View Full Version : Fishing bucktails

06-11-2011, 03:55 PM
Looking for some advice on fishing bucktails. Types, sizes, teasers and so on. Any advice would help.

06-11-2011, 05:30 PM
Depends on if you are fishing from the surf or the boat. On a boat, I use a straight bucktail and pork for many predatory species, bass, blues, etc. With fluking from a boat, I will use a bucktail on the bottom with a piece of gulp or a chartreuse teaser 18" above that. From the surf when using bucktails I just use the plain bucktail dressed with pork. If you fish rocky areas like Montauk you will lose a lot, so don't get too fancy or you will spend a lot of unnecessary dollars on gear that you will leave behind in a rock crevice. On the sand beaches it is not that critical,

There are some good threads here on bucktails and techniques

tying bucktails to tackle

fishing bucktails


deep water and inltes

Some others
Reading the water, if you are casting a bucktail into water that doesnt hold fish you are wasting your time, try reading this thread

Becoming a better fisherman

Hope they helped. In LI fishing the bucktail is my #1 go to in colder water and times when the fish are not that active. By fishing on the bottom you find out quickly if they are there or not. Good luck

06-11-2011, 05:36 PM
Thanks for the help

04-20-2018, 11:58 AM
Low and slow, especially this time of year.