View Full Version : Littering and the loss of fishing areas!!!!!

05-17-2011, 07:05 PM
I have been fishing a few bridges in the back. Until Sat, everyone got along, white, black, spanish, chinese, etc. No issues with different nationalities, and we all helped each other when someone got a fish. Then these spanish guys were told to not fish on the other side of the bridge and not to fish where the bridge tender was. They didnt listen, the police came, wrote tickets and took their rods and gear. On Sun and yesterday, the cops kicked everyone off the bridge and said we cant fish there anymore. What I heard happened was the spanish guys filed formal charges with the police saying they were discriminated against. So the police, to avoid apprearances of discrimination, are now kicking everyone off, not only this bridge but others in the area.
This is total bs! They were told where they were not allowed to fish, and they did it anyway. They were told not to fish near the drawbridge, and they did that too. How can it be discrimination if they are too dumb to learn English, they should go the **** back to their countries!!!:2flip:
I am so pissed about this I want to start throwing spanish guys rods in the water, the next time I see 5 lined up in the row for one guy. This is discrimination against everyone else but the spanish guys. How is that fair?:kooky: http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.png What do you guys think about it?

05-17-2011, 07:48 PM
I think it sucks. I don't think it really has to do with a persons nationality. I do think that that more and more people are not following rules, laws and are down right ignorant, rude and inconsiderate. I'm with you on speaking English, you live here, you should learn it. Congrats to the cops on taking their rods and gear. Its just a very bad situation with the charges filed. I don't know what the answer to all this stuff is. Vigilante fisherman? Its got to stop. All this littering, taking shorts, culling, messing up the streets. It goes on and on and on. Raise the fines, break the rods on the spot? I see so much garbage left by fisherman out there.
One thing for sure, its not fair closing down the bridges to everyone.
I think we need a fishing license for salt water. $50.00. Get caught littering, culling, with a short, etc. take the license for a year. Next time it costs you $500 for a year. We need to make the punishment for an offense much greater than the offense. Get caught without a license $1,000.00 fine or jail time. I see no other solution.

05-18-2011, 07:46 AM
The bridge situation was a powder keg waiting to explode. Every time I'm near there I make it a point to drive by and check out the action. One night last week there were 40 guys on one bridge. The littering, leftover bait, etc, and the urinating on the bridge must have brought a lot of complaints, Ledhead.,

I've been on those bridges in that area for extended periods of time as I checked out the bite. They adjoin some affluent areas. Women like to jog over them. Bicycle riders like to ride over them, and couples like to stroll over them.

Imagine the disgust people have when they are out for a leisurely stroll and bike ride, and you come to an area where the stench of pee and the stink of bait permeates the air.:upck: It might not be a big deal to us fishermen, but to outsiders, it's horrendous.

Another toilet of a place to fish is the Cross Bay Bridge in Jamaica Bay. I've been there many times, and it smells like the inside of a sewer. The garbage left behind by fishermen is atrocious.

Fishermen need to ask themselves, when they litter, who the eff do they expect to clean up after them? :don't know why:

Pebbles and I just got back from Fla. People fish on some bridges there, piers, and the canals.
We saw a notable lack of garbage in those areas, and also on the highways. If they can keep their state clean why can't we?

My only conclusion is that we fishermen in NJ and NY are pigs. Sure, most of us aren't. But there are enough slobs and selfish people among us to give us a bad name. And when we as fishermen, who are out there and see this, do or say nothing when it happens, we are part of the problem. I don't advocating anyone throwing anyone's gear in the water, but for Pete's sake, if you are out there and see stuff like this, you're only hurting us all if you DON'T speak up. :learn:

05-18-2011, 01:10 PM
Plastic bags are always littering the beaches from what bait is sold in. Sun chips make a compostable bag now …..Maybe bait should be sold in something like this.:huh:
My thing is now that I take home more trash then I brought. Even if I just walk out to my local beach to just see what’s going on. I’ll pick up some thing. Maybe someone will see me and it will catch on.:HappyWave:

05-18-2011, 02:47 PM
lets not forget the diapers and nacho containers,it had to happen and it's only going to get worse lets not offend or upset the next waive of Obama voters. Seems everyone looks the other way,see if we pulled that sh_t in there country

05-18-2011, 03:07 PM
Where are these bridges at? I would like to go take a look and maybe even test the waters with the local pd.

