offshore now, Dark. Big bluefish are gorging on them. They have no reason to come inshore unless, as you indicated, those places start to fill in with bait.

05-03-2011, 01:53 PM
I’m still new to this east coast fishing .I thought the blue fish came in to the bay to spawn? Not sure where I heard this …..Any truth to this?

05-03-2011, 06:14 PM
Guys there were some big bluefish in the ocean today. It wasn't a blitz or anything like that but they were there as the tide came in. Mostly the bunker chunkers were catching them, but some guys got them on metal as well. I got 1 about 10 lbs. Let's hope they decide to stay!

05-04-2011, 09:52 AM
I’m still new to this east coast fishing .I thought the blue fish came in to the bay to spawn? Not sure where I heard this …..Any truth to this?

No, they spawn offshore around July.

They flood the bay in the spring because they are ravenous and are on the feed bag big-time.

05-04-2011, 09:13 PM
Geoff is right, Madcaster. And during that time, those bluefish that guys claim "are so easy to catch you can throw out a broomstick with hooks on it!" have lockjaw. The most realistic artificials, teasers, and the juiciest bait go ignored as the demons do the horizontal bump and grind....:d

Actually, some might think they have lockjaw now, as they are very sluggish and lethargic unless they're chasing large quantities of bait. The reality is...many people are not sure the best way to present to them. They thus miss out or walk away from a place not knowing they are tight to the bottom, or in the lower depth range of the channels.

They made a showing yesterday... up to 2 hours in some bay and ocean areas. The water had warmed up a bit, and it was on for a few lucky guys.

They were around last night, we lost a lot of rubber to them, hey that's fishin. :fishing:

This morning, not so much..... they were AWOL from the usual places I checked at 6am, despite the filling tide and overcast skies, otherwise perfect conditions for this time of year.

The water temps have dropped in the last 24 hours as well. Remember if you're targeting them, they're not focused on the top. They're focused on the grass shrimp and small flounder on the bottom. Poppers will get you awesome strikes on the flats, but too many folks fish poppers too fast this time of year.

IMO dragging small metal in a variable retrieve will get you more consistent action till we have another warm spell.

05-05-2011, 04:52 PM
I had them in the ocean this morning dark, ss of LI. Tins. You guys should have them there as well. Good luck.

05-05-2011, 05:02 PM
Some came into Island beach yesterday, inlet area. Also heard of a few nailed on metal today, same area, Not too many though.

05-06-2011, 03:42 PM
'Checked a bluefish area on the way back. It was the middle of the flood tide. A few were caught, but fishing was spotty there too. Congrats to Louis from NY :HappyWave: who's off from work this week fishin, and coming all the way down to NJ to fish the bays. He nailed a bluefish on bunker as we were talking." :thumbsup:

They didn't light the world on fire here, people.
Despite some crews from IBSP who have been travelling 35 miles further north than they usually do, all for some inconsistent bluefish action from 2-12#. :kooky:

Some guys are catching. The problem is the blues are in and out, no real pattern as of yet. If I recommend the high tide, some one will claim they got them at dead low.

The best advice I can give is they are usually cruising near the end of a sunny day. Stick to that plan and you might have a shot. Small metals and SMALL poppers are the best bet. Otherwise, IMO the action is still too boring to take children fishing for, they might be bored quickly with the intermittent action. Rainfish are starting to come into the bay, so that could shake things up a bit for the better.

I'll keep ya's posted.

In the meantime, it was a pleasure to meet and chat with Louis from Congers, NY, who got into some great action last year, and is coming down almost every day of his vacation to get into some nice bluefish. Here's a pic of him and a fish he nailed while we were talking

....if ya see him down there, say Hi! :HappyWave:

05-06-2011, 10:01 PM
It's game on. A friend had 30 blues in less than 3 hours at top of tide to outgoing today, all on poppers. He left them biting because he couldn't lift his arms anymore.

05-06-2011, 10:31 PM
Thanks Geoff, got a few calls. :thumbsup: :HappyWave:

Time to bring the kids out for some bluefish! :fishing:

We can all be a little selfish about our fishin at times. Let's get the kids into some of these fish, let them have a blast. If you're tellin me your kids are too little.... you can hook the fish and help them reel them in. It's experiences like these that can set the pattern for a lifetime of fishing. Let's do what we can to make that happen. :cool:

Some of ya's already got calls and PMs from me. Call or PM me for more specifics, tackle wise, etc. And if you're worried about the crowds, I can put ya's into places away from the main hordes. Too many people focus on one strip of running water, or one structural feature, or one point, etc.

