View Full Version : Everything has Changed

05-06-2011, 05:35 PM
If you haven't noticed there is a mess of keeper bass in 40-50ft of water in the ocean hiting artificials.

Three years ago and beyond the choice offering Before Memorial day was a clam or a clam, with an edge to the guys on the sand, boats had to steam to romaer schoals. Bass on lures this early on the ocean side was unheard of. It also makes zero sense where they are coming from and going to with the spawn sice they been out there 2 weeks (like last year). In past years we couldt drag a spoon or shads out there without blues sticking to it like a magnet. Now its like a 98% to 2% bass to blues :kooky: thin blues? Never heard of such a thing, another topic maybe.

As some guys also remember there was no such thing as a Spring Big Bass bunker run say going back 7 years maybe, and the fall dominated all chances for big bass.

Presently there has been another shift in their behavior and since a large majority of us fish from dry land this kinda stinks.

Aside from bass around bunker schools to the north this spring has been ehhh at best. Catching bass and lots of em in the small back bay areas for me and freinds used to be way easier, id expect 10-20 fish with an all night trip now im hoping to catch a few.

These jig fish won't last though and bunker time is quickly approaching, love it or hate it us surf anglers need some bait in the surfline. :thumbsup: Cause right now alot of fish are going wide and falling to wobbly white rods and squeaky reels. and oh Yeah I remember when go out on a spring "striper" (bluefish) party boat seemed comical:huh:

throw successful cod trips in the mix from earlier this spring, cod!?! again love it or hate it Party boat fishing is back

05-06-2011, 05:42 PM
getting back to how it use to be they are wiping them out, these fish can't take the pressure being put on them especially the snot slingers taking pre spawned fish

05-06-2011, 05:47 PM
lol i knew you'd see it that way....There is a strong C&R movement BUT they seem to be surf guys, this party boat/charter success is whooping on the bass, agreed

05-06-2011, 10:54 PM
You have party boat captains who because of their greed and refusal to see the writing on the wall, claiming that there are more bass now than ever before.

The things that tell me a different story are the stories on the edges....

- How many true trophy bass came from the Chesapeake this year, as opposed to the last 5 years?
- How many true trophy bass came from the Delaware, as opposed to the last 5 years?

- How many true trophy bass came from the Hudson? .... I met a guy today who claims going back into the past, he had great seasons catching bass in the Hudson from shore, every spring. This year he says was the worst he's ever seen it for the shore guys.

The bass running offshore, maybe some of that can be explained by lack of forage variety, other than bunker, in the bays and rivers. That just changed over the past few days as more of us are seeing rainfish in the wash.

But guys in LI are reporting being over schools of bass chasing herring, spearing, and other smaller forage fish. Sandeels have stayed in a relative straight band about 1-10 miles offshore so far.

I keep referring to the M&M theory to try to raise awareness. Try as I might, it's almost impossible to explain to (some) folks with boats who have had 2 good years (and maybe been fishing for bass for 5) that getting in the middle of a large body of fsh and hammering them is a lot of fun, but by no means does it prove the health or sustainability of the biomass.

Half the time I feel like I'm beating a dead horse.

Guys like Finchaser and the Old Farts Fishing Club, and others who try to draw parallels between the last decline and this one, are largely ignored as Chicken Littles ranting about things that could never happen. :kooky:

The writing is on the wall folks....

* Many have mentioned catching a large % of bass in the 30-34" range, how many times have you seen the term "cookie cutter" used this year?

* Where are all the larger, and smaller, bass year classes?

* How come guys who talk C&R are seen as PETA freaks, or dismissed by some as overanxious zealots?

I don't have the answers, people., my latest frustrations have been the netters netting the breeder weakfish and selling them for .20 a lb.
20c a lb? Give me a frikkin break! http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon8.png
These fish are basically extinct, yet there are no parameters in place to restrict commercial sale of these fish? (other than a 300lb limit)....but Idon't want to hijack this thread topic with weakfish rants.

The things I see and hear people say in their ignorance sometimes reminds me of the old school Indian commercial where he's trying to get people to respect the outdoors and stop littering.

And at other times, I have to ask myself, "What's the use...80% of the people out there don't care much beyond where the big bass can be caught..." :huh:

This is a well thought-out thread, Shark. :thumbsup: :learn:
The kind of intelligent, provocative questions that could make people think.