05-18-2011, 05:42 PM
and i can sell you some new fishing gear after the cop take yours...lol

05-18-2011, 08:18 PM
Where are these bridges at? I would like to go take a look and maybe even test the waters with the local pd.

dude it is the oceanic and we had a good thing going, only sum ppl at first and then it got a little crowded but like ledhead said we all got along no probs the mexican beaners they didnt kno what a good thing was they didnt listen to the po po and had beach chairs and everything what the eff did they think they were on the beach in mexico,lol? if they wud of listend to the cops we wud still be fishing there and now we cant or they will give us tickets i am so mad i want to hunt them down and use there headz for pinyatas i want to catch sum big blues and hold them down and let the blues eat there faces! those mexican scum ruined it for all of us and they think discrimination what about when you go into a store and everything is english and spanish how about that for discrimination? why cant they learn english they always say when the police come no speak english thats ********! they r liars and dirty and disgusting and when they have the little cockroaches with them they leave the dirty diapers the next time i see a mexican or any ******* leaving a dirty diaper i am picking that diaper up opening it up and smashing it into the beaners face!!!!:2flip::2flip:

05-19-2011, 02:45 AM
I would have to take a look. Are there signs saying no trespassing or fishing? What gives them the right to stop anyone from fishing there? And I can promise you I wont need new gear because they wont be taking anything from me :pig:

05-19-2011, 08:57 PM
xtreme you are usually not allowed to fish any bridges in that area. Typically the bridge has a sign on it or right before you walk on it or on the bridge itself. In the case of the oceanic they tolerated it but you were only allowed on the N side and couldnt fish the drawbridge area. That was understood by all of us. Except for the Spanish guys. They were told they were not to fish there, they didn't listen.
Dark I think you should have addressed this issue more in your post. These Spanish guys are effing it up for all of us, like the others said. They claim they don't understand English yet have no trouble counting money or buying things in stores. They use their ignorance as a shield to evade the law. And then they use the law to support them to claim they have been wronged. This is not only lazy and arrogant, but they are not assimilating into society when they do this. They want to be treated as equals but expect special favors.
Do you know that when you go to traffic court now if the person speaks only Spanish they have to be presented with an interpreter? How much do you think that costs the state? Why shouldn't they have to learn English, like every other generation before them? My ancestors had to learn English or they couldn't get ahead in this country. The same should apply to these Spanish guys.
I for one am sick and tired of them hiding behind the law! In this country we should have equall justice for everyone. And they don't even have to have a NJ license either! The next Spanish person I see breaking the law while i am fishing I will start up with them and am calling the police on them. I think we're all to easy on them by looking the other way when they ignore the law.

I am starting a movement, AAI, Americans Against Illegal Immigrants. Anyone who wants to join or has any ideas how to go about this let me know. But for now, I will pledge to harass these illegals whenever I see them doing anything wrong. :kicknuts:I will not stand for it anymore., and will call the police every chance I get, even if it's just for them littering. If we all did that they wouldn't feel welcome here anymore and would go back to their countries.
Who's with me?:cool:

05-19-2011, 09:48 PM
:thumbsup:Amercans against illegals I'm in where do I sign?

10-01-2011, 03:35 PM
Doesn't it drive you crazy. Where are the police to ticket these goons. I am so sick of seeing bait boxes and beer bottles everywhere I go. Sometimes the trash can is 20 feet away and they still throw it on the ground.

10-01-2011, 05:47 PM
Its not just jersey we have the same problem on our beaches

10-01-2011, 11:59 PM
You can only try to say something. It's hard to change the behavior of most folks.

10-02-2011, 12:31 PM
I think if we increased the penalties it could be done. Make it $500 fine for littering. We have a need for more fishermen programs. The DFG is financially strapped. If you let the COs write littering tickets it could be a win for both fishermen and the state. They could split the revenue 50-50.

04-12-2014, 01:04 PM
Well after last night and the pigsty I had to walk through to get to the water I'm sick of it. We lost access at oyster creek because of guys who were littering. That was a real close drive for me. Now I'm spending more on gas because they ruined it. I say we should post pics of anyone who is littering or doing things that causes us to lose access. We all have cell phones. Next time you see something like that take a pic and post it up.

