View Full Version : Do you fish, or just watch????

05-23-2011, 03:45 PM
Which category do you fit into?

Sun 4am-6, fishing the jetties...
"When I turned around to leave at 6, there were 11 vehicles sitting there watching me, waiting to pounce on any action. Only 3 guys made it out there to give it a shot.

This always amuses me in jetty country. If you spend the time and gas to get down there to fish, why not fish? :don't know why:

Granted, you may not have a high probablilty of nailing a spring bass in the absence of buinker or other bait, but the opportunity is there....:learn:

Big fish are passing through in the ocean now...a surfcaster has at times less of a chance than a guy in a boat or a yak, but it's still opportunity....and all ya need is 1 quality fish :drool: to make your day. :thumbsup:

Now's the time to get out there and fish, people.
There ain't much left in the migration line S of Cape May, so get out there and put the time in." :fishing:

05-23-2011, 04:12 PM
I like to watch!:kooky::ROFLMAO:HappyWave:
I wont make a move until I see one of you surf rats land a 20 pounder! Why waste the effort and energy? I am still waiting for a connect into finchaser's phone, and then I will be all set. I can work, come home, eat supper, and with 5 minutes notice have enough time to get to the beach and catch a pencil popping bunker blitz bass. And still be home in time to tuck the kids in home for bed instead of staying out all night like you vampires. Now that's what I call fishing the smart way!;)

05-23-2011, 05:57 PM
I like to watch!:kooky::ROFLMAO:HappyWave:
I wont make a move until I see one of you surf rats land a 20 pounder! Why waste the effort and energy?

I would be giving you the:2flip: if I didn't think you were joking.:)

05-23-2011, 06:28 PM
What makes you think I am joking cowherder? Let the other guys bird-dog the bite for me. Why spend all that effort. Most of the fishing I do is on a boat with electronics and gps.

Why is it any different to use the guys out there as human fishfinders? I spent $300 on a pair of binoculars and I have to get my moneys worth from them. I can see a mile in each direction with them, so why not use them and other fishermen to go to where the middle of the action is. I fish the surf so rarely that I'm not going to walk all the miles that you guys walk, why should I. When I read Dark and some of you guys, like Monty, fishing all night, for a few fish I shake my head in amazement.:kooky: No disrespect meant but some of us don't have 8 hours to fish at our leisure. The goal of fishing for me is to get out there, catch them up, and get back to my life. I don't know how some of you have the stamina to be out there for a half-day. You can catch all the fish you need in an hour when they are biting.:HappyWave:

05-23-2011, 06:34 PM
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.pngShirley you can't be serious?

05-23-2011, 07:50 PM
The goal of fishing for me is to get out there, catch them up, and get back to my life. I don't know how some of you have the stamina to be out there for a half-day. You can catch all the fish you need in an hour when they are biting.:HappyWave:

LOL, Shirley you have this mixed up, Dark's post was about fishing, not catching. Post title "Do you fish, or just watch????"
You see the fishing part is what the fun is all about. If its just catching that floats your boat, I feel for ya......not :HappyWave:

I fish, actively casting, throwing artificials any chance I get (not nearly enough because of obligations).Whats fun for me is trying to catch Bass and Blues.

Seeing these guys watching is ridicules. Clowns. Better yet :boring::bucktooth: Clowns

05-23-2011, 09:50 PM
You see the fishing part is what the fun is all about. If its just catching that floats your boat, I feel for ya......not :HappyWave:

:clapping::clapping::clapping: Spot on! And Bababooey I think you mentioned in a post somewhere that you have chidren, well what Monty said is what we should be teaching our children. To me that is a big part of sportsmanship. Just like when they are on a team and they lose, at least tbey tried, that is all part of the game.

05-23-2011, 09:53 PM
First off, I could care less how anyone fishes, and I’m sure no one cares how I fish. I’ve seen the watchers, I ridden with them and have been on beaches where all they do is ride up and down the beach, countless times, and never even casted. I don’t condemn them or understand their ways, but it’s just not my way.

I enjoy the walks and the casting. The search for water that has the potential to hold fish. The trickery that’s involved. The different retrieves, the suspense of the sudden hit. The play of the fish and the beaching. All these things come into play in my enjoyment of fishing. Not for everyone, but it’s how I get my pleasure in trying to catch – the accomplishment and personal satisfaction.

So, no I’m not a wait and watch person. I rather be actively involved and find my own fish or I might as well just stay home.

05-24-2011, 05:52 AM
I don't watch nor care what anybody else is doing I go to my spots with a game plan in my head fish far enough away from anybody to watch me I don't have time to watch I need to pay attention to my plugs and what is behind them.I don't knock how anyone fishes but surf guys that are surf guys fish long and hard thats the name of the game lurking is wasting time that I could be catching in my book, boats are fine but your not home in 20 minutes either with fish thats where lurking comes from they all sit in boats wait for someone to catch then all haul a$$ over there because thats the spot and some guys do the same from there vehicles from the surf in most cases though they never get from the truck to the beach to catch a damn thing.To each their own.

05-26-2011, 02:16 PM
I enjoy the walks and the casting. The search for water that has the potential to hold fish. The trickery that’s involved. The different retrieves, the suspense of the sudden hit. The play of the fish and the beaching. All these things come into play in my enjoyment of fishing. Not for everyone, but it’s how I get my pleasure in trying to catch – the accomplishment and personal satisfaction.

Well said surfwalker.

05-26-2011, 02:42 PM
You fellas needent take me seriously all the time. I was having a bad day, lost a big client. Apologies all around. I still mean what I said as I don't get the fishing for 12 hours thing, but I do respect it. Carry on gents.:HappyWave:

05-27-2011, 01:11 PM
I still mean what I said as I don't get the fishing for 12 hours thing, but I do respect it. Carry on gents.:HappyWave:

Hey, it's your opinion, it's honest, you're entitled to it. All good, bro. :HappyWave:

"Last night, as I looked out into the ocean, gently rolling waves breaking at the tip of the jetty, ebbing tide, building wind giving me a chance to cast to where it was at my back, and the water, the cold, clean, beautiful water.....periodically splashing my legs, and spraying my face, I felt alive. I was the only surfcaster out there in that area. The serenity and relaxation I get from being at a place like that, away from the crowds, is priceless to me...

The dark, the quiet, the solitude, all combine to give me a euphoric buzz. This buzz can't be purchased in a can, bag, bottle, or ordered from late-night TV. To get it, you simply have to be out there, breathe the salt air in, and experience it."

So, Bababooey and others who wonder why we do what we do.....are we nuts? :kooky:
Maybe a little...

If ya can identify with some of the things I said, you already understand.....:fishing:

Catching the fish is the icing on the cake, but the cake tastes pretty damn good to us, even without the fish.... :cool:

05-27-2011, 03:46 PM
Apologies all around. I still mean what I said as I don't get the fishing for 12 hours thing, but I do respect it. Carry on gents.:HappyWave:

It takes a real man to realize when he's wrong and apologize for it. Good deal bababooey, much respect.:thumbsup: You have to realize that some of us fish to get away from our wives or families for awhile, it's like a mini-vacation for us.

05-27-2011, 03:54 PM
I have had the lookie loos watch me before. If they are irritating enough with the binocs I will pull my pants down and moon them. They deserve it.