View Full Version : Frank Pallone: Friend to Fishermen? Vote for him November 2014?

06-24-2011, 12:18 PM
Frank Pallone: What has he done for NJ fishermen lately? :huh:

In the past, I've always been one of the first on the block to support Rep Frank Pallone and his efforts on behalf of fishermen.

I believe he had something to do with the bunker bill back in the 80's that pushed the bunker boats further out from the NJ coastline.

I had believed that he was a strong advocate for fishermen, always fighting for the little guy and helping us fishermen that had the least representation.

Recently it was pointed out to me, that he is one of the sponsors for the striped bass gamefish bill in Congress, to make striped bass a gamefish in NJ? state waters.

The only problem with this is, he's allegedly been "sponsoring" this bill, and "seeking our support and contributions" for almost 20 years :kooky:

Almost 20 years, and nothing concrete has been done....
And he comes back to the campaign table every year, asking for more $$$ and votes from fishermen....:beatin:

06-24-2011, 12:20 PM
This was a recent quote about him:

"Pallone has always been a strong for advocate proper fisheries management that is based on science and urged that more funding be directed to research over blind regulations."

06-24-2011, 12:36 PM
Is that the case today?
Does he still represent the interests of the majority of the fishermen?
Should we continue to support him financially, and with our votes?
What recent achievements do we get from him, with the money we have been funnelling in to his campaigns?

Is there a better alternative to Frank Pallone?

I don't have the answers to the above. I know not many fishermen care about who represents us, or why. Only a small % of us seem to get involved in fisheries management, beach access issues, fishermen rights, and issues related under this topic. And it's the same guys who get involved, over and over.

Many others can't be bothered, until the issue seems to affect them directly.

Or, legislation is passed, and it's already too late. So I don't expect too much of a response in a thread like this, as there are no 50lb bass pics to see here. :laugh:

However, we are looking to ask the questions that others are afraid to ask or address, here at Stripersandanglers.com.
I am also looking for accuracy.

So if anyone feels what is stated here is not accurate, and has any evidence that Rep Pallone has had some solid achievements representing fishermen in the last year or 2, by all means please post up. :thumbsup:

There are no right or wrong answers here. As a service to our readers, I want to bring you the truth, however unpleasant that may be sometimes.

And if that means we are asking hard questions about how effectively Rep Pallone represents us, the people who put him in office, then so be it.....

Thanks for reading, and your honest feedback. :cool:

06-24-2011, 03:47 PM
20 years without any results? Sounds like someone is paying him off not to get that bill passed. They may not be bribing him, there are all kinds of creative ways to do it,. have your whole family give campaign contributions, give him tickets to a championshop game, etc etc. Politics works in all sorts of sleazy ways.

10-12-2011, 08:21 AM
Here's something sent in by Finchaser, Pallone introduces new fisheries measure, from the APP.


02-16-2012, 02:31 PM
Again sent by Fin, thanks.

Say bye-bye to your fishing ,
Pallone the fisherman's friend?

SEA BRIGHT — Rep. Frank Pallone announced Wednesday that $12.3 million will be awarded to fund beach replenishment in Sea Bright and Monmouth Beach. The funding will allow the Army Corps of Engineers to begin replenishing beaches in those towns in the fall.

“This funding is vitally important for the Shore, and I commend the Army Corps of Engineers for responding to my funding request for these projects. Beach replenishment projects make it possible for millions of people to enjoy the Jersey Shore every summer and, come hurricane season, provide a protective barrier to beachfront communities,” Pallone, D-NJ, said in a news release.

In total, the Army Corps of Engineers will receive $24 million in funding for New Jersey projects in 2012. Other projects in Monmouth and Ocean counties include $600,000 for beach replenishment for Long Beach Island, $495,000 for a Shark River Inlet dredging project and $127,710 for a dredging project in Sandy Hook Bay.

“Last year, Hurricane Irene and other storms wreaked havoc on our state,” said Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg, D-NJ. “While we have more work to do, these funds are a critical investment in helping our most flood-prone communities and finding long-term solutions to prevent future flooding. This federal funding will support our coastline by replenishing New Jersey’s beaches, which protect our coastal economy from storms.”

