View Full Version : more Bullsh_t

06-29-2011, 11:20 AM
Stripers Forever members - a bill in the NY legislature, A07487, to prohibit the sale of striped bass taken from the Hudson River through 2015 has passed both the Assembly and Senate. This bill now must be signed by Governor Cuomo. We have been informed that he is surprised that he has not heard more from recreational fishermen. Let's change that right now! After helping their ocean-fishing counterparts wipe out the shad population, the netters would like nothing better than to get at the Hudson's striper population. Let's not let them ruin that fishery too.

Here is a simple suggestion for a note to Governor Cuomo. Use or modify it as you wish:

Dear Governor Cuomo - please sign A07487 right away. The coastwide ocean fishery for striped bass is among the most popular and valuable of all saltwater fisheries, and it is already in a state of decline. Commercial fishing both in and outside of the Hudson has destroyed the once great shad fishery, and we cannot allow the destruction of the striped bass fishery as well. The ASMFC is already proposing a 50% reduction in the coastwide catch of striped bass in 2012. This is no time to consider new fishing pressures on this resource. The passage of A07487 will show that your administration is serious about conservation, and give guides and recreational fishermen the confidence to make capital investments in their businesses and equipment.


Copy and paste the message above - or your message - and send it to http://www.governor.ny.gov/contact/GovernorContactForm.php. (http://www.governor.ny.gov/contact/GovernorContactForm.php.%20)

Note that due to the amount of spam that the Governor receives you have to jump through a few hoops to get your message out, but it is not that difficult and is very much worth it. I just did it myself, and it's not that tough. When the web page opens up select contact us. The rest is easy. Please do it today.

The passage of this bill into law will be a great thing for striped bass conservation.

Brad Burns,

President of Stripers Forever


IMO they will sell them and say they weren't caught in the river no sale in NY like Jersey would save fish, not just from the river. You can tell election year on it's way just more smoke being blown up our as__. No commercial opposition either, imagine that.

I added to my letter if he really wants to help save bass then make the sale of Striped bass illegal in all of New York


06-30-2011, 12:57 PM

Thank you for that. I like when guys put up the e-mail address. It makes it a lot easier than pinting out a letter and putting a stamp on it. I just sent one.

Also, could you please explain what you mean when you say they will sell them and say they weren't caught in the river? How can they do this if striped bass sales are illegal in NY. or are they? Thanks.

06-30-2011, 01:34 PM
Done, thanks for the info.

07-01-2011, 01:00 AM
bass sales are legal in NY and there is a commercial fishery all they are saying is fish caught in the hudson cant be sold

07-01-2011, 07:25 AM
Thanks for the updates and raising awareness, just sent my letter.
What Fin is explaining here is a problem that exists whenever they are allowed to sell striped bass legally. You will hear a lot of talk about how bass need tags for a legal sale to take place.

I can assure you that many bass are sold without tags in the black market.

The "well, the tage help to ensure that all bass sold are compliance with the law" argument is not an issue when that happens.

When the areas they are allowed to take striped bass from are varied within a state, this sort of problem arises. It becomes a big problem for enforcement with the DEC and other officials.

I added to my letter if he really wants to help save bass then make the sale of Striped bass illegal in all of New York


Nonetheless, I believe keeping the Hudson closed to Comm bass fishing is a sound scientific idea. For years they have stated that up to 4 million bass a year spawn there. There are also those who say the Hudson stock is fully recovered and has never been healthier. I strongly disagree with this. Those fishermen who fish that water regularly will also tell you the trutjh, if you start asking them.

More on this in the "State of the Fishery" Stripers and Anglers coastwide bass assessment.


07-01-2011, 12:34 PM
done, thanks

07-01-2011, 01:17 PM
Done deal thanks Fin

07-01-2011, 02:17 PM
Done, thank you.

07-01-2011, 02:33 PM
Nonetheless, I believe keeping the Hudson closed to Comm bass fishing is a sound scientific idea. For years they have stated that up to 4 million bass a year spawn there. There are also those who say the Hudson stock is fully recovered and has never been healthier. I strongly disagree with this. Those fishermen who fish that water regularly will also tell you the trutjh, if you start asking them.

X2 ds. There is no way that 4 million bass spawn up there. I usually go at least once a year with my uncle, and when it is good go as many as 5 times during the spawn. This year we did get some nice fish, but when I look at the big fish pics on the walls of the tackle shops there I feel like we got shorted. I also notice the dates on most of the biggest fish pics are like 3 and 4 years old. Don't believe the hype.
Thanks for the info finchaser,just sent mine.

07-02-2011, 09:01 PM
All they have to do is go to china town. I don't ever think it will be stopped but I sent mine in. Nothing will change unless we join together as one force.