View Full Version : Beach access issues?

05-19-2011, 10:04 PM
press conference wednesday - this was sent by surfrider foundation, but it applies to all of us. Every time we turn around they are tryiing to take beach access away.

beach access press conference
american littoral will hold a press conference in Trenton on May 25th, in Room 109 of the Statehouse at 10:30am. The purpose will be twofold:

1) To show a united front among the 40 organizations who have signed our statement opposing these rules - namely you. The complete list will be unveiled to the press for the first time. As such it would be great if you could send someone to speak as well as additional supporters.
2) To deliver the 1200 + hand-written postcards we have collected to the Governor asking him not to change the beach & public access rules. The idea is to have the press cover the hand-off of postcards.

05-19-2011, 10:41 PM
Found this on the net. Here are some more meetings and a way you folks can get involved -

The new rules being pushed through by our state government are going to change the way beach access is dealt with.

For as long as most of us can remember it was the state Dept of Environmental protection (DEP) that was the hammer that kept local towns from restricting our access to the water. Many of you remember the fight to remove the fence at the Rip and then later to remove the fence at Takanassee. Both times it was the DEP that fought for us and got our access back for us.

Now the New Commissioner of the DEP, Bob Martin, and our Governer are trying to push through a change in the regulatory wording that removes the DEP from any part regarding access and gives the local towns full control (the fox will now be guarding the hen house)

These new proposed rules coming out of the DEP remove all reference to the Public Trust Doctrine from state law and remove the DEP from any responsibilities pertaining to access. Towns could develop their own "municipal public access plans" that would dictate where public access and related amenities, if any, will be required. A town would not have to provide access where there are "practical limitations" and may send its public access obligation to a neighboring town or to other parts of the county.

The most immediate thing we will see is our money pumping sand onto beaches we can't get onto and much tighter access restrictions on the backwaters, both bay and rivers.

The rules are out for public comment now and it will be in our best interest to make ourselves heard loudly. Everyone has to do whatever they can to help stop this.

The organizations for whom beach access is important, are coming together as one organized voice. Even the groups that occasionally don't always see eye to eye, (the surfers and the fishermen) are putting aside all differences to put a stop to what the state is trying to do. Right now Surfrider and the NJ Baykeeper are taking the lead in fighting these new rules. They've asked us, the fishermen, to back them, both individually, and as organizations, which of course we are doing.

Everyone who reads this needs to immediately sign on.
There's a link over at Surfriders site to send a letter to your congressman and Governor

If you're a member of an organization or website that wants to lend its voice to the fight, please contact me for the phone numbers to get you signed up.

Additionally there will be public hearings WE MUST ATTEND AND BE HEARD !

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 11:00 A.M.
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Townsend Residential Life Center Multi-Purpose Room
Jimmie Leeds Road
Pomona, NJ 08240

Monday, May 23, 2011 at 1:00 P.M.
Seaside Heights Municipal Court
2nd Floor Court Room
116 Sherman Road, Seaside Heights NJ 08751

Remember, they are trying to stack the deck against us. Originally there were no meetings held after working hours but your calls and letters are beginning to have an effect, they have now scheduled one that we can attend without having to take a day off of work !!
The thing I find most interesting is the location they picked - A place that will have the most people attending who do NOT want the common man to have full and open beach access and who want the taxpayers to pay for new beaches in front of their million dollar homes.

Thursday, June 2nd 2011, 7PM
Long Beach Township Court Room (same as Council Chambers)
6805 Long Beach Boulevard, Brant Beach, NJ 08008

Additionally we can be heard here:
Meet the Governor Town Hall Meeting
Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 - Doors Open at 12:45 PM
https://spreadsheets1.google.com/spr...tGVzZHdUE6M A (https://spreadsheets1.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGNlVWRTTXdsZEJJSzQxZGtGVzZHdUE6M A)

Additionally, just so you realize exactly what we're up against............................
If you do your research on the current attempt to change the access rules you'll see that this all began with the town of Avalon suing the DEP over access just a few years ago.

Guess who one of the Avalon property owners is - Yup, Mr. Martin, our new Commissioner of the DEP

The rotten stench coming from this whole situation is incredible

(cut n paste from the state of NJ website)

Martin, 52, was born and raised in Massachusetts. He earned a B.A. in Economics and Sociology from Boston College and an M.B.A. in Finance and Investing from George Washington University. Martin has lived in Hopewell Township for the past 14 years and also owns a summer home in Avalon, New Jersey.