Last July, Monmouth Beach received over $12 million in funding for a beach replenishment project that was completed in November; however, the work did not encompass the entire Monmouth Beach beachfront.

Monmouth Beach Mayor Susan Howard said roughly three-quarters of a mile at the north end of Monmouth Beach was left out of that project, and the borough is pleased by the response from Pallone to finish the job.

Howard said the borough had contacted Pallone in the fall, and he attended a meeting with the Army Corps of Engineers and officials from the state Department of Environmental Protection on Nov. 7 about replenishing the north end beach front.

Sea Bright Mayor Dina Long said that beachfront has experienced substantial erosion after two particularly strong storm seasons.

“We were lobbying for Congressman Pallone’s help aggressively since the hurricane (Irene). We knew he was working on it. The replenishment will be a huge improvement for our beach, beachgoers and residents. A viable beachfront drives our economy,” Long said.

Opponents of the replenishment projects have argued that they are more for protecting beachfront homes than combating erosion.

02-16-2012, 02:34 PM
I say pallone is a friend to who-ever will get him reelected.

02-16-2012, 04:05 PM
I say pallone is a friend to who-ever will get him reelected.

So true I know him from when he was just starting out as a councilman when we were starting up the JCAA when that meant something too

04-22-2012, 08:56 PM
According to this I don't think so. It seems he favors PEW and PETA?

The Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012 easily passed in the House of Representatives this week by a vote of 274 to 146. Among other things, the bill will prevent outlawing the use of lead in fishing tackle.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been petitioned three times in the last 18 months by non-fishing organizations to ban lead in fishing tackle, but those petitions have been rejected by an EPA headed by former N.J. EPA chief Lisa Jackson, who has fished for striped bass in Raritan Bay. But eventual passage of the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act, strongly supported by the American Sportfishing Association, will ensure that anglers won’t have to pay for sinkers or jigs made of expensive material.

New Jersey Republican Representatives Chris Smith, Jon Runyan, Frank LoBiondo, Scott Garrett, Leonard Lance and Rodney Frelinghuysen all voted “yea,” but Democrats Rush Holt, Albio Sires, Robert Andrews, Bill Pascrell, Steve Rothman and Frank Pallone were opposed.

Following up last week’s article on the Obama administration’s decision to close the James J. Howard Marine Sciences Lab at Sandy Hook, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) moved a measure to save that facility through a Senate committee — though it still must be approved by the Senate, House and administration.

04-23-2012, 01:09 PM
Yep election year

05-07-2012, 10:23 AM
Yep election year

Same as all they other politicians. They make all these promises. As soon as they win they forget about them and who elected them.

02-20-2014, 05:16 PM
I say pallone is a friend to who-ever will get him reelected.

So true I know him from when he was just starting out as a councilman when we were starting up the JCAA when that meant something too

Same as all they other politicians. They make all these promises. As soon as they win they forget about them and who elected them.

Read this today, attributed to Rep Pallone:
"Mr Pallone will never go against the beachfront property interests. They donate too much to his campaign"
Maybe it's time to give support to his opponent. I don't feel he ever represented us. He gave us lip service to get elected and then we didn't matter.

02-20-2014, 06:11 PM
Nope he's not anymore.
his bill to make Stripers a game fish coast wide has been in congress for over 20 years. he plays that card every election year.
Number 2 his clean water act also got him elected and has come up again so he is no longer for fish farms

And last but not least he is a Democrat that supports Obama on most MPA's and fish policies which no longer favor the recreational angler and he is all for beach replenishment to save his supporters.

So true as I stated above, I know him from when he was just starting out as a councilman when we were starting up the JCAA when that meant something too

03-25-2014, 04:15 PM
Today I had an interesting phone call with one of the office staff in Long Branch he pays to answer his phones.
A lot of us have been calling. I talked to Jerry.
Jerry was not aware of several of the issues that I raised, was not even aware that there are options other than sand replenishment.

He did share with me, that Representative Pallone, having lost a seat in the Senate to Corey Booker in 2013, will again be running in the 2014 election for Congressional representative for his district in the Long Branch area.

I'll try to post the contents of our conversation about replenishment, when I get a chance....

** I ask all you folks out there, whether you live in his district or not....
If he does nothing to help fishermen this time, or at least explore options other than sand replenishment,would you vote for him in November 2014?

A simple "yes" or "no is fine, feel free to go into detail if you want.

03-25-2014, 05:26 PM
No I would not.

03-26-2014, 09:23 AM
no way

03-26-2014, 09:30 AM

03-26-2014, 09:42 AM
We did the same to our Governor before Patrick was elected. Vote him out.

03-26-2014, 11:42 AM
He's the one that got approval for the funds to replenish the beach in his district.

03-26-2014, 04:50 PM
^^^^^ Well then HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!

03-26-2014, 05:03 PM
Palone is the most wretched kind of politician. A lib who thinks money solves the worlds problems. Ask Hilarry and Bill Clinton if being libs did them any good. For that I would not vote for him unless the other guy is a lib as well. Then I would just not vote.

03-26-2014, 05:06 PM
Today I had an interesting phone call with one of the office staff in Long Branch he pays to answer his phones.
A lot of us have been calling. I talked to Jerry.
Jerry was not aware of several of the issues that I raised, was not even aware that there are options other than sand replenishment.

He did share with me, that Representative Pallone, having lost a seat in the Senate to Corey Booker in 2013, will again be running in the 2014 election for Congressional representative for his district in the Long Branch area.

I'll try to post the contents of our conversation about replenishment, when I get a chance....

** I ask all you folks out there, whether you live in his district or not....
If he does nothing to help fishermen this time, or at least explore options other than sand replenishment,would you vote for him in November 2014?

A simple "yes" or "no is fine, feel free to go into detail if you want.


03-28-2014, 12:41 PM
If he's your friend you sure as h@ll don't need any enemies.

03-28-2014, 06:30 PM

03-31-2014, 09:33 AM
If he's your friend you sure as h@ll don't need any enemies.

Hes a candy a** political a** kisser. There is no way he will ever help us. Check this video out. pallone and memandez were pushing beach replenishment back in 2011. Do you think there will be alternatives considered at any acoe meeting? not.


03-31-2014, 09:46 AM
Here hes talking about the seabright and mon beach replenishment. Totally different animal than jetty row. This guys a hero to the townspeople hes not going to listen to fishermen.


03-31-2014, 10:23 AM
Pallone HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Homer S
04-02-2014, 09:00 AM
I had always supported Pallone because of his help to the fishermen but that doesn't seem to be a priority anymore. The people in Monmouth Beach and Sea Bright have a lot more campaign money than we do. The final straw was his tv commercial when he was running against Booker. Instead of saying what his accomplishments were he just told everyone what an Obama hemorrhoid he was. Saying how much he pushed Obamacare.

04-04-2014, 04:21 PM
Hes a candy a** political a** kisser. There is no way he will ever help us. Check this video out. pallone and memandez were pushing beach replenishment back in 2011. Do you think there will be alternatives considered at any acoe meeting? not.


x2 From what I read in the threads Pallone is a lying sack of sh** that will who*e out his support to anyone who will get him elected. Not from me. I hope I don't get any mad here but calling him to get him not to support this issue seems like a waste of time.If he lived here and represented us I would concentrate on getting the news out to the general public on what a lying sack of sh** he is.

04-08-2014, 09:02 PM
I just went to email Pallone. The website looked different.... He is not standing by the jetty now... Sitting on a boardwalk with a nice Big beach behind him.

04-09-2014, 09:48 AM
I just went to email Pallone. The website looked different.... He is not standing by the jetty now... Sitting on a boardwalk with a nice Big beach behind him.

Judy, I know this is probably not politically correct to say this....I have been a supporter of Rep Pallone in the past. However, I had an eye-opening interview with a homeowner who lives in your/Pallone's district about corruption and the nasty side of beach replenishment and the lucrative windfall it has presented to a select few...I'll be posting that interview when I get a chance....

In the meantime, I'm sorry if folks will take this as negative, but after reviewing all the connections and what's going on behind the scenes, I'm ready to predict that at this point Rep Pallone will not do anything to stop or consider modifying this project.....He may throw platitudes at the public as a pacifying gesture, but nothing concrete will come of it.

**He has been the single most influential force behind Monmouth County beach replenishment. There are financial and political reasons for that. That will not change no matter how many phone calls are made. If we are to win on this issue, it will be on the procedural flubs the USCOE has been getting away with on each project. That remains my focus from now on, until enough resistance is gained that it may be eventually changed. (hopefully before I die we will get to see this...because I will fight for that....until my last breath on Earth....:thumbsup: )

Frank Pallone is no longer a "friend to fishermen".

More to come on this, as I get a chance.....
Thanks for reading....opposing comments and opinions are always welcome....:HappyWave:

04-09-2014, 04:40 PM
I could of told you that dark, just ask me next time!:HappyWave:
He made a big deal about them coming in and fixing dunes in the union beach to keansburg area. Dunes for the bayshore? They would be better off with high earthen and rock walls protecting the lowest areas like the dike systems they use in the netherlands. They will prob never do that tho. He was there after sandy for the photo op. Smiling like the greasy dirtbag he is. Some of the workers told me he had to be there so they could release federal funds for the beaches in the ritzy deal area where he has his offices. Dont know if it was true but it sounded like classic pallone, he always shows up for the photo op.

06-24-2014, 08:25 PM
Just bringing this up again for folks to look at the past history. He will be running for the Nov election.
I will be working to get his opponent elected.
No more bitching on the internet...it's time for action.
Comments welcome. :HappyWave:

10-18-2014, 06:35 AM
Unfortunately I have been extremely busy with other things and have not been able to keep up with Rep Pallone's bid for Re-election.
I posted this yesterday and thought some might not be aware of it.

"I wonder if folks know that Frank Pallone has been "trying" to get the bass gamefish bill passed for years....but this is largely a ploy to continue to get fishermen to vote for him.....when he knows that bill doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting the support it needs.......
In the interim he can still call himself "The fishermens' friend".... shake our hands...and claim he is working for us"....:kooky:

If anyone can help with more info, or wants to use this info to start a thread on another site to raise awareness, you have permission to use the content in this thread. Please help fight against Pallone getting elected if you care about fishing and fishermen.
A lot of folks will say "He has too much support, it's pointless"....but in the end.....if we try and fail, at least we can say we tried to make a difference....while Mr Pallone has not really helped fishermen much lately.

I just want to get this info out there.....and thank any and all who can help with the message. :thumbsup:

10-29-2014, 04:19 PM
saw this on the net. If you live in his district it's time to send him a message. Replenishment has also hurt the rocky areas I fish off Long Branch and Deal.

"Frank Pallone has given the fishermen a lot of lip service but little else. Beach access is becoming more difficult all the time and beach replenishment is wasting tax payers money, covering all the structure necessary for marine life and providing nice beaches and increased property values for the same people that are restricting beach access. Time to send a message, goodby Frank."

11-05-2014, 08:47 AM
If anyone can help with more info, or wants to use this info to start a thread on another site to raise awareness, you have permission to use the content in this thread. Please help fight against Pallone getting elected if you care about fishing and fishermen.
A lot of folks will say "He has too much support, it's pointless"....but in the end.....if we try and fail, at least we can say we tried to make a difference....while Mr Pallone has not really helped fishermen much lately.

I just want to get this info out there.....and thank any and all who can help with the message. :thumbsup:

he won again with 62% of the vote. Dark you were spot on. This is the only web site on the internet where there was talk of any action plan. Any thread on any other site had internet comments and grousing without much concrete ideas other than to "vote the bum out of office". Well fishermen need to stand up and be counted. Unfortunately it looks like some of the sites out there are all about chatter and not much about doing. Unless we can get Republicans into better positions in monmouth county the area will still remain a Democrat stronghold and Pallone will continue his little reign there. Dark as always thanks for all you do. Sorry I could not do more. If fishermen would put their time and money where their mouths are we just might be taken seriously.

11-05-2014, 02:37 PM
jmo but the dems ruin everything. It is the party of tax and spend. You just can't spend taxpayer money on every damn program out there. Nice to help the poor but not practical in every case. Republicans aren't much better and some are crooked but they have been more fiscally responsible.

11-06-2014, 09:15 AM
^^^^^^^I agree with that, guys. Also he has helped the owners of beach property in long branch get millions of dollars in free money. I don't think we fishermen can ever compete with that.