04-12-2014, 06:35 PM
I agree wit Storminsteve, something needs to be done, people don't realize they are screwing things up for others big time.

Telling others where fish are being caught is a no-no, areas can't support the fishing pressure that the new breed of fisherman bring when they hear fish are at an area. First, mugging sucks, second people wreck the places, have no respect for anything. People should keep to them selves and enjoy the fishing.

I agree 1000% Im so sick of it!! My biggest issue is people wreaking the place by making a GD mess PICK UP AFTER YOURSELVES PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! Its not that hard.. Top many places are a mness with crap..It happens every early spring and each we loose a little more access..Damn shame..I picked up a bag full of garbage last night..

04-12-2014, 07:42 PM
that's why we keep loosing access homeowners and towns getting back at them

04-13-2014, 10:39 AM
I see it along the delaware. Empty worm boxes and plastic ice bags. Fishermen are the ones doing the littering. They should jack those fines up big time. Post a pic on here maybe it will embarass them to do the right thing from now on.

04-14-2014, 10:53 AM
I agree 1000% Im so sick of it!! My biggest issue is people wreaking the place by making a GD mess PICK UP AFTER YOURSELVES PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! Its not that hard.. Top many places are a mness with crap..It happens every early spring and each we loose a little more access..Damn shame..I picked up a bag full of garbage last night..

I see it along the delaware. Empty worm boxes and plastic ice bags. Fishermen are the ones doing the littering. They should jack those fines up big time. Post a pic on here maybe it will embarass them to do the right thing from now on.

Does anyone drive the pine barrens in burlington or ocean county? Some of the roads there have fines posted of $1000 for first time offenders. Most are very clean and hardly any litter alongside. I think if they did that for the fishing areas you would see a big difference. Make it a $1000. No excuses excepted. jmo

05-22-2014, 07:29 PM
Read this on another site. I thought the rant was true and well worded. If only some of the biggest offenders would see themselves:

"As a side note, I'm getting increasingly frustrated....Im ashamed at the lack of consideration and respect some of our fellow fisherman have displayed this week. The beach and back bays are littered with garbage, specifically empty beer cans and booze. I was walking down the shoreline and counted over 200 cans/ bottles (for the record I wasn't catching anything that day and I was exploring)

Please guys don't leave the mess behind I always make it a point to take back more then I bring.

Stop leaving balls of line everywhere! I was wading out about 100 feet from the shoreline and got wrapped up in someone's disgarded braid that was balled up and stuck to something. Your conscience has to be kicking in when you take that line off your reel and throw it on the floor or in the water.

Well if it didn't, understand that the 100 lb braid you were throwing that was attached to a three way attached to two diamond jigs (4oz) attached to a bell sinker..... was wrapped around my leg. Which was in turn stuck to something your magnificent rig had caught up on the bottom. I had to cut through all of this and during this process the line cut into my waders. There is no need for this ..

Last thing, i dont eat blues. I also don't keep short fish infact most of my fish are CnR but if your going to stack a pile of blues behind you, take them with you. Dont catch 10 blues , kill them , and then leave them for the scavengers. Its just bad sportsmanship and its f'd up. If you catch a short fish, don't hail mary it back in the water or kick it into the surf. I watched some people tomahawking short bass back into the drink. Not cool guys, aside from hurting the fish, your scaring all the other fish around .

Sorry for the complaints, but I think we all need to do our part. I spent a good hour cleaning one of my local spots just to come by a day later and it was filthy again."

05-22-2014, 07:56 PM
Does anyone drive the pine barrens in burlington or ocean county? Some of the roads there have fines posted of $1000 for first time offenders. Most are very clean and hardly any litter alongside. I think if they did that for the fishing areas you would see a big difference. Make it a $1000. No excuses excepted. jmo

Great idea. A no brainer.

05-22-2014, 08:49 PM
the fine on my beach is $1000 ...but no one to enforce it 18340

I go down on Mondays after the week end mad house ...I just can't believe the pile of stuff ....one spot was all 24 cans from a 2 twelve pack of beer (there no alcohol allowed on the beach )
there must of been 50 left over full bunker laying on the ground ..some still in the bag

I love the people who bag everything up ...then leave right there ???

I think bait should be sold in only containers that will dissolve...like the potato chip bags ....

my neighbor and I where going to patrol the beach at night ..just to show a present that some one is watching ....but we would get are *** kicked or stabbed .....

05-23-2014, 06:57 AM
people are sum bags. In the beginning of spring I had some left over clams and bloodworms from the bay. The next day I took them down to the Delaware river by me to fish for stripers coming up. I caught a few small ones on bloodworms and I knew the clams would really only catch catfish- which were not biting.
Anyway- two Hispanic gents (I am Hispanic) come walking by and they were saying the tide would be better in about an hour or two- they were going to grab something to eat and hit it again. I thought- hmm, I am about to leave- maybe I will give these 2 nice gents my leftover bait. So I offer, I explain it is both bloods and clam- but if they wanted it they are more than welcome to it.
They took the bait and thanked me then walked away. after about 10 minutes I left. I walk along the beach and turn right onto the grass and what do I see? The bag of bait sitting on the ground. Ok, well maybe they stuck it there while they were going to eat and will get it on the way back- but when I look inside I just see the clams. So these jack offs took the bloodworms and just threw the bag on the ground 4 mother effen feet away from a trash can!
What really pissed me off- besides the apparent lack of respect for our environment- is that these spics give this spic a bad name when they do that sh*t! Ok yeah it is like 2 months later and I am still pissed!

05-23-2014, 12:27 PM
madcaster that is disgusting! What a shame the towns wont enforce the littering laws. Bunch of slobs out there. Last night I was walking a beach that had a lot of dead bluefish. Giant ones. Why would you just catch it and leave it to die? A-holes. Rob I didn't know or care that you were Spanish. Just thought of you as a funny guy who writes entertaining fishing reports. Why is it that a few bad apples make the rest of us look bad. For instance I am of Polish heritage and lots of folks make polack jokes. No big deal. When you have people from any nationality doing the bad stuff and littering - polish, Italian, germans, spanish, Chinese, Russian, et cetera it makes the whole group of people look bad. When will those F***-tards start to care about that? Probably never. Really sucks

05-31-2014, 05:29 PM

I took this pic at the hook today. Why do slobs do this and dump all their trash where it is only supposed to be for used fishing line?http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.png

05-22-2015, 02:27 PM
Thank you Jason Thomas. He's they guy putting up all the signs at UB. They burned his first sign but he didn't give up. Nice going man let's keep this up and shame the litterers.

http://www.nj.com/ledgerlive/index.ssf/2015/05/watch_one_mans_battle_to_clean_new_jerseys_dirties t_beach.html#incart_river

05-22-2015, 02:34 PM
:clapping:Thank you sir! I wish they would get the pigs to clean up back by oyster creek it is so disgusting there.

06-27-2015, 12:01 PM
A follow up to this. the 3rd sign that Jason Thomas has put up. It seems like it made a difference finally. Please call F&G or the UB police if you see guys littering out there.
UB police
650 Poole Ave #1
Union Beach, NJ
(732) 264-0313

06-30-2015, 09:18 AM
Good for him! thank you sir.:clapping: :clapping:
Thanks for posting the pd contact as well. I will call them if I am there and see some guys littering.

07-01-2015, 09:41 AM
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: They need to start enforcing the law and writing lots of tickets. Whether you speak english or not you should have to follow the law.

12-21-2015, 11:59 AM
Jason Thomas video


06-10-2016, 10:19 AM
Interesting article.

04-09-2017, 01:33 PM
I was out and about during the last 2 nights and looking for Jason Thomas' sign. Did someone trash it? Couldn't find it.

04-30-2018, 05:11 PM
Jason Thomas video


This is awesome thank you for posting. I was fishing at one beach this weekend that was so filthy and disgusting! There were trash cans, all overflowing and stuff piled on the side. I wish people would be more respectful. Lots of empty cardboard bait boxes and bait bags all littered along the beach and in the bushes too.

04-30-2018, 05:18 PM
I was out and about during the last 2 nights and looking for Jason Thomas' sign. Did someone trash it? Couldn't find it.

That sign is long gone. The guy had the right idea. He was only one dude though. He lost against the thosands of pigs and slobs. Wonder if we could go to their houses and trash them the way they trash our beaches.