View Full Version : HOT GIVEAWAY!! MAK surf bag FILLED & ready for action!!!!

08-19-2011, 06:16 PM
Amazingly we have some folks who really like this site and the inane drivel I post up sometimes....:laugh:

I've received some recent suggestions for a Fall 2011 MAK Surf bag giveaway.
Donated by an anonymous benefactor, :thumbsup: :HappyWave: what will be given away, will be a MAK surf bag, the 4 tube version. :bigeyes:

Details to follow in the coming days as I iron out the parameters for the giveaway.
Be assured that winning it has nothing to do with fishing ability, any member that fits the parameters can win,......

The most important thing that can get you this bag, is your love of the surf. :heart::fishing: :drool:

If you can convey that in the posts in this thread, you have a great shot at winning this bag and the fish catching plugs and goodies inside......

08-19-2011, 06:21 PM
Pebbles will be the judge, picking out the one post she feels best conveys why you love surf fishing.....

To whet some appetites, here is one pic of the bag.


As I finalize these rules in the next week, I will start posting some pics of the plugs and goodies that will be inside....

Stay tuned.....:drool:

08-19-2011, 07:01 PM
Awesome giveaway, thanks for the generosity! Assuming you don't want us to start till you post the rules, so let me be the first to say how awesome this is, good mojo on you all.
Is that enough *** kissing?:ROFLMAO :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

08-19-2011, 08:32 PM
hoo yeah baby!

08-19-2011, 08:34 PM
steve you can kiss a$$ but you have to do it right bro lmao

08-20-2011, 09:26 AM
Thanks Rich appreciate the giveaway.With Speedy Kissing butt I'll have to pull out all the stops to get this one LMAO!!!!!!

08-20-2011, 09:32 AM
The real challenge to the winner is what 4 plugs do I take when I go out.

08-20-2011, 10:34 AM
The real challenge to the winner is what 4 plugs do I take when I go out.

bro the tube s are big i think they are 3 or 4 inches round you can fit 2 or 3 plugs in each tube

08-20-2011, 10:37 AM
Thanks Rich appreciate the giveaway.With Speedy Kissing butt I'll have to pull out all the stops to get this one LMAO!!!!!!

bro i am not even in it its all yours COB. and i dont kiss ***

08-20-2011, 11:56 AM
and i dont kiss ***

Who said anything about you kissing ***? :scared:
Now, giving lessons on how to do it......maybe? :laugh: :HappyWave:

08-20-2011, 11:59 AM
The real challenge to the winner is what 4 plugs do I take when I go out.

Those tubes will already be filled with plugs, so the winner only has to grab the bag from wherever he keeps it, and head out into the surf... :drool: :cool:

Taking 4 plugs would only be a problem if your name was Monty.
Dude carries enough plugs to last for a lifetime on a desert island, you ever see his plug bag? :eek: :HappyWave:

08-20-2011, 12:03 PM
with speedy kissing butt i'll have to pull out all the stops to get this one lmao!!!!!!


08-20-2011, 12:48 PM
Sounds like a great giveaway, instead of the usual "I'm in" you get people to talk about why they love to fish. Good deal.

08-20-2011, 02:29 PM
:)Do you have to be a plug "ho" to get this, a surf rat, or can anyone participate?

08-20-2011, 04:30 PM
Taking 4 plugs would only be a problem if your name was Monty.
Dude carries enough plugs to last for a lifetime on a desert island, you ever see his plug bag? :eek: :HappyWave:
I tried this bag one time.....was a bit to much for the shoulder............

08-20-2011, 04:32 PM
Holy smokes monty it looks like you are a big fan of ml swimmers!

08-20-2011, 04:35 PM
I tried this bag one time.....was a bit to much for the shoulder............

hey i see a big rock in there lol

08-20-2011, 05:28 PM
Holy smokes monty it looks like you are a big fan of ml swimmers!
Yup, nothing like catching a Striper on a metal lip:wheeeee:.

hey i see a big rock in there lol
Got something like 28 plugs in that bag (was from 2008 I believe), think I went to my first plug show that spring and went bonkers :huh: ....

That bag was ridicules....seriously have no idea what I was thinking back then...could have gotten hurt carrying it....or mugged.

08-20-2011, 05:54 PM
That bag was ridicules....seriously have no idea what I was thinking back then...could have gotten hurt carrying it....or mugged.

Carrying a bag with that much weight means an extra 3 trips a week to the gym to work up to it. What a smorgasbord you have in there.:d

08-20-2011, 09:10 PM
Maybe monty doesn't want to be without the magic plug that works for the night. Did you ever have one of those nights, nothing else works but the green, yellow, or purple and black plug that you didn't bring with you? Your buddy has it and he only has one of them, and he is crushing the fish!
Great giveaway, look forward to it!

08-21-2011, 11:36 AM
:)Do you have to be a plug "ho" to get this, a surf rat, or can anyone participate?