When fish come in like this, and the bite is consistent, they are spread over a broad range. Good luck to all and tight lines....:HappyWave:

05-06-2011, 11:32 PM
Thank you darkskies! I would love to get the kids into some big bluefish!

05-07-2011, 10:40 AM
No action this morning as of 9am. Hookset, check your PMs and good luck. :HappyWave:

05-07-2011, 12:36 PM
We got them yesterday on the chunk in the Raritan Bay, anywhere from 15-20' of water, up to 16 pounds. Hope you guys catch lots of them, they were a ton of fun.

05-07-2011, 01:04 PM
Tons of small ones at Island beach this morning, all you wanted.

05-08-2011, 03:39 PM
BLUEFISH!!!!!!!!:bigeyes: I GOT MY FIX:clapping: NOW I WANT SOME BASS:laugh:

05-10-2011, 03:08 PM
I am dying to catch some blues! Message me if you can gjb I am local and can use all the direction possible to catch them around here.

05-11-2011, 01:34 PM
Small blues have flooded RB and the rivers. You shouldn't have a problem finding them. :HappyWave:

05-11-2011, 04:04 PM
What Geoff said. They seem to be everywhere at once one day, and scarce as hen's teeth the next. I couldn't even find a cocktail blue in the pre-dawn hours today. Then on the way home, I hit a spot on the flats where they were coming in. Nothing at 6am.

Afternoons have been a better choice. Some guys got into some big ones earlier in the week there in the afternoon, I was told 15-18#. :drool:

THAT'S my kind of fish, that's what I'm waiting for. :viking:

05-12-2011, 09:32 AM
I know about those fish up North, dark. For those folks who are further South, we got into some small blues in the BI yesterday, all on metal.

06-08-2011, 12:11 AM
Ocean bluefish, big back bay gator bluefish....

The cocktails and taylor blues, in addition to being in the inlets (usually with the flood tide), are now starting to be found in the ocean.

Speedy's son got one last week. During the bunker blitzes guys are catching a few (and probably cursing their bad luck! :laugh:)

The thing is, we need these bluefish.....they are the catalyst that makes the whole surf equation work. Other than the bunker blitzes, Things have been off in the surf in the last 6 weeks. This is due partly to lack of forage varieties, and (directly related) due to a lack of bluefish to chop the bait up, letting the bass follow along behind.

Friends are also catching big bluefish and some other things you wouldn't expect in the back bays. The water was hot back there and pushed them into the channels, but the bluefish (up to 15lbs,) are now in tight to the beaches in some areas. Go figure. :kooky:

06-08-2011, 10:05 PM
Some ocean blue fish have been hitting my teaser (White Deceiver) in front of a Polaris or Pencil Popper. Lots of small bait out front in some areas.

06-08-2011, 10:41 PM
24 blues tonight 3-5 pounds spit up squid

07-12-2011, 11:33 PM
Maybe the big ones are finally comeing in?

"Party boat daytime trips along the Shore have been mostly for jigging small blues inshore lately, and Capt. Howard Bogan Jr. of the Jamaica from Brielle said even that was poor on Sunday. However, Bogan reporteda big change today as blues up to 15 pounds were chummed inshore, and anglers hooked plenty of them. "

07-13-2011, 08:21 AM
Maybe the big ones are finally comeing in?

"Party boat daytime trips along the Shore have been mostly for jigging small blues inshore lately, and Capt. Howard Bogan Jr. of the Jamaica from Brielle said even that was poor on Sunday. However, Bogan reporteda big change today as blues up to 15 pounds were chummed inshore, and anglers hooked plenty of them. "

What he means by inshore is the mudhole as the big blues have been on the inshore tuna grounds 40 to 60 miles off. We had blues to 14# Saturday and Sunday 3 to 4 miles off where the bait is so thick the blues didn't even chase the bunker schools that were in eye sight.

07-17-2011, 07:55 PM
i got a call from my man hank of the golden eagle they have bin doing a number on the big blues at the mud dump and a spot inshore and i did say inshore 30 feet of water so i hope the fish move in closer so us shore guys can get a shot they have bin on tinker macks and bay anchovies

07-17-2011, 11:47 PM
I hope so gjb I am itching to catch some monster blues from the surf!

07-19-2011, 12:18 AM
if they come in i will be so happy i am so tired of fishing for and get blanks it just strange the blues are on all that small bait and the bait is not comeing in it sucks but i have high hopes

07-19-2011, 08:55 AM
Bring on the gators!