66 East 17th St.
Avalon, NJ 08202

Talk about an effect way to get millions of dollars of sand pumped onto "your beach" without having to allow public access, become the commissioner of the agency that enforces the law and get the law changed.

05-19-2011, 10:43 PM
Do you Fish on Jetties - you may not be able to for much longer

Public access is not required to those portions of jetties and groins where it is demonstrated that access poses an extraordinary risk of injury; (page106)

-vi. Immediately upon completion of construction, including beach nourishment,]install Department approved public access signs at each public access way to the shore protection project, except at jetties and groins that are not designed for public use. Signs shall be maintained in perpetuity by the participant in Shore Protection Project funding; (page 108)

-(1) The entire shore protection project, except for those portions of jetties and groins on which public access is not required in accordance with (p)8ii below; (page 108)

-ii. Immediately upon completion of construction, including beach nourishment permit public access to the entire shore protection project. Public access is not required to those portions of jetties and groins where it is demonstrated that access poses an extraordinary risk of injury; (page 108)

-v. Immediately upon completion of construction, install Department approved public access signs at the site of the shore protection project, except at jetties or groins that are not designed for public use. Signs shall be maintained in perpetuity by the participant in Shore Protection Project funding; (page 109)

05-19-2011, 10:45 PM
Written comments - a postage stamp is all it takes.

Written comments on the proposed rules will be accepted by the DEP until June 3. Individuals wishing to submit comments on the record may do so by addressing them to:

Gary Brower, Esq.
NJDEP Office of legal Affairs
401 E. State St., 4th Floor
PO Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

ATTN: DEP Docket No. 05-11-03

I want to stress that statement concerning WRITTEN COMMENTS
If you can not make it to one of the public hearings PLEASE become part of the PUBLIC RECORD and submit your opposition to the Proposed Rules.

05-20-2011, 02:58 PM
Here is an easier e-mail letter I found on another site guys, the guy who posted it was named Sudsy? It's easy to send out, lets try to get some numbers of letters out there. I just did mine.

Everyone please copy and send this letter to every one of the the parties listed below:
Please do it ASAP (trust me, speed is important - take 10 minutes and do it now)

There are two letters here. The first is for NJ residents, the second is for out of state fishermen

I am contacting you to voice my strong negative opinion on the new proposed New Jersey Beach Access Rules.

Please do not allow the new proposed beach access regulations to pass.
Please do not allow the state of New Jersey to remove the references to the Public Trust Doctrine from state law.
Please do not allow public tax dollars to be spent to replenish beaches unless full 24/7 access AND PARKING are provided for those beaches.

We have fought and won many battles, both legal and political, to have what access we have now. Our state government is now attempting to erase many years of work with a single stroke of the pen.

There are 250+ municipalities that have waterfront access to tidal waters.
Each and everyone of them will be given the opportunity to write their own individual Municipal Access Plan. They will be given the authority and police powers to enforce where and when the public will have access to tidal waters within their municipality. Many of these town have in the past showed their unwillingness to allow public access.
The State of New Jersey will no longer be the advocate for the public access rights that belong to us all.
The NJDEP is relinquishing its responsibility as the trustee of the Public Trust Doctrine to protect these rights.

This is a formula for abuse, the fox guarding the hen house.

As a registered voter in the State of New Jersey I pledge to be at the polls for the next few years worth of election cycles to vote against any politician who backs these new rules.

Phone #

Out of state

I am contacting you to voice my strong negative opinion on the new proposed New Jersey Beach Access Rules.

Please do not allow the new proposed beach access regulations to pass.
Please do not allow the state of New Jersey to remove the references to the Public Trust Doctrine from state law.
Please do not allow public tax dollars to be spent to replenish beaches unless full 24/7 access AND PARKING are provided for those beaches.

There are 250+ municipalities that have waterfront access to tidal waters.
Each and everyone of them will be given the opportunity to write their own individual Municipal Access Plan. They will be given the authority and police powers to enforce where and when the public will have access to tidal waters within their municipality. Many of these town have in the past showed their unwillingness to allow public access.
The State of New Jersey will no longer be the advocate for the public access rights that belong to us all, even those of us who reside in other states.
The NJDEP is relinquishing its responsibility as the trustee of the Public Trust Doctrine to protect these rights.