Still ironing out the conditions bababooey, but the premise will be basic....

So....even though a guy like you needs to see all the other lemmings out there as an indication that the fish are there before he runs out to fish the surf..... :laugh: :HappyWave:

Convey why you love fishing the surf, in one paragraph or less, and you have as good a shot as anyone else at winning that bag.

Here's another pic of the bag to whet your appetites....


08-21-2011, 02:08 PM

08-24-2011, 06:23 PM
If you carried bombers and needles you can probably get 40 or so in there Monty and cover every color combo
I tried this bag one time.....was a bit to much for the shoulder............

08-25-2011, 10:40 AM
More pics, still writing the rules, sorry for the delay.



Surfstix, every time I look at one of the pics of Monty's all-purpose plug bags, and ask myself if all those plugs are reallly needed. I have to remember the way he fishes. He loves that wind and water in his face and likes the challenge of white water.

The bag, maybe at least subliminally, could represent an alternate PFD in case he gets washed away one night into the deep ocean (rumor has it that he has a special expandable foam cannister tucked in there connected to a super secret panic button)....:laugh:

Also, you gotta commend the guy for being so resourceful. I mean, if he actually does get swept away and ends up on a tropical island,,,, he's got enough fish catching stuff to last until he gets rescued....:ROFLMAO :cool: :thumbsup: (even if it takes 20 years!) :HappyWave:

08-25-2011, 10:53 AM
I think you guys are too tough on Monty. Haven't you been at the beach and they are catching fish on white bombers and all you have is the black ones? Then you will be kicking yourself for not bringing the white one. btw I would love to win that bag, thanks for the contest!

08-25-2011, 01:34 PM
He knows we are just busting them I gotta say I have honestly not been skunked when the fish are around and there is always something that will work(depending on what you carry a white bucktail will very rarely let you down) maybe they will out fish me but I will catch with something.

08-25-2011, 01:38 PM
The bag, maybe at least subliminally, could represent an alternate PFD in case he gets washed away one night into the deep ocean (rumor has it that he has a special expandable foam cannister tucked in there connected to a super secret panic button)....:laugh:

:drool:Secret button to a foam cannister, like James Bond. This is priceless. I want one too!

08-25-2011, 10:34 PM
:drool:Secret button to a foam cannister, like James Bond. This is priceless. I want one too!
:ROFLMAO....... That bag was waaaaay to heavy:huh:....but that Secret button, that was cool. :wow:

08-25-2011, 11:38 PM
there is always something that will work(depending on what you carry a white bucktail will very rarely let you down) maybe they will out fish me but I will catch with something.

I think thats why they put them in army survival kits. they are definitely a universal fish catcher.

08-26-2011, 04:15 AM
secret buttons and hidden chambers never get old, anyone remember Maxwell Smart?

08-26-2011, 07:09 AM
secret buttons and hidden chambers never get old, anyone remember Maxwell Smart?

And Agent 99 :heart:

08-26-2011, 03:56 PM
And Agent 99 :heart:

agent 99 is a blow up doll .....lmao.............. good luck people and be safe ....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-27-2011, 08:37 AM
^^ Hey, you got a problem with Agent 99, bro, she was in my fantasies too....:moon::HappyWave:

08-30-2011, 09:02 PM
Contest Rules...
1. All posts must be about why you enjoy surf fishing, or what surf fishing means to you.

2. Each post by a poster must be for a different reason although posters can have the same reasons (worded differently). If you used a reason in a previous thread on this site, feel free to research that post and post up again.

3. The poster with the most compelling reason will be selected at the end of the contest by Pebbles. Pebbles and I are ineligible.

4. At the time the winner is selected, that winner must have a minimum of
200 posts to claim the surf bag.
If Pebbles chooses a person who doesn't have 200 posts... they will win a consolation prize, an announcement will be made, and another choice will be made.

5. All entries must be in by 12:00 PM Oct 31, 2011,
right in time for the most productive weeks of the fall run. If you don't have 200 posts when you first enter, get cracking....this gives you approx 60 days to qualify...
Even if you're a new member, at 3 posts a day you should have no problem qualifying.....

Thanks to our mysterious benefactor who donated the MAK surfcaster bag, and a few other goodies. :cool: :clapping::clapping::clapping:
I also went into my stash and added enough to fill the bag and give whoever wins it the best chance of catching bass in the fall surf. :fishing:
Also thanks to those who keep sending in those letters and PMs of encouragement. :HappyWave:

You can enter as many times as you like..., with a different reason.
***Remember, your love of the surf, and your ability to convey that, is your key asset to winning this bag...we're not judging punctuation, grammar, or all that other fluff that people complain about on the internet.

And please, don't make it a page long, a paragraph will do...
Keeping it short and limiting it to a paragraph will help Pebbles judge more fairly.
We really want to avoid the page-long dissertation-type posts that I'm known for here :boring: just short and sweet.