03-19-2012, 02:32 AM
Its that time again. They're 25 miles out and closing in fast. Maybe here by next week.

03-19-2012, 06:55 AM
Wow, that would be crazy early. Last year it was late April.

03-19-2012, 12:45 PM
that would make me a happy man:clapping::fishing:

03-20-2012, 06:54 AM
*One confirmed bluefish in the ocean so far, by Jack at Surfside B&T.

*I got a call Sun about one bluefish from a guy who was fishing RB on Sat night.

I want people to understand that doesn't mean we are going to get invaded this week....
But...many people do not understand that the early spring bluefish, and the largest fattest ones, winter offshore in the canyon areas....they come from the East.

Some of the smaller ones winter in the South and it takes them a bit longer to get here.
Based on what previous posters said, and the fact that I got other independent reports of bluefish now being at the far side of the Mud hole...it won't be long before they're here.

They historically show up by the 2nd week of April.
IMO this year they will be invading a lot sooner than that.

What this means for those fishing the bays, is you should fish hard for bass now...the clock is ticking....especially for the folks who fish for bass in the daylight hours.

Once the bluefish arrive, in my experience they spook the bass into deeper waters...
Those fishing from land will be blocked from some good bass action unless they shift their fishing times and have good knowledge of the tides and bluefish history in the areas they fish....

I, for one, look forward to action from big blues every year. Last year I feel NJ missed out, while friends on the other side of the NY Bight got up to 600 of these aggressive demons,...tackle busting adversaries.....

Bring em on....:viking:

03-20-2012, 06:58 PM
I hope to see some of them demons too dark. I will stand proud next to ya as we bust up our tackle on them. I don't care how much you smell, we'll cover it up with bunker blood.

03-20-2012, 09:32 PM
FYI a report from Delaware today:

Chased the stipers up and down the beach off DE. Came across large schools of blues and stripers mixed together. Got our limit of stripers and numerous blues in the 5 - 10 lb range. We were 2 miles off the beach and 4 miles south of Indian River Inlet.

03-21-2012, 08:28 AM
Thank you guys, can't wait!

03-22-2012, 06:38 PM
They got a 6lb blue in corsons inlet this morning, and last nite a 9lb 32 inch blue at gp. Reported by scotts & sic b&t. Theres no turnng back now.:scared:

03-22-2012, 07:35 PM
There goes the neighborhood. We should have them thick within a week.

03-23-2012, 01:44 AM
:clapping:dem blues!!!:fishing:

03-23-2012, 07:00 AM
:clapping:dem blues!!!:fishing:

03-25-2012, 04:49 PM
Guys got a blue in Jamaica Bay last night. I have never heard of them being in this early.

03-25-2012, 07:16 PM
Wow, Nice. This is the first I heard of blues this early especially Jamaica bay.

03-25-2012, 07:29 PM
yes glad to see that fish!!!!

04-03-2012, 10:53 AM
Some guys got a monster blue yesterday in the Delaware bay. Anyone seen the pic? Big head skinny body, classic early racer.

04-05-2012, 01:29 PM
A 36" bluefish was reported to me... last night in Raritan Bay....baitfishing....

Those of ya's who love to throw rubber and paddle tail shads for Spring bass.....ya might want to switch to bucktails and pork.....;)

04-05-2012, 02:36 PM
I was using a shad last night. Will have to bring some bucktails now too. Thanks for the head's up.
I actually wouldn't mind catching a 36" blue, bring them to the surf!:cool::cool:

04-12-2012, 12:58 AM
They are creeping in fellas.

04-17-2012, 08:18 PM
Thick in the back of raritan bay. Getting them solid for over a week now. Cut up a bunker into 6 pieces and you will get 6 blues. They don't seem to be hitting lures yet. Maybe further out for the kayak guys. Come and get em.

04-17-2012, 10:29 PM
Wish the mexicans loved them as much as the bass and they would take them all.

04-18-2012, 03:55 PM
I wish the bluefish would take all the Mexicans

04-19-2012, 04:34 PM
I wish the bluefish would take all the Mexicans


04-20-2012, 07:43 AM
This seems unusual because none are showing in the ocean yet where I usually fish. Catch em up guys.

04-20-2012, 03:24 PM
Wish the mexicans loved them as much as the bass and they would take them all.