This is a formula for abuse, the fox guarding the hen house.

As an active participant in the surf fishing community I spend a large amount of money annually in New Jersey on food, lodging, tackle and incidentals. If 24/7 beach access at any of the places I frequent is restricted in any way I will no longer be bringing my business to your state.

Phone number

Send to:

New Jersey State Dept. of Environmental Protection
Bob Martin Commissioner
PO Box 402
Mail Code 401-07
401 East State Street 7th floor
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402
E-mail - Commissioner@DEP.State.NJ.US (Commissioner@DEP.State.NJ.US)

NJ Department of Environmental Protection
Gary Brower, Esq.
ATTN: DEP Docket No. 05-11-03
Office of Legal Affairs
401 East State Street, 4th Floor
PO Box 402
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
EMAIL - Gary.Brower@DEP.State.NJ.US (Gary.Brower@DEP.State.NJ.US)

Find your local legislator here
Out of state guys pick the town you fish most often.
NJ residents - It does NOT matter if your hometown has waterfront or not - your legislator will have a voice in it, send the letter
http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/members/legsearch.asp (http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/members/legsearch.asp)

Our Governor doesn't make it that easy
The only way to sen him a message is through his website
http://www.state.nj.us/governor/contact/ (http://www.state.nj.us/governor/contact/)
Topic 1 - click on ENVIRONMENT
Topic 2 - Click on OPEN SPACE
Fill in your information then paste the letter into the space for message

Send the message to Frank Lautenberg here:
http://lautenberg.senate.gov/contact/index1.cfm (http://lautenberg.senate.gov/contact/index1.cfm)

To Congressman Pallone here:
Janice.Fuller@Mail.House.gov (Janice.Fuller@Mail.House.gov)
Janice is in charge of briefing the congressman on current issues

05-20-2011, 07:28 PM
That was simple, done!

05-20-2011, 08:26 PM

05-21-2011, 12:06 PM
Lostatsea, if you recall Sudsy posting that, well, there is only one Sudsy. :HappyWave:
Jerry has been involved in fighting for fishing access for many years, and was a challenging force when they built the fence at Sandy Hook many years ago and cut off access to fishermen from the original "Hook". Sudsy and others publicized that fight and wrote letters until they opened it up again. :clapping:

And his Dad ain't a bad guy either. :thumbsup: I met Mr S one night on a MoCo jetty last year, helluva guy and a dedicated fisherman. :fishing:

If Sudsy put this together, we really need to appreciate how easy he made it for us. As mentioned, you don't even need a stamp to send these e-mails out. It's easy and painless, and should only take a few minutes.

I just sent mine out, and I'm asking anyone who reads this to send some out as well, ASAP. As noted, there is a meeting on Mon, and it would be awesome if these e-mails could all have piled up on these legislators and reps computers over the weekend, and they would be bombarded with them.

As has been pointed out, even if you don't fish the beach that much, but do occasionally, we all have a stake in the outcome of this. Make no mistake, the folks putting this through expect no opposition. With the way the law is now interpreted, they have smooth sailing to steamroll these rulings past us and cut us off from access forever. This is serious as a heart attack, folks. It's within a thread of being passed, and WILL be passed unless we show some serious opposition.

We have federal rights under the Public Trust Doctrine here, but these rights are being swept under the rug in favor of States' rule/Home Rule. This sets a very bad precedent, and once in place will be almost impossible to reverse without a protracted court case.

So I join Sudsy in pleading with all the folks out there, who ever had a chance to fish the beaches, to join us as we protest and stand up for our Constitutional Rights. These rights WILL be taken away as soon as the legislation is passed, you can be sure of that.

And then, it will be too late to whine about it.
The time is now, the opportunity is now....

Please grab hold of that opportunity and send those e-mails, before it is too late. :thumbsup:

05-21-2011, 07:08 PM
It was easy enough, Messages were sent to everyone. Thanks for making it easy.

05-21-2011, 10:01 PM
Wasted no time sent mine.