Why you enjoy surf fishing, or what surf fishing means to you.

Retail Value of this package is somewhere around $200, pics to follow...

Thanks, people,. and good luck. :thumbsup: :fishing: :HappyWave:

08-30-2011, 09:04 PM
2 kinds of needlefish. One, a blurple bass killer with black teaser. The smaller one, I think a boone needle, stealth, gives you options when the sand eels are different sizes...

Redfin, standard fall bass slayer
Note, this one has rough sides.

Popper, jointed Danny, blurple Danny


08-30-2011, 09:04 PM
I picked up a box of old tins at a fishing flea market from an old timer who doesn't fish the surf anymore. He sold me the box, telling me to fish the hell out of them.

I've been kind of selfish with them, because ya can't get anymore like this.
But I want the winner of this contest to have one, it has mojo from an old salt. :fishing: :drool:
The hook is a swing hook. You can rig an eel on it, rubber, or a teaser, up to you how ya fish it.
If you fish it right, you'll be rewarded with large...

Along with a Deadly **** that our anonymous benefactor threw in along with the bag,,,,

Tsunami sand eels. No fall surf bag should be without a few....

08-30-2011, 09:04 PM

Salt water rattle trap. This is a classic fall presentation, and one of the best fish catching lures of all time. Heavy duty, to withstand the fall onslaught when fishing is good. :cool:

Another Danny, this one yellow.

The MYSTERY PLUG , so sekrit that it cannot be unveiled online....:laugh:
Endorsed by the OFFC and some of the other old farts out there... :drool:
This is a plug that will time and time again pull a fish out of the water when they are sluggish, not feeding, and when some will swear that no fish are there, but this plug will prove otherwise....best fished in a very slow presentation...

Standard fall small swimmers, Bomber mullet profile/Spook/Swimmer, unusual gold bomber, and a tsunami yellow/orange swimmer, guaranteed to **** off any bluefish within 100'. :viking:

08-30-2011, 09:05 PM
4. Rubber, jigs, and bucktails, covering all bases and levels of the water column....


7" black eels

08-30-2011, 09:05 PM
The only thing missing from this package for total successful fall fishing is the kitchen sink!!!! :scared:
(Ok, maybe a few avas, dead rigged eels, and pork rind) ;)
Other than that, if you can't catch a few nice bass using this bag and what's inside, you might as well give up fishin and play golf! :ROFLMAO

Have at it, people, and good luck!!!

The whole kit and caboodle!


MAK :drool:

What you will be getting in the mail., this and everything pictured, (except the bed sheet)...

08-30-2011, 10:03 PM
Why I enjoy surf fishing, because it is a chance to get out there at night, away from the bad day you had, and its just you and the surf, and maybe a fish, or a really big fish, you never know. Thats what makes it interesting.
Thanks for the chance.

09-01-2011, 04:47 PM
Dude I want this stuff!!!
I love surf fishing, it is the excitement of catching the big one! Even when the monster blues come in they are a lot of fun. I still love catching bass better tho, when it comes in and you see the striped pajamas it's a true rush! Thanks for the chance and thanks for all you guys do.

09-01-2011, 07:01 PM
Hey i'm in too.
The beauty alone is worth it. We have some of the most beautiful beaches on the Northeast coast. Yes for a few years we had problems with garbage, needles, etc. But where else can you go in the tri-state area and have about 100 miles of beachfront in one state alone? That is why many people from Pa, NY, Ct, and even Canada come to our beaches to visit. That's why I love it so much.

09-01-2011, 07:23 PM
It's genetic, and an addiction. Its the purest form of man versus beast. No electronics or mechanical assistance. It is your mind, knowledge and experiance tied into focus. It is overcoming fears to approach shorelines and weathered tides that the average person is running for cover from. It is the intensity that when everything comes together and the strike happens, and you must stand there alone to create a successfull landing. It is the sight of your quarry struggling against you as you bring it to bear, unhook, and release it to swim again. It is also the fillet in the pan, oven, or on the grill, and the memory of the catch as you enjoy its flavor. It is life....................

09-01-2011, 07:50 PM
JustEd I'm with you on all that, nice.

Thanks Big time Dark!!

I used to fly fish for trout, I approach fishing for Striped Bass the same way. Like looking for a hatch or bouncing a nymph off the bottom for trout, I'm looking for bait, a rip, bouncing an Ava over a sand bar for a fish to strike my artificial presentation. Its getting lost in the pursuit of Striped Bass or Blue Fish. Solitude, excitement, the rush (False Albacore will get those hands a shaking). While out there nothing else exists. A wave breaking over your head is exhilarating. The explosion of a Striper on a Popper will get that heart racing. Just being out there is mind cleansing. As JustEd said, its an addiction.