I wish the bluefish would take all the Mexicans

Immigrant bay fishing 101-

Go to walmart and buy every 12' rod you can afford.
Bring it to the beach still wrapped in plastic.
Take the plastic off and throw it on the beach (even if the trash can is within 100 yards of you)

Set up 4 rods for each of you. Even if you can't afford to pay employment taxes or income tax, you definitely have the bucks for 4 rods.
Bring at least one small child to the beach, preferably in diapers.
Change that baby at least once, depositing dirty diaper on the beach.
Bring lawn chairs, white buckets, and an umbrella to the beach with you. It doesn't matter that others want to fish. You are entitled to take up as much space as you want.

Bring a grill with you. Or better yet grab up all the spare wood within a 1/2 mile of you. those homeowners won't mind.
When you catch a short striper, fillet it and grill on the beach. That way the CO can't bust you.

Bring a radio blaring immigrant music. There is no need to take the audio sensibilities of anyone else into account. After all this is America and the police can't beat you bloody for playing loud music here like they can in your home country.

When the Americans look at you as if you are doing something wrong, gesture with your hands and say "I no speaka da English!" :don't know why:

Throw all your bait boxes, empty tackle packages, and clam bags on the beach when you leave. The police do nothing to people who litter in America, isn't it a great country?:)

04-20-2012, 05:24 PM
haha steve so true u kno what u r talking about, lol!

04-20-2012, 11:23 PM
I saw the same chit all week. At least the group that was by me actually spoke english and were respectful to us gringos. when the beaners act like chit they will get chit back. just a chitty situation period.

04-25-2012, 10:46 PM
Best bluefish bite in years, folks...something for everyone, all shapes and sizes....

1. If you're a Dad looking to get your kids into bluefish, throw bunker....

2. If you're a surfcaster looking for some tackle busting action.....artificials will crush them now....but only at night....they are picky....

For the day bite the best bets are metal offerings (wobbly is best), light bucktails, and small SS poppers, with bright colors if it's overcast. If it's colder due to the weather, the fish will be on the bottom.

Rubber is the least intelligent choice,:don't know why: unless you have unlimited funds.....

If ya need more guidance, look for bait concentrations.

Go get em, folks.

04-27-2012, 01:30 PM
come on guys dark can not be the only guy hittin the blues

04-27-2012, 06:31 PM
Been crushing the bass and blues for two weeks, in the back. Bunker heads and chunks. Bunker were thick but thinned out a bit. Bass to 20lbs, blues to 14lbs. Hoo-rah.:cool: Fresh bunker is the ticket.

04-27-2012, 10:10 PM
way to go on them fish dude :clapping::fishing:

04-29-2012, 01:09 AM
i got some blues and it felt good1514915150

04-29-2012, 01:49 PM
Nice work gjb!

04-29-2012, 05:30 PM
Bass to 20lbs, blues to 14lbs. Hoo-rah.:cool: Fresh bunker is the ticket.


04-29-2012, 08:33 PM
i got some blues and it felt good
Nice, I'm still blueless.

04-29-2012, 08:37 PM
Last night you were standing right where they were, by the thousands, :scared: 24 hours before. Monty....unfortunately sometimes we're cursed with the "yesterday's fish" curse.....

Happens to the best of us, you'll gettum next time.....:fishing: :HappyWave:

04-30-2012, 09:16 AM
Nice, I'm still blueless.

I read they are getting them in the ocean. If thats where you are fishing I think we should have them this week. Remember the mothers day massacre always around this time of year. Don't give up.

05-02-2012, 05:29 PM
the last 3 days ...has been very very good ...only have about 45 min to fish due to the tide and were I have to be.

05-03-2012, 04:13 PM
Awesome pics madcaster!

05-04-2012, 03:18 PM
Madcaster, in that last pic on the bottom, you have the sense from looking at it, that those yellow eyes are following your every move, and that if you gave him the opportunuty he would bite your finger off....:eek:

I like the orange/red and chartreuse tubes.....that's a little unconventional and most guys won't do that....but your results show it paid off. The water has been a little murky and cold lately, and those tubes drifting in the water will sometimes give you an edge.....Monty is the king of the red tubes (as teasers) :HappyWave:and there will be times those tubes will provoke a strike when nothing else will. Glad you got in some good action on your plugs, WTG. :thumbsup:

05-05-2012, 01:03 PM
Update, lately the best bluefish action from the shores is on bunker chunks. I fished and visited some of the hotspots in the last 24 hours...by this time in May I'm usually able to catch them on bucktails in the daytime given the right time and tide...but they remain a bit sluggish with ocean temps at around 51 degrees and bay temps only slightly higher than that.

