View Full Version : Fluke Season to Open On Time

05-02-2011, 02:48 PM
Recreational Fishing Alliance (NJ) Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732
For Immediate Release May 2, 2011


DEP Commissioner Responds to Public Requests and Legislative Appeal

It's official, New Jersey's summer flounder season will begin this Saturday, May 7.

The Recreational Fishing Alliance's New Jersey Chapter (RFA-NJ) chairman Capt. Adam Nowalsky was notified by the Bureau of Marine Fisheries that the summer flounder regulations recently approved by the Marine Fisheries Council were officially signed off on by Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Bob Martin this past Friday afternoon.

"We are happy the season will go forward as planned," said Capt. Nowalsky, who cited calls to the DEP office from public and letters of support from Congressman Frank Pallone and District 1 Legislators Sen. Jeff Van Drew, and Assemblymen Nelson Albano and Matt Milam as the reason for quick action by the Commissioner.

Nowalsky said an email blast sent out by the RFA-NJ last Thursday urging RFA members to help in an appeal to the DEP helped secure the season was opened on time. "The Bureau did their job getting the regulations to the DEP quickly, the public did their job getting involved, and the legislators did their job supporting their constituents."

Nowalsky said he hoped the DEP will act quickly on black sea bass measures that are to be decided on May 5. "It is good to know we have a strong support base at all levels to get things done if needed," said Nowalsky.


Advocacy Group Hopes To Avoid Conflicts Along Northern Coast

RFA-NJ Chairman Capt. Adam Nowalsky, along with a contingent of recreational anglers representing the party, charter and non for-hire sector, recently met with representatives from the Garden State Seafood Association (GSSA) and menhaden purse seine bait fishery. The meeting comes in preparation for the spring menhaden harvest that coincides with the spring trophy striped bass fishery.

The recreational striped bass fishery and the purse seine fishery for menhaden operate in close proximity along the North Jersey coast, and an increase in participation in recent years has occurred in a relatively small area where both menhaden and striped bass are found in viable quantities. Accordingly, several conflicts have taken place during recent spring fishing seasons, particularly in 2010.

"We appreciate the willingness of the commercial sector to work with RFA-NJ and the recreational anglers of the state on this issue," said Capt. Nowalsky who said that topics of discussion during the meeting focused on spatial conflicts, aggressive tactics, availability of bait, incidental harvest of striped bass and adherence to regulations. Communication was cited as a potential area of improvement to avoid conflict.

"We are hopeful that self-policing on both sides can help address recent concerns, and sitting down together discussing the issues is a major step in the right direction," Nowalsky said, while adding that both sides agreed that better communication and mutual respect that any future problems can be mitigated.

After concerns about fishing pressure from displaced herring boats out of New England, New Jersey legislation was enacted to create limited entry provisions for commercial owners looking to harvest menhaden for sale as bait and also limited the replacement size and power of boats participating in this particular bait harvest. Sponsored in the Assembly by Matthew Milam (D-District 1), Nelson Albano (D-District 1) and Celeste Riley (D-District 3), and in the Senate by Jeff Van Drew (D-District 1), the new law went into effect last September.

Capt. Nowalsky said that should conflict again become a major issue in 2011 without resolution, the RFA-NJ will continue to take steps to protect the rights of the state's saltwater anglers.

05-02-2011, 04:57 PM
Thanks, rfa all the way.

05-02-2011, 05:06 PM

05-04-2011, 08:09 PM
Thanks for posting Finchaser. I was hoping that it would go through.