View Full Version : this is getting old now
08-08-2011, 03:50 PM
:burn:i am looking for a job once more this is just a royal pain in the a$$ now same crap all over againwork got good then slow and now nothing well i guess its back to the warehouse for me but its steady work but it is what it is:2flip:
08-09-2011, 07:03 AM
Yeah the economy is in the crapper so many people losing houses jobs welcome to out sourcing evrything to foreign countries nobody can afford to run a business in the US let alone pay a good salary but thats how your govt. wants it bring in the illegals welcome to another part of Socialism just a fancy word for being a slave to your govt. no rights no money no anything unless they want you to have it.We can get rid of this guy if we stick together and if the next bunch isn't better it is time for a revolution against our own govt. we can probably run this country better without them.
08-09-2011, 07:30 AM
gjb, Sorry to hear that you are looking again, sux. I don't know if we'll ever create jobs the way we once had it. We used to make what we needed right here. Instead of a producing country, we now are a purchasing country. Too much negative change over the years.
I wish you luck.
08-09-2011, 09:18 AM
This is the worst economic cycle I've seen in all the years I've been alive, dude. The economy IMO won't start to rebound for at least another year, despite what the rosy projections are. We have people strugging everywhere, and on fishing sites you have guys asking for advice whether or not they should get their 5th VS/ Zeebass or not. :kooky:
Sorry to hear that.
08-09-2011, 01:14 PM
My wife lost her job. too gjb. These are rough times. Best wishes and hope things work out for you.
08-11-2011, 05:37 PM
i am so stressed it just to much i am doing what i did not want to snapping at everyone and i know its not there fault !!
08-12-2011, 02:18 AM
You aint the only 1 G. I am going thru some terrible times myself with finding any job. And to top it all off I have not fished! Hope things get better for ya!
08-13-2011, 11:01 AM
These are tough times. Regardless of what the economists/inteelectuals pols tell you we are in trouble in this country until we produce more than we consume. There are no two ways around it. Companies will not manufacture in this country due to cost. They can not be competitive with other countries. Recently a company in MA decided to manufacture solar panels here within one year of opening a multi million dollar plant they had to move the operation to China or their competitors would have put them out of business.
We are losing ground fast in the world economy due to the fact that we can not compete. Corporations are doing everything they can to appease stock holders and boost profitability and workers want standard of living to increase. Meanwhile our government prints money like the daily news. The whole thing is a recipe for disaster. Everyone is right but everyone is wrong. Without concession from all involved we are doomed.
The recent Verizon Strike is a perfect example of how both sides of an argument are right but wrong at the same time. The unions are not willing to make concessions and take rollbacks and the corporation is not willing to reduce profits. What this means for the Corporation is increased pricing on a legacy product that is losing subscribers. Meanwhile you have employees making on average of 71000 annually for a reduced work load with no layoffs due to contractual obligations. It is not sustainable. It is the same thing that happened with the automotive industry. Unfortunately in the auto industry they reduced the quality of the product to offset the millions the were paying in unproductive salaries. Japan came in with a better product at a competitive price and the whole thing imploded.
It is very simple we begin to produce and we reduce consumption and we will see a turn around. If we continue to write checks we can't cover we will be doomed.
08-13-2011, 05:56 PM
Great post JB. Very truthful, obvious. Its amazing the idiots who run this country (both parties) don't understand or actually have another agenda that disregards what is good for this country. We need legislation that let's our country compete over seas. Stop sending billions of dollars overseas to help other nations, our people need help (or forget about help, just a fair chance). Seems all the legislation or policy changes recently have been more geared to screwing the other political party than helping the people of this country. I really hope this turns around, if it doesn't I really feel that some sort of a violent quick revolution will take place. How long will it be before the general public has had it with this "screw the american public" policy? I also hope things get better yas, it is very tough out there.
08-25-2011, 01:10 AM
the ones who we put in office dont give a crap we work hard and still we get the shaft start doing like the old folks do some things for cash and then stash it get a another job they can get there taxes i will still be good:HappyWave:
08-25-2011, 12:45 PM
The recent Verizon Strike is a perfect example of how both sides of an argument are right but wrong at the same time. The unions are not willing to make concessions and take rollbacks and the corporation is not willing to reduce profits. What this means for the Corporation is increased pricing on a legacy product that is losing subscribers. Meanwhile you have employees making on average of 71000 annually for a reduced work load with no layoffs due to contractual obligations. It is not sustainable.
We all want to make money but some salary levels are unjustified. If the company is not making money and the unions keep pushing for more that company will ultimately cease to exist or start selling off the unprofitable divisions. Then there will be no union issues at all. This happened with Caterpillar tractor also, they were forced to locate their manufactureing out of the US because of union demands. Great post and analysis, jackbass.
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