Meanwhile the yakkers and boats can't get away from them and get covered up every time they troll the water in the NJ/NY Bight.....so remember that if ya's go out there.

I imagine that the next string of real sunny days.... right after that, you will hear of the shore topwater action for blues being back on....:fishing:

05-05-2012, 09:04 PM
Madcaster, in that last pic on the bottom, you have the sense from looking at it, that those yellow eyes are following your every move, and that if you gave him the opportunuty he would bite your finger off....:eek:

I like the orange/red and chartreuse tubes.....that's a little unconventional and most guys won't do that....but your results show it paid off. The water has been a little murky and cold lately, and those tubes drifting in the water will sometimes give you an edge.....Monty is the king of the red tubes (as teasers) :HappyWave:and there will be times those tubes will provoke a strike when nothing else will. Glad you got in some good action on your plugs, WTG. :thumbsup:

I have caught a lot of blues on that plug over the past few days. Last night it was the only plug that would get them to hit off the top
We out fished the bait guys last night. We were given them our fish. These stubby neddles fly so well ...they make it out there were the blues are sitting. We would hook up at the end of the cast. Sore shoulder today.

05-06-2012, 09:14 PM
. Sore shoulder today.

That's a good feeling isn't it madcaster? I had that last friday night, it was crazy fishing!:kooky:

05-07-2012, 03:13 PM
Bluefish all over RB now. Poppers and metals will now get them in the usual shore hotspots. I fished from boat yesterday in RB and Flynn's Knoll, tried chunking and livelining for bass, we each got a keeper bass then all big blues so I switched to a big kroc and they were hammering that too. My friend, an excellent surfcaster but an anti-metal type with little experience fishing for them with big metal lures from boat or surf, couldn't believe they were hitting the "big spoon". Oh ye of little faith, bud. :moon:

The big blues were incredibly feisty, fat and strong. I caught many over the years but these were top-notch fighters, my hands are sore today. :thumbsup:

Water temps: 60 degrees at the bay, 58 at Flynn's Knoll. Huge schools of bunker in the middle of the bay; fishfinder showed a solid block of bunker 10 feet thick at the bottom in 20 foot water.

15203 15204 15205

05-19-2012, 09:28 AM
^^ Nice action Geoff, glad to see you got into some. Seems the bigger bluefish are staying slightly out of the sandy beach area and have staged just a tad out there where there are now countless grass shrimp, sullpemented by rainfish and spearing that just moved in in numbers last week.

Feeding window:

We finished up around 230. There were kayaks out there but, where I was there were no guys on the beach. Only three guys wading to the chest deep water about 2 to 300 yards out. They got into them good.

Thanks to Rip for that report. :HappyWave:
I was trying to explain this to someone else yesterday. Hope I didn't get him mad. :) I'm a little intense in my explanations at times. :bonk: There is a definite feeding window when it comes to bass and bluefish. If you are not aware of that you may get skunked and think there are no fish there at all.

Your job as an angler is to figure out what the window is, for that particular place you want to fish.

For bass, the usual window is at night. (for shore bound anglers)
This gets trumped if there are large quantities of bait which spur them to feed in the day (ie blitz action)

For bluefish, this window will mostly exist in the daytime.
Night feeds for bluefish are a whole different ballgame, and really depend on high bait concentrations, pinch points, tides, and current.

For the Raritan bay, the pattern has been that the bottom half of the tide will produce slightly
better bluefish action as the bluefish fill the flats to feed, and then taper off slightly to no action as there is a point after the tide turns when they leave.

As you learn to recognize this, you will learn when to stay and anticipate the action, or when to move on to another area.

Right now, bass are more frequently caught in some Raritan bay areas, near the bottom of the tide.
For those trying to get bass instead of blues, fishing the slack of the ebb, bottom, and bottom of incoming seems to be a good strategy now for northern bay areas.
Same for weakfish, where you will find higher activity around both tide changes.

Yesterday, the only really solid bluefish action (for shore anglers), with double digits being caught by guys who waded out, was toward the bottom of the tide.

There was one other area where they had tremendous action near the top, but that was because some large schools of rainfish moved in, and then the bite became bait-dependent, rather than tide-dependent.

05-19-2012, 06:36 PM
Def have to agree with you on that. It has been best with lower water for the blues. I don't know why. Yesterday it was pretty good in the late afternoon. The bait moved in rather quickly and we were all into fish within minutes of that. Then it shut off like a switch 1/2 hour before slack.