09-01-2011, 10:27 PM
Yes thanks very much dark and whoever gave that bag up, that's a sweet package.
I like the fact that you can catch the fish of a lifetime, in the NJ surf. You can catch a rinky dinky 5lb fish, or one that weighs 50lbs. Those 50lbers only come along once in a while, but if you are there right time and place you won the fish lottery. Great posts, especially Just Ed.

09-02-2011, 05:09 AM
I don't think I can state it any better than Just Ed did pretty much sums it up for me.

09-02-2011, 03:23 PM
While out there nothing else exists. A wave breaking over your head is exhilarating. The explosion of a Striper on a Popper will get that heart racing. Just being out there is mind cleansing. As JustEd said, its an addiction.

That was poetry, dude. Aptly spoken too, JustEd.

My reasons: there is something about the pounding waves, or the silent sunrise that builds to a crescendo if there are fish around (not many lately) and the birds and bait go nutz! There is the challenge of walking out on the bar, not getting wet in the trough, and keeping your position when the surf is big and knocking you around.
Catching fish is the ultimate goal, but there is so much more to it, it's hard to define in my head why I keep going out there. I just do.

Thanks for the chance, awesome idea!

09-02-2011, 05:26 PM
Catching fish is the ultimate goal, but there is so much more to it
Well said, I'm with ya on your whole post. I remember a day fishing with my brother in law on Island Beach, rough weather and wind. Low tide we got out on a sand bar. Just getting out there was a challenge, he went back to the beach, I stayed out there and picked up a nice Blue Fish on a metal lip plug and missed a few hits. Frieking loved it.

09-02-2011, 09:27 PM
The truth is I only fish the surf when it is nasty out and I can't get the boat out. My theory is why stand on the sand in one spot when I can move my lazy *** to a bunch of places to find some fish.:laugh: I do like it though, don't much like the crowds and the cell phone fishermen.
Speaking of cell phones, I have one request, if Pebbles was entertained by my answer and wants to award me this awesome prize I would gladly accept it and fish the surf more. My bag is a Bronco bag that is old and dirty. If by some small chance you don't think this is worthy of the best of the best here, perhaps you would consider me for the consolation prize, if I did make you laugh here maybe you can find a way for me to get on finchasers cell phone chain. It would make my life easier on those rare occasions when I do go out and mingle with you smelly fishermen, especially the ones who never wash their waders.:HappyWave:

09-03-2011, 07:08 AM
bababooey ...stop kissing a$$ it won t work bro now the wader thing you are on your own there bro:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laug h::laugh::laugh::ROFLMAO:ROFLMAO:ROFLMAO:ROFLMAO:R OFLMAO:ROFLMAO:ROFLMAO:clapping::clapping::clappin g:

09-03-2011, 11:05 AM
and mingle with you smelly fishermen, especially the ones who never wash their waders.:HappyWave:

I resemble that remark, you talkin about me? :scared:
My waders haven't smelt bad in at least 2 months...that may be because I haven't worn them for that long....between the yak and wearing shorts to the beach at night.....but I got your meaning.... :2flip: :moon: Have a great day, bro. :HappyWave:

09-03-2011, 11:48 AM
I like the quietness of the pre-sunrise, the way everything is dead quiet, and all of a sudden things come to life, the birds, the sun slowly getting its' colors up, the little movement of the baitfish in the surf, and the gentle breeze that tells you you are in the surf. That is the best time of the day to be at the water for me. there are not many people around, and I enjoy the peacefulness. I guess thats what I love about it the most, and the biggest fish I have gotten are usually around the hour of dawn.

09-03-2011, 12:11 PM
HO HO HO I'm thinking

09-06-2011, 05:33 PM
I like the challenge of facing the surf conditions and overcoming them. For example I don't think too many people are out fishing the surf in the last few days. If it does calm down and you are out there with a clam or something that will entice them, it is a thrill when you finally get a fish to bite.

09-07-2011, 11:27 PM
I agree with what surferman said. I am not too good yet as I mostly catch fish on bait, thats where my online handle comes from, lol. I do like that rush when you finally get a strike, and you reel it in without loosing it. It is also a peaceful way to spend the day with the family. Thanks for the chance, the bag and the stuff looks sweet!

09-08-2011, 09:03 AM
I love the smell of salt air and the crunch of sand under my wader boots & the sounds of the waves hitting the shore in perfect sequence in the darkness of night listen to all the sounds and you become one with nature from the cast to the retrieve to the silent chase of the fish then the explosion of water as he or she engulfs your plug then the battle begins win or lose for me surfcasting is a "Disease Which Has No Cure" "Until Death Do Us Part" "One Last Cast"


09-09-2011, 11:07 AM
Disease which has no cure, I like that. I fish the surf to do battle.