05-23-2011, 01:01 PM
Monday, May 23, 2011 at 1:00 P.M.
Seaside Heights Municipal Court
2nd Floor Court Room
116 Sherman Road, Seaside Heights NJ 08751

Thursday, June 2nd 2011, 7PM
Long Beach Township Court Room (same as Council Chambers)
6805 Long Beach Boulevard, Brant Beach, NJ 08008

Bump for the meeting today. I'm stuck at work and can't make it. I hope some guys can. I did send the e-mails out, 123 easy, done!

05-23-2011, 06:33 PM
Did mine, thanks!

05-23-2011, 09:45 PM
Try to keep sending these e-mails out. This e-mail from surfrider says that the DEP is trying to get individual towns to push more on this issue, and they are using taxpayer dollars to do it. At the very least that is unethical. Every e-mail helps like DS said.

Subject: Press Conference on Access in Trenton

Folks, we are having a press in Trenton on Wednesday at 10:30 AM. in Room 109 of the Statehouse. Details are in the attached Advisory. If you have your own press contacts please share the attachment. We will of course work statehouse press and localTV and radio.

The press conference is to unveil the 40+ organizations that are against the DEP proposed access rules and to deliver 1200+ postcards to the Governor collected by Surfrider Foundation volunteers.

So far Jeff Tittel of the Sierra Club and a representative of the NJ Beach Buggy Association have committed to a speaking role. I know the time and date does not work for everyone but if you can attend and want to speak, please let me know as I am preparing press materials. Of course please bring members if you can.

I expect the media's interest will increase after the Seaside Heights public hearing on Monday. There should be great turnout and many speakers.

Again let me know if you want to speak. Thanks!

And I ask you all to re-double your efforts to turn people out and try to defeat this rule. We have learned that the state is lobbying local governments about the "benefits" of this rule and encouraging them to speak in favor at the public hearings. My own mayor confirmed receiving such a letter from Trenton. This state lobbying for it's own rules is done with taxpayer money. A waste not mention unfair. Someone needs to speak about this on Monday. My five minutes will be spent in other ways.

jweber@surfrider.org (jweber@surfrider.org)

05-24-2011, 09:17 AM
That definitely seems unethical to me. But what do you expect in this corrupt state of NJ. The politicians promise us everything but once they get in office they do what they want. Just sent mine, thanks!

05-26-2011, 01:58 PM
Done, thanks.

05-27-2011, 03:29 PM

05-27-2011, 03:56 PM
Thanks a lot, done.

05-27-2011, 04:11 PM
Star ledger video, this was eye opening, they (the homeowners) really don't want us there. Can you imagine how tough it will be if they give the towns cart blanche?:scared:


05-29-2011, 11:15 AM
That guy was real snobby. If you buy a house close to an airport you should expect to hear planes. If you buy a house close to a park you should expect traffic as people want to go to that park. If you buy a house next to a beach you should expect peiople will want to go to the beach. I know a lot of people are pigs, and that is our fault, but you can't blame a whole group of people for the actions of only a few. I sent the e-mails. thanks to all you guys for making it simple. Let me know if you need any other help, and God Bless for all you do here to keep us informed.:thumbsup:

05-29-2011, 11:17 AM
Looks like we have a real uphill battle.

06-01-2011, 12:19 AM
bump for the meeting on Thu, please try to make it there if you can, folks.

Thursday, June 2nd 2011, 7PM
Long Beach Township Court Room (same as Council Chambers)
6805 Long Beach Boulevard, Brant Beach, NJ 08008

Long Beach Township is the town that's wants money for sand but refuses to give access to get that money - it's been an ongoing battle for a few years now. Combined with the fact that the DEP has been sending letters to local municipal leaders to come and speak out (Lobbying against you with your taxpayer monies) - There's going to be a lot of pro change voices in the room

Sneaky tactics by the DEP so we absolutely have to overwhelm them with numbers or we are going to lose this fight

06-02-2011, 04:11 PM
bump to the top, the meeting is tonight.

06-02-2011, 04:28 PM
Make sure you tell Bob Martin he is an ******* with a small penis.:laugh:

06-03-2011, 12:52 PM
Bob Martin was not there Bababooey. There were 2 police cruisers directing traffic into the complex. I have a feeling if he were there, he would have needed an escort out of there....

