View Full Version : We're no better than the guys in North Carolina....

06-05-2011, 12:18 PM
Alternate title - fish move, it's a big ocean, they are not in the same place every day....:laugh:

All winter, guys are yapping about the folks who go down to NC and target the intensely concentrated biomass of big bass. Further, they want to blame the illegal MD and NC netters for all the bass they got caught with. There is anger, finger pointing, and outrage that people don't show some restraint down there.

How dare they mess with those fish, and catch all the ones they do?
After all this is a shared resource, and all winter it appears they are killing them.
Some of them are even travelling out to the EEZ, and getting them illegally!

Heavens no!!!! We should arrest them and confiscate their boats, some cry in indignation...:rolleyes: :kooky:

So why are we in NJ and LI, any better???

06-05-2011, 12:30 PM
You have all heard me talk about the bass migration. They are constantly moving along the coast. The fish you catch today are in LI tomorrow.

Generally, this holds true....

Except in a few instances, like what we have now off the coasts of Mid-NJ and LI.

Fish move because the ocean temps are usually rising, bait is moving, and they are following it.
That's the natural order of things, and the historical pattern.

We like to talk about patterns, because it helps us understand things better.
However, another pattern some might not want to discuss, is that although there are now fish in MA, big ones, there is a huge body of fish that is NOT moving now.

They're concentrated off our coast, 1-3 miles off, at night. They're sitting on certain rocky structures at night. Same thing with LI.

I don't need to mention these structures. Anyone who has any appreciable boating experience knows where I'm talking about.....so, to put a hole in the hype of some people, these fish are NOT moving.

For some, it's like fishing in a fish bowl.
You know where they are at night,...
You know they will come in sometime during the day to feed on bunker in close,. and the rocky shores in certain areas offer places for them to be trapped and great action for surf and boat guys alike.

The ocean temps, because of the changing weather, have not warmed up to historical highs yet. This creates the "perfect storm" as the temps, for now, are not pushing the fish N, not the main body that is currrently parked off of NJ and LI.

So they are here every day. If you have figured out the pattern that had developed for the last 2 weeks, you can basically find them every day. Sure, they might be a few miles off from where they were yesterday, but that can be accounted for by differences in bunker concentrations. Pay attention to this, and as a Charter Capt, you can get trophy fish in the ocean almost every day for your clients.

That's fine, I understand these guys have to make a living,. we all do. I don't begrudge anyone their right to make a living as long as they're obeying the law.....:thumbsup:

06-05-2011, 12:35 PM
The main thing I wanted to get feedback going on is.....

with all the catching we are doing, everyone posting their personal best, and some making more than one trip a day for their personal limits each time...
(I heard of one guy going out 5x yesterday, because "It was the best bass fishing he has seen in years, and he couldn't stay away from it" )

How are we any better than the guys in VA and NC?
What gives us the right to judge them, when we do the same?

All feedback appreciated, thanks. :HappyWave:

06-05-2011, 01:55 PM
When we are not catching anything a lot of guys have time on thier hands and can point the finger at other states. Its kind of scary when the finger points back on us. If the shoe fits, we must wear it.

06-05-2011, 02:47 PM
How are we any better than the guys in VA and NC?
What gives us the right to judge them, when we do the same?

All feedback appreciated, thanks. :HappyWave:
As a state who is to say which state is worse when there are individuals in the states mentioned that are so wrong that its incomprehensible. As an individual I may keep a bass or two each year but am in no way associated with that "we do the same". I do what I can to "push" good fishing sportsmanship and respect for the fishes (all). The slaughters in NC, VA and NJ are disgusting and show how screwed up and disrespectful some individuals in society are. There needs to be a gigantic increase in peer pressure on these people.

06-05-2011, 04:18 PM
My take on all this, is that it’s motivated by greed. Weather for meat, bragging rights or to sell, the greed factor is involved. Blitzes are fun, but what thought process is involved. Pick a spot, see what everyone is throwing and catching with, then do the same. I personally have never seen so many keepers walking off the beach as this spring season. Seems to me everyone is trying for their limit and keeping it. If they are legally taking the Bass, then what can I say.

Our state is no better than any other state- it’s the individuals who abuse this opportunity to catch large quantities and illegally keep what they catch. The people that complain about these abuses have a conscience and a concern for the Bass and are appreciative for the enjoyment that the Bass gives to them, so they abide to these laws. The new faces I come across on the beach in the past few years are only concerned with the biggest and keeper size Bass. They frown upon anything that can’t be kept or show no respect for shorts. Kinda makes me sick. You won’t see them in the summer trying for Bass, just the spring/fall runs.

So, people that are concerned about the Bass, have a passion for it, understand what it’s up against and would like to see it survive and prosper, have the right to judge anyone, in any state, about abusing any law that is in effect to protect this fish.

06-06-2011, 06:02 AM
I was going to ramble on about this but I've pretty much had enough about the commercials nothing real is done to them slaps on the wrist BS fines I've just got more important things t worry about the govt. won't do a damn thing.I'm just plain done.Screw it all you will win some fights but never the war.COB (Cranky Ole Bassturd)