I have yet to land a surf 50, came close a few times, but not in the $$$. I will keep trying until I get one, and then maybe I'll try for one bigger. the reasons I try is to test myself. I think to be out there and fishing away at the times when other folks aren't trying is part of the thrill.

09-09-2011, 02:07 PM
The fresh air and clean water do it for me. They are like a tonic that invigorates you. I remember when we used to have the hypodermic needles washing up on the beaches. That hasnt happened in a while. I think the water quality has gotten a lot better in some of the surf areas. The excption would be these storms when all the garbage gets washed up. That makes me sad when I see that, like the Indian in the commercial.

09-09-2011, 02:23 PM
Gives me something to do in my pursuit of catching a striper mermaid . I'm quiting as soon as I catch one it's been 50 years and still haven't got one so i must continue on my quest.

09-09-2011, 03:47 PM
I would like to catch a mermaid too, I'd stash her in a SW tank in my backyard, and have some midnight swims.:cool:

09-11-2011, 07:48 AM
I love the challenge of the hunt. Just me against the fish. I stand on the beach, observing all that it has to offer both me and the fish. I put the pieces of the puzzle together and am rewarded by the thrill of the catch. My rod is bent, the fish is pulling and taking drag and there is still some mystery while I bring the fish to hand and admire her beauty. I revive the fish, watch her swim off and enjoy the rush of adrenalin that just hit me. That is what keeps bringing me back the the surf.

09-12-2011, 08:15 PM
I like what you said about catch and release novah. When I am fishing the relaxation is most important to me. I like to imagine every time I am out there, that the world record striper is cruising by. Do you think you could release it if you got one that big? I know I couldn't. I would have it mounted and put in my man cave. Still, it is a good feeling to catch and release any bass over 20lbs. There used to be a lot better chances fishing out there at night. The 90's was stupid fishing, and it was so easy to catch them. Now it is like you have to go to Montauk just top get in some decent blitzes. There is also a lot to be said for reading the water. I continuallly see guys tossing out bait and waiting, If you are not on the low part or channel of the cut you are wasting your time. Catching today involves stragegy like a chess game. That's why I still like it. Thanks dark and co for the constest, there are a lot of good answers here.

09-13-2011, 09:24 AM
When I am fishing the relaxation is most important to me.

You nailed it skinner. The relaxation is my number one priority on the list when I fish the shore. I don't really care if I catch a monster or not. Even if I catch nothing the night was still worth it. That's what works for me..
Thank you for the chance to win the bag.

09-13-2011, 10:58 AM
Relaxation doesnt even make my list........................ Exileration does

09-13-2011, 11:39 AM
What he^^^ said

09-13-2011, 11:45 AM
Relaxation doesnt even make my list........................ Exileration does
Exileration.....yes, after an outing the mind is reset, spent the time out completely engulfed in trying to catch fish, nothing else existed, mind is cleared/reset. I am usually sore for 2-3 days, getting older sucks.....but better than the alternative.

09-13-2011, 01:51 PM
Spikes on you feet, on the end of a snot covered rock, as they barely hold when a wave crushes you, as the drag screams............
Inky black night, with waves crashing the submerged reefs, riding a rip, rod bent double as the mystery of the yet to be seen Bass tows you in circles that even the strongest, largest fins on your feet keep you barely in control.............

09-13-2011, 09:01 PM
It seems some of you guys really live to surf fish. I get excited, but the passion and hardcore dedication expressed in some of these posts is way beyone mine.

It is like you have salt water in your veins or something. It motivates me to try to get out more this season. Thanks for that guys.:fishing:

09-16-2011, 11:28 AM
I started out freshwater fishing. Unless you target big lake trout, salmon, or big pike, there is a limit to the average fish you can get in fresh water. In the salt, you might get a bass 23 inches, or 23 pounds. The potential is there to have something pull half your line off in a drag scream. Whether its a cownose ray, big striper, angry bluefish, or false albacore, the potential is there. Thats one of the greatest things I like about it, the thrill of the unknown.
Thank you everyone for a chance to win this great prize. Although this may seem like *** kissing, I don't want it to be. You all run a great site and the people here are cool. Good job.

09-20-2011, 06:12 PM
Exileration.....yes, after an outing the mind is reset, spent the time out completely engulfed in trying to catch fish, nothing else existed, mind is cleared/reset. I am usually sore for 2-3 days, getting older sucks.....but better than the alternative.

Yes it is definitely better than the alternative monty. You can't fish when you are dead.

09-22-2011, 11:18 AM
I started fishing when I was around 3 y/o with my grandfather for blowfish he truly believed learning from your mistakes my younger brother asked if they bite and of course the answer was put your finger in their mouth and he did and got bit lol its probably why he don't fish but the salt in your blood I think it could be true even though that was 45 years ago I remember it like today I haven't stopped at all it was always my getaway if you will I've done offshore,inshore but its something about the surf maybe its that you need to use your mind and really think about the game plan like Ed has said above, he obviously has been at the game a long time here is a man you people who are just starting out should pay careful attention to he knows the game and also Finchaser these guys know their Stuff.You will only truly know if surf fishing is in your blood when it is taken away from you as it was for me going on 3 yrs next May I can't even put into words what it is doing to me this is why I know I'm a fisherman I'm not the best or worst and never want to come across as I am either.I tie my teasers and do my plugs but it is not the same as being out there one day I will be back out there as I,Ed,Fin,Dark and many others on here the effort is worth the couple of days of pain as we get older it doesn't get any better but it won't ever stop us.

09-22-2011, 11:42 AM
I started fishing when I was around 3 y/o with my grandfather for blowfish he truly believed learning from your mistakes my younger brother asked if they bite and of course the answer was put your finger in their mouth and he did and got bit lol its probably why he don't fish but the salt in your blood I think it could be true even though that was 45 years ago I remember it like today I haven't stopped at all it was always my getaway if you will I've done offshore,inshore but its something about the surf maybe its that you need to use your mind and really think about the game plan like Ed has said above, he obviously has been at the game a long time here is a man you people who are just starting out should pay careful attention to he knows the game and also Finchaser these guys know their Stuff.You will only truly know if surf fishing is in your blood when it is taken away from you as it was for me going on 3 yrs next May I can't even put into words what it is doing to me this is why I know I'm a fisherman I'm not the best or worst and never want to come across as I am either.I tie my teasers and do my plugs but it is not the same as being out there one day I will be back out there as I,Ed,Fin,Dark and many others on here the effort is worth the couple of days of pain as we get older it doesn't get any better but it won't ever stop us.

Thanks for the kind words Surf, If you are able to get out, I have a few, more than a few, spots that wont kill you.....LOL. Have Rich drive you up, I also know a couple of coffee shops he can hang out to wait for you while we get into a couple.... LMAO

09-22-2011, 04:14 PM
Sounds great to me Ed I can't wait to get out there again maybe next year.Do the coffee shops have sammies and the Desi chicks for him lmao so he feels at home

09-25-2011, 07:50 PM
Surf fishing brings me right to the edge of eternity. Stepping into the surf at night, basically the only time I fish, brings me back to my first surf fishing teacher, Old Joe. He was a Friend of Bill's and drinking had been a misery to him. Somehow, I never got the full story (I was afraid to ask, I was still drinking myself, although not around Joe), he got sober, found a wife in late middle age and became a relentless surf rat. He showed me the Jones beach and Moses stretch and we fished together for several good years until cancer carried him away. Joe would fish those desolate beaches at night and, when pressed, would say, "I was into fish". He never took pictures but I believe he hung a trophy or two in his time; strictly catch and release.

Since that time, I tend to fish alone and at night....it's the only time I can steal away from the job and family; I know Old Joe would nod sagely and say, "Watch your footing". Some of my best memories are of being on the beaches as the dawn broke, sometimes with the fish but often not.

I fish for the freedom it brings from the daily cares of life. The actual fish landed is a bonus. The time spent on the edge is precious. I measure the years in falls runs. I am looking forward to this one.....

10-01-2011, 03:40 PM
I like what you said, Mick, Think about all the rules and regulations we have in this counry, and especially in NJ. You start a business, you might need a license, and have additional fees. You want to do something in your house like put in a new bathroom, more permits, inspections, fees, etc. Yes we will eventually have to pay for a saltwater license which i am strongly against and have regulations about fish size. But as long as you follow those regulations and have your license, you can get out there and have freedom to fish, along the whole coast. No nagging wife or girlfriend, no boss yelling at you, no obnoxious family driving behind you at a stop light - you have total, uninhibited freedom to fish! The only think you can't do is fish naked, otherwise it is one of the last pure freedoms we have, this freedom to fish.

And that is why although I am not out there as much as you guys, I still like it a lot!

10-03-2011, 02:25 PM
I like surf fishing, but sometimes I feel it is a bit too crowded. I would like to go back in time to the 50's or 60's when some of today's real legends, living or dead, were just starting out, and the crowds didn't exist. I would also like to see the size of the fish they caught back then. I still like the surf because the action of the water and waves is calming, and helps you to relax a lot. Catching fish, like I think a lot of guys said here, is 2ndary. Thanks for the chance to win the bag, and keep up the good work.

10-07-2011, 09:32 PM
I like surf fishing, but sometimes I feel it is a bit too crowded. I would like to go back in time to the 50's or 60's when some of today's real legends, living or dead, were just starting out, and the crowds didn't exist. I would also like to see the size of the fish they caught back then. I still like the surf because the action of the water and waves is calming, and helps you to relax a lot. Catching fish, like I think a lot of guys said here, is 2ndary. Thanks for the chance to win the bag, and keep up the good work.

It is very cool to think of the generations of guys, now long gone, who fished the same water. I have a picture of my grandfather as a young man with a moby striper caught off of Lavalette. Great stuff.

10-09-2011, 07:43 PM
Surf fishing brings me right to the edge of eternity. Stepping into the surf at night, basically the only time I fish, brings me back to my first surf fishing teacher, Old Joe.
Since that time, I tend to fish alone and at night....it's the only time I can steal away from the job and family; I know Old Joe would nod sagely and say, "Watch your footing". Some of my best memories are of being on the beaches as the dawn broke, sometimes with the fish but often not.

I fish for the freedom it brings from the daily cares of life. The actual fish landed is a bonus. The time spent on the edge is precious. I measure the years in falls runs. I am looking forward to this one.....

:clapping::clapping: That is pure poetry right there, guy. Don't know how much better I could say it than that. It's like a primal drive for me, bringing me to the sounds of the water, the sights that you may get to see, and the heightening of your senses when you are out there at night and have to pay attention to the clues the darkness is willing to give up to you, if only you are willing to listen.:fishing:

10-10-2011, 11:23 PM
I will remain standing

by her blue seas.

Time moves on and the wind is my calling,

that sets me free each time is where I want to be.

From spring, summer, and fall

I will give it my all.

Her surf may be calm to the roaring white waters that rushes me

that is my calling from above.

I can see she knows what will set me free

to stand on sand beaches and rocky shores . . . there is no other love.

There is no other that moves me to go bye and bye

Just another place to sigh.

I have been to many places

and seen many faces

from Portland to Hatteras there is no other place

that you will see me along the shores

from sweeping beaches to cragged stones that I adore.

10-11-2011, 06:27 PM
I will remain standing

by her blue seas.

Time moves on and the wind is my calling,

that sets me free each time is where I want to be.

From spring, summer, and fall

I will give it my all.

Her surf may be calm to the roaring white waters that rushes me

that is my calling from above.

I can see she knows what will set me free

to stand on sand beaches and rocky shores . . . there is no other love.

There is no other that moves me to go bye and bye

Just another place to sigh.

I have been to many places

and seen many faces

from Portland to Hatteras there is no other place

that you will see me along the shores

from sweeping beaches to cragged stones that I adore.

:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:Dude that is awesome!
Your love of the water really shines through that.

I don't know how I could compete with that but I'll try.
I love the surf because that is some of the first memories I have of my grandfather, going to the beach at fire island before sunrise, staking your rod holder in the sand, and catching bass as the sun gradually rose over the horizon.
We fished clams a lot, but he also showed me how to fish worms, and tins, and some bucktailing. I remember when we first got a mess of bluefish and bass together early one fall morning. The air was crisp, you could see your breath, and there I was with grandpa catching fish after fish. After the beach we would get some ice cream on the way home and then go home to clean the fish. Those were some of the best times of my young life. I loved fishing with him. He died way too young and I miss him.

Every time I catch a fish I think of him and the things he taught me about bucktailing help me to this day to catch.
Thanks Grandpa.
And thanks to dark and all you do, and for the chance to win this awesome prize. Even if I don't win, this is a great thread, a lot of awesome thoughts are posted here.:fishing:

10-12-2011, 04:16 PM
Thanks 7deadlyplugs . . . Your reply is very moving and heartfelt. Just have fun.

10-12-2011, 09:00 PM
I read that poem too surfplug, it was pretty powerful. Although I don't read poetry that much, you said some very meaningful stuff there. Did you ever want to be a writer? If not you should think about it. Well done.

10-13-2011, 12:55 PM
Crosseyedbass thanks for the reply and I can say likewise to all the replies posted here. Interestingly in the hundreds of poems I've have written in all the years I have only started to write surf fishing poems in the last few months. I do write engineering reports for a living, but that would put many to sleep. Have a good fall run.

10-13-2011, 09:34 PM
I will remain standing

by her blue seas.

Time moves on and the wind is my calling,

that sets me free each time is where I want to be.

From spring, summer, and fall

I will give it my all.

Her surf may be calm to the roaring white waters that rushes me

that is my calling from above.

I can see she knows what will set me free

to stand on sand beaches and rocky shores . . . there is no other love.

There is no other that moves me to go bye and bye

Just another place to sigh.

I have been to many places

and seen many faces

from Portland to Hatteras there is no other place

that you will see me along the shores

from sweeping beaches to cragged stones that I adore.

Awesome prose Surfplug! Thanks for sharing.

10-22-2011, 08:18 PM
dudes this is a waycool contest sum of u dudes shud write and get paid u wud get mad dollars. i like to fish cuz it is cheaper than goin to the go go bars and i have fun wit my buds and smoke a few trees, and we dont get hassled only sumetimes cuz the mexicans ruined the bridge fishing and now we have more trouble getting to spots but we have fun anyway. well thats my entry lol

10-24-2011, 05:04 PM
Great thread fellas. The wind in your face, the waves crashing on the beach, the little tell-tale signs of baitfish moving in and out of the wash, or the working birds that sometimes clue you in that bait and fish are coming your way. The cast, trying each time to make that perfect one, the perfect presentation, so that it lands exactly where you want it to be. The slow retrieve, mimicking the wounded baitfish. And the strike, that addictive tug on the rod, that tells you you are in, and then it's your turn to battle with the fish and bring it in. Careful now, don't lose it, no slack, and bringing it through the waves and swell, to the point where you can see it in the surf, gleaming and glistening with life. Still not finished, you bring it out, take a quick pic, and slowly release that creature you have bested, back into the suds to swim again. You have fought, you have conquered, you have won, and it feels damn good!

10-31-2011, 12:00 PM
Surf fishing means to me…it’s like a box of chocolate …you never know what you’re going to get

But you have to buy the box to enjoy the taste of chocolate.:bong2:

I enjoy the process, making lure, finding new spots and just going out blind casting on my favorite spots just hoping something is there. And my favorite saying is “You should have been here yesterday” :)

10-31-2011, 06:09 PM
Surf fishing means to me…it’s like a box of chocolate …you never know what you’re going to get

But you have to buy the box to enjoy the taste of chocolate.:bong2:

Ha ha that is a very cool example!

11-01-2011, 08:35 AM
And the winner is................................................ . ?

11-01-2011, 09:37 AM
I can't pick the winner Ed, it wouldn't be fair and balanced. :HappyWave:

Pebbles has been a little busy but I'll see if she can take a look at the posts tonight or tomorrow and pick one of ya mooks out of all the great posts here.

Thanks all for your participation.
Thanks to our mystery benefactor for his extreme generosity...

And thanks to all of ya's for making this a helpful source of good information about fishin, and entertaining stories...whether you're a googan or an old wizened veteran, this place has something for everyone who loves to fish....

Since I've been so busy doing other things lately, I appreciate all the help and advice you members have given to others...I hope it comes back to ya 100 fold...
:clapping::clapping: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Stay tuned.....

11-01-2011, 08:39 PM
Surf fishing brings me right to the edge of eternity. Stepping into the surf at night, basically the only time I fish, brings me back to my first surf fishing teacher, Old Joe. He was a Friend of Bill's and drinking had been a misery to him. Somehow, I never got the full story (I was afraid to ask, I was still drinking myself, although not around Joe), he got sober, found a wife in late middle age and became a relentless surf rat. He showed me the Jones beach and Moses stretch and we fished together for several good years until cancer carried him away. Joe would fish those desolate beaches at night and, when pressed, would say, "I was into fish". He never took pictures but I believe he hung a trophy or two in his time; strictly catch and release.

Since that time, I tend to fish alone and at night....it's the only time I can steal away from the job and family; I know Old Joe would nod sagely and say, "Watch your footing". Some of my best memories are of being on the beaches as the dawn broke, sometimes with the fish but often not.

I fish for the freedom it brings from the daily cares of life. The actual fish landed is a bonus. The time spent on the edge is precious. I measure the years in falls runs. I am looking forward to this one.....

Mick2360 is the winner!

He really seems to have the same deep love of the solitude, and freedom that I feel within the deepest part of my being about surf fishing. The First sentence "to the edge of eternity" really was the cast of a lifetime in this story to win the surf bag. Congrats!:clapping::clapping:

11-02-2011, 11:28 AM
congrats mick

11-02-2011, 03:44 PM
What he said ^

11-02-2011, 04:51 PM
What they said ^ ^
I really like this part:

"I fish for the freedom it brings from the daily cares of life. The actual fish landed is a bonus. The time spent on the edge is precious."

11-02-2011, 06:58 PM
You really killed it with the first paragraph mick2360. Strong words that take you to another place, a place where nothing else matters, just you and the surf. Congratulations. I read that you have put a lot of tiime into Montauk this year with not many fish. Here's hoping the bag brings you some good luck, you deserve it. Fish on!

11-02-2011, 07:05 PM
hey mick that was way cool good luck to you this year, grats

11-02-2011, 07:16 PM
Way to go Mick2360. Well-said.

11-02-2011, 08:31 PM
Congrats to you Mick in winning the giveaway :)

11-03-2011, 10:59 PM
mick, congrats on the bag. And thanks for a truely meaningful post of what Surfcasting means to some of us, good times/memories.

Happy Trails

11-05-2011, 05:34 PM
Awesome writing mick, congrats.

11-13-2011, 09:38 PM
Nice going Mick.

03-10-2012, 07:00 PM
What they said ^ ^
I really like this part:

"I fish for the freedom it brings from the daily cares of life. The actual fish landed is a bonus. The time spent on the edge is precious."

Was searching the threads and found this. Awesome writings Mick!