Here's the thread on the hearing:

06-03-2011, 05:45 PM
Recreational Fishing Alliance (NJ) Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732
For Immediate Release June 3, 2011


Says State's 'One Size Fits All' Plan Too Restrictive For Surfcasting

The Recreational Fishing Alliance's New Jersey chapter (RFA-NJ) today submitted official comments (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hclmspcab&et=1105799029426&s=10015&e=001MHXqSduP9ZBAKuNm3QKAiubg1wF8C5qdsbZcCJpuHo8Pm A1wLT-yrsJVjVqhdD0iLnUb-dHzDoWSP_3SniQgsSqWk1U90z_JxLfnIy7Fer2Hroroie1zpKK cps_fQmLKf5KaSxHJBnOYiIB86DuuPQ==) to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in response to the agency's new public access rules.

According to the Associated Press, New Jersey rewrote its beach rules earlier this year after a court struck down old ones requiring access points every quarter-mile along the shore, as well as parking and bathrooms nearby. The ruling came in a lawsuit brought by the South Jersey beach town of Avalon that claimed the state overstepped its bounds by requiring too much public access, as well as unreasonable requirements such as 24-hour, round-the-clock access to beaches and marinas.

The new rules ask, but don't require, coastal towns to adopt a public access plan spelling out exactly where the public can get to the beach, which is precisely what has caused the public to turn out in strong opposition to much of the plan, particularly in terms of surfcasting and beach access.

"RFA-NJ has obvious concerns with the plan as it relates to coastal fishing access throughout the state," said RFA-NJ board member Greg O'Connell. "We've spent the last couple of months compiling feedback from our members through meetings, public hearings and comprehensive review of the DEP's actual access plan, so we believe strongly that the comments that delivered today on behalf of RFA-NJ accurately represent the greater good for our coastal anglers," said O'Connell who also chairs the RFA-NJ Surf Advisory Panel.

Capt Adam Nowalsky who runs a charter boat out of Great Bay Marina said that tempering the needs of coastal surfcasters with those of boat owners has been a critical component of RFA-NJ's analysis of the DEP plan. "A few years ago under the Corzine administration, this access plan would've led to serious problems for boat owners who could've been forced to deal with mandatory, round-the-clock public access at their marina or boatyard, and I couldn't imagine what owners would've had to endure," Nowalsky said.

"But this plan that we've been reviewing as an organization over the past several months is loaded with new issues that impact our surfcasting community, not to mention our kayak and car-top fishermen, so it's our hope that the DEP will adequately address the issues brought forth in our official comments and heard through the recent public hearings," Nowalsky added.

New Jersey's surf fishing community has been especially concerned about the DEP's new access rules, and with good reason. According the RFA's Executive Director Jim Donofrio, the access amendments have been swinging like a pendulum from one administration to the next, though he's hopeful a comprehensive review of the plan can strike the right balance for all coastal fishermen.

"RFA has significant concerns about the potential impacts on angling access resultant of the proposed changes by DEP, which is why we took the time to analyze the entire document and listen in on the public hearings in order to provide the most detailed comments for addressing concerns," Donofrio said "As an organization dedicated to protecting the rights of all saltwater anglers, we are certainly in support of specific language in the plan that would protect our local marinas and dockside tackle shops from having to endure excessive amounts of liability in terms of safety, damages, and theft, if required to provide unrestricted, 24-hour public access."

Donofrio said many groups which turned out in staunch opposition to the DEP's entire plan perhaps didn't take enough time to read the entire proposal. "We were a bit shocked to see that some conservation and outdoor groups would sign onto broad-based coalitions to publicly oppose all the exemptions contained within the plan, perhaps without even looking at the plan itself," he said, adding "we can't have towns closing down beach access or parking facilities for surfcasters, but our angling community shouldn't be supporting the concept that marinas and dockside facilities must open up 24/7 access to the public either, that's just ridiculous."

RFA said much of the criticism with regard to the DEP's latest public access plan was centered on the 'one size fits all' nature of the language, which is why RFA said it took time to analyze the entire plan before submitting official comments on behalf of all saltwater anglers.

"Let's hope the state DEP takes a comprehensive look at this plan to ensure that the public trust doctrine is kept intact, that the rights of saltwater anglers are safeguarded while at the same time our boat, marine and tackle industry jobs are also duly protected," Donofrio added.