Thanks for that.
I hope it does....http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.png

05-06-2011, 11:27 PM
As some guys also remember there was no such thing as a Spring Big Bass bunker run say going back 7 years maybe, and the fall dominated all chances for big bass.

Yeah but didn't you hear that bunker makes everyone a bass fisherman? What would the majority of surf guys do without the bunker run to hang their hats on?:waaah:

05-06-2011, 11:34 PM
One more thing, like you guys said, the sand eels did not come into the surf yet. If they start doing that, maybe that will be a pattern too? It will really kill the fall fishing.

05-06-2011, 11:51 PM
No Diner= No dinners .................... The patterns of bait change and the fish change with them The resentment over bunker as forage is based on nothing other then sour grape feelings of others catching trophy fish. I for one hold no ill feelings to any type of bait, and don't buy into the anti movement ;)

05-07-2011, 08:20 AM
Bunker su_k they are the major cause of the needless slaughter as you said made everyone a bass fisherman.Most prolific breeding size fish can't even eat these horse bunker that are around now and never use to be. Beach restoration also destroyed fishing pushing them further and further offshore. Two to 3 miles out there are large schools gorging themselves on sea herring and sand eels, they don't care much about all the bunker in the bay or along the beach. The herring moratorium will also help starting 1/1/12 no more catching ,storing or fishing for or with river herring.

Now with the extended fluke season allot of the fluke fisherman gone wild ( so called bass fisherman) will go back where they came from. Many head boats will change over to fluke also.

05-10-2011, 01:23 PM
May 9th?!?!? Seriously!!! Although it doesnt sit well with some certain type of bassing are exploding for good ol NJ

06-17-2014, 12:28 PM
Was searching and found this. Sharkhart it seems you were saying this back in 2011. Now you are saying it in 2014. Do you think it is falling on deaf ears or is anyone paying attention? Don't these meatheads keeping all their limits understand that the stripers are vanishing from many areas?

06-18-2014, 11:21 PM
No one is listening lol this stuff rages on Facebook, the charter capts say its always sunny, the back bays have gotten worse since i said that fall they were barren and this year they sorta ran right through

06-19-2014, 10:43 AM
The lack of places where you can catch bass is apparent to me. Even the bunker pods have very few numbers of bass underneath thern. You don't have to be an old salt or sharpie to see this. There is grumbling on every saltwater internet board out there. Will this translate to fishermen being mad enough to do something about it, probably not. Hopefully the asmfc modifications coming down the pike will be enough. Others will fiddle while Rome is burning. just my .02
Good call sharkhart.

06-19-2014, 12:14 PM
Well thanks for the answers guys but I still say it sucks that we could maybe do something and it seems as if no one really cares enough. I def feel the charter boats have a lot to do with it. We should try to put some pressure on them. what do you guys think?

06-19-2014, 09:43 PM
I would sat for rec's its mostly charters and the technology advances and social media that shaves hard work off the equation for those who are lazy. The IBSP fall cattle calls when the bass hit the beaches there, 85% wouldnt be there if a pic didnt get them off the couch, it all added up.

06-21-2014, 08:53 AM
I...and social media that shaves hard work off the equation for those who are lazy. The IBSP fall cattle calls when the bass hit the beaches there, 85% wouldnt be there if a pic didnt get them off the couch, it all added up.

def true society is so lazy nowadays!

06-21-2014, 08:59 AM
^^^^^ I so agree with this. Early spring was tough but once we started catching bass it was decent. Then if one guy got a 20lb fish and weighed it in at Petes or Tackle box on Rt 36 they would blast it all over the internet and next night it would be like busloads of people at whatever spot they said they were catching them at. When there are no fish no one catches. When they are there you can get them at different beaches. Its like people are too lazy to do any work at all on their own. They have to follow the facebook or internet reports like cattle. The kayakers too they all mustered up at port monmouth when the word got out about the teen and bigger fish. dude you have a kayak you can go anywhere and you are all launching at port monmouth? Bunch of sissy lemmings if you ask me. The new breed of fishermen has no substance or stamina. Just my .02

09-15-2014, 08:34 AM
Thought some might like to see what SharkHart was noticing, way back in 2011.
On the eve of the ASMFC meetings discussing a slated striped bass reduction..
Time to speak up or shut up on Bass

.......maybe ya feel like sharing if you feel this still applies today. Thanks. :HappyWave: