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03-12-2008, 07:30 PM
GLenn Davis of DAVIS LURES has been a cedar plug maker for the last eight years but he is only known among the local New Jersey fisherman,who fish along the Jersey coast line along side of him. He slowly is getting known by out of state fisherman, who have purchased his plugs at the Asbury Park Fishing Club FLea Market held at Convention Hall once a year!
He is not operating a large business because plug making is just a hobby for him right now. He is busy running his Locksmith Business. He does not advertise because DAVIS LURES is not a business. He was just interviewed by Salt Water Magazine while he was selling his cedar plugs at the Asbury Park Fishing Club Flea Market. He presently just sells at the Asbury Park Fishing Club flea market because he has been a member of the club for over ten years.

Davis Lures offers two different sized Danny style wooden cedar plugs with a metal lip swimmers. These plugs are made strictly by hand because he does not use a duplicator. The small plug is 51/4 inches long and only sells for $20.00. The larger plug is 61/4 inches long and only sells for $25.00. These plugs come in a large variety of colors. He has used every color plug and they all catch striped bass!

If you would like him to make you a cedar plug just call him at (732)660-0075 or his cell (732)757-5615. You may specify the color you prefer. Thanks FISH ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-13-2008, 01:10 AM
For all who have clicked on this thread looking for more, I think they are in the process of loading some pics for you folks to check out his work. Give him a day or 3, and check back. I hope the pics will be up by then. In the meantime, give him a call at the numbers listed. He is a great guy, makes some beautiful plugs for very reasonable prices, and he would be glad to answer your questions.

03-15-2008, 11:03 AM
Davis Lures offers two different sized Danny style wooden cedar plugs with a metal lip swimmers.

The small plug is 5 1/4 inches long and only sells for $20.00.

The larger plug is 6 1/4 inches long and only sells for $25.00.

These plugs come in a large variety of colors.

This is a pic of two 5 1/4 inch plugs.

The 6 1/4 inch plug is not up yet because we don't have any completed at the moment.

03-21-2008, 12:38 AM
I think the one in front is the sweetest, nice work.

04-19-2010, 07:28 PM
the plugs are smoken:wow::drool: nice work glenn

04-20-2010, 08:35 AM
the plugs are smoken:wow::drool: nice work glenn
Welcome aboard Speedy! :HappyWave:
Where ya from and where do ya fish out of?

04-20-2010, 08:51 PM
thanks :HappyWave:nj. 8th ave asbury park :fishing:

04-20-2010, 10:41 PM
Hey Speedy, Welcome!

02-12-2011, 10:18 PM
I talked to Glenn Davis today.
A little update on how he's been....

He was just coming out of the woods with 2 deer. He went hunting with some friends of his, and they got 2 small bucks on the last day of shotgun season. :viking:

He'll be at the Asbury show in March. It will be the 12th year he's at that show.

Stop by the table and say "Hi" to him and his family. He's good people, and makes a nice plug that swims good. :thumbsup:

Nice talkin to ya today, Glenn, congrats on the bucks. :cool:

02-14-2011, 08:47 PM
Glenn makes some nice dannys. Not